Monday 29 May 2017

I want to believe that, by now, having considered the foregoing fifteen reasons and the supporting evidences on why those people want to Stop Sen.Smart Adeyemi By All Means Necessary, I believe you are now convinced beyond all doubt (reasonable and unreasonable ones included) that those who want to stop Sen.Smart Adeyemi by all means and at all costs are the principal enemies of WestKogi who must not only be stopped by all means necessary and at all cost possible but also be exposed to Kogites for who they are – enemies, pretenders, bigots, and felons! Anyone who still wishes to stop this Smart of a Adeyemi whom we have been discussing in this rather lengthy article represents the Beelzebub among our constituency demons that we have to exorcise at all cost, beginning immediately. They are well funded pretenders who only lie and, at best, tell misleading half truths to deceive many. Many of the enemies of our common goal vote incredible portion of their pocket money to fund this lying propaganda cartel that do not care what happens to Kogiwest reputation as far as Smart Adeyemi is not allowed to take any credit.
If you doubt this bold-faced claim, please I beseech you to be more watchful. You will invariably come to understand why so many fake, faceless facebook users, bloggers and ‘activists’, many actually jobbers, nowadays throng to social media and they have taken up well funded lucrative jobs in the Art of Joebashing; bashing the senator for any and every reason imaginable or fabricated. All they write about development news and activities of WestKogi is Nay-Nay; see and say nothing positive. Smart Adeyemi is their code word The bloggers and facebook latter day activists against Smart Adeyemi are each working very hard to earn their pay and cut their chunk of the largesse budget vote by their paymasters which have neither an ideology, discipline nor vision for Kogiwest other than the pointless pretext of “Smart is bad. Adeyemi is bad” – a case of purposeful purposelessness and directional directionlessness!
Apologies again for my intrappable Igodomigodo accent. Fellow WestKogites, on a final note, I urge you all by the mercies of God and for the love of Kogiwest (not necessarily any misleading individual, that by the next time that those wicked lying bunkums approach you demanding in all their sly and sophistry methods for you to hate or oppose your own popularly elected senator who is performing (those same people who seek to remove Senator Smart Adeyemi who we all see korokoro that he means very well for the constituency that we have been praying about) whether they approach you through their military wing ,or through their media wing that repeatedly lie, mislead and propagate only half-truths through the media, on the internet, or through their literature wing that write and leak open, closed, kiss and tell, kiss and refrain letters as a matter of habit, or their political wing (the paymaster wing) that treacherously and shamelessly claim that “It is ‘our’ turn ” without satisfactorily able to defining who are the “our” in the rule matrix. I have developed an appropriate phrase to employ in responding to those people. I hold the patent to this phrase, be warned. Always quote SME each time you use my invention or I sue you with immediate alacrity! God, I must work on this my Igodomigodo accent! E fit make person nor fit find work! Each time they confront you with propaganda and lies, just confront the haters and opponents of the transformation agenda in Kogi west with these final words after which you leave them to sulk and whine in your absence; “2015: End of Discussion, Smart Adeyemi Continua, Victoria Ascerta!”
Thank you for your special attention.
Alamoh Kehinde Samuel

Democracy Day: Ten Reasons Why Gov. Bello is the Hero Of Democracy.

I know some people who will find time to read through this article will be wondering if I have shifted grounds from opposing Bello government to becoming one of the 'Hailers' of the government.

Some maybe wondering if I have chosen today democracy day to defect as a mark for Bello's government strong regard for rule of law or for upholding the tenets of Democracy ever since the government came on board.

Whatever, the fact remains that i have carefully out of patriotic zeal, not to Bello himself but to Kogi state outlined ten reasons why Gov. Bello is the Hero of Kogi Democracy.

After doing a careful appraisal of the Bello government, I have come to a conclusion that Sen. Dino Melaye continuous bashing at  Bello's government is totally uncalled for, it's indeed a matter of sharing of elephant and you will agree with me that ever since Bello came in, he has indeed shared the fleshy part of the elephant and it has actually gone round the new direction lieutenants.

I have come to the point where I can agree with the unrepentant pro Bello Government that the governor remain our hero of democracy and as well disagree with Hon. Abiodun James Faleke that Bello and his body language is not killing APC in Kogi.
Infact, Bello government and body language depict the true hero of modern democracy.

I disagree with the aforementioned both, as well as with some of our power-brokers in the East and their friends in the West who believed that “Gov. Bello must be stopped at all cost”.
I disagree to the extent to which these ten reasons posited in this article applies.
I have asked myself, “Hey SME! Stop to think for a minute! Why do you think most of the stakeholders want to stop the Governor at all cost. They can’t all be wrong at once, can they?

I have come to realize that there must be something wrong with the Governor as everyone cannot be wrong at once, although the case of everyone of the Pharisee’s and Jew’s condemnation opinion of Almighty Jesus gives me reason to think that sometimes everyone could be wrong.

But what is wrong with Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello? Don’t tell me he is Jesus! To answer the above question, I have had to do thorough soul-searching introspection, and evaluation of the facts, the fiction and the faction in searching for the truth.
Luckily, I got the answers, which are listed in subsequent paragraphs as the ten reasons why the White Lion is the Hero of Kogi modern democracy.

I am sure that after this bizarre article many people will be very disappointed. It is understandable that some would not expect one who had been a vocal antagonist of the Governor to apparently do a 360 at this injury time. But there comes a time in the life of a man when he must obey his conscience and do what he believes in. This is such a time. And for those who would be disappointed after reading this article, I apologize in advance but what I have written I have written. I don’t give a damn! I am loyal to Kogi State, not to any individual. And I must obey the dictates of my conscience.

Today Democracy Day, I hereby join the Daily times in the brandishing of awards by also conferring on Gov. Bello the Hero Of Kogi Democracy.

Below is a list of the ten reasons why Gov. Bello is the Hero of Kogi Democracy.

1. Approved N260M for himself as security vote within 10days in office.

Barely a week after Governor Bello unexpectedly inherited the people's mandate, he approved for himself the sum of N260M as security vote.
Note that this N260M was released within a pace of 10days.

Today, I cannot say exactly how much has so far been spent as security funds, but documents obtained so far indicate that between January 27 and now, Kogi State taxpayers have coughed out billions to their profligate Governor and this funds are unaccounted for. Is that economically wise? 

This is the first and major reason why Gov. Bello remain our Hero of Democracy. I believed the Governor invested all the security funds in some hidden infrastructure in the state and thus remain our hero of democracy.

2. Approved N148M for furnishing and renovation of office within 2months in office.

While the Governor was getting Billions from security votes he equally approved N148M for himself under the guise of furnishing and renovation of office. The contract was awarded to one pseudo company called Maj Global Construction Company Ltd. Kogi state government office after renovation now competes with international state house standard such as the USA White House.

For renovating and furnishing our Governor office with a whopping sum of N148M, the governor deserves to be awarded the Hero of  modern Democracy.

3. Spent N1b on political appointees' cars

The Bello led government extravagantly and frivolously spent a whopping sum of N1Billion to purchase Ford Vehicles for political appointees. While it's not bad to buy political appointees vehicles in order to assist them in the discharge of their duties, the amount used for this purpose was obviously and deliberately inflated. How much were each of the cars bought and how many cars were bought? 

This questions still remain unanswered till today. The whole car deal were shrouded in secrecy.

 Gov. Bello indeed abhors corruption in line with President Buhari change mantra and therefore deserves to be our hero today being the democracy day.

4. Discharged over a million workers from the state workforce(Ghost workers)

Few months after he came to office, the governor embarked on workers screening across the 21 local governments and over a million government workers were unjustifiably and tactically discharged from duties. This thrown the state into hunger, despair and anxiety even as those that were were cleared are still being owed over 12months salaries up till today.

The opposition party PDP had said that the government’s mass sack of workers in the state public service under the guise of screening is most inhuman, wicked and unfortunate.
Another serious source of concern for me is the danger the illegal screening posed for education and health sectors. Affected are the Kogi State University, Anyigba where over 200 staffs have been discharged from work including professors and many teaching and non-teaching staff including the newly appointed vice chancellor.

The rector of the state polytechnic, Isah Muhammed, his deputy, the registrar, bursar and over 18 chief lecturers as well as 27 non-teaching staff; provosts of the Colleges of Education in Kabba and Ankpa; provosts of school of Nursing, Obangede and Health Technology, Idah were also affected.

I am still coming to the adverse effect of the unjust screening on our educational and health institutions.
Bello has sent many citizens to their early graves on the account of the superfluous and prolonged screening Which took over a year.
Discharging half of the state workforce is the height of mischievousness of a government against its citizens.

The same Bello today deserved to be awarded Hero of democracy.
The question is how much is the total wage bill of the state before the screening and how much now after the the screening? These questions has also remain unanswered till now. How come even those that were cleared are still being owed about 15months salaries despite accessing over N30b bailout fund and the Paris club refund of N11.2b.

5. Declaring State Pensioners as Ghost Pensioners.

Now let's talk about those that selflessly served the state all their lives. I am talking about the aged, those who are old and can do nothing or little to fend for themselves. I am talking of those living on pension scheme. The retirees. These are the set of people Gov. Bello declared ghost pensioners. I am talking about those that can be a father to the Governor.

''God knows that all my life my passion was to impact knowledge to people, and via this knowledge I impacted on people, many have become doctors, lawyers etc. I have served my beloved state for 35years with all my zeal. What baffles me is for me to be declared a ghost pensioner by the same state I served. I am old, sick and about dying, up to the extent of soliciting for help from the public. The government of Kogi state I served betrayed me, turning me to a beggar in the last phase of my life. Even if I die today and my pension is not paid, God will surely avenge my death and those involved in this act of declaring me a ghost will surely receive the punishment of God for such act of wickedness''

Above were the last words that came out from the mouth of a dying pensioner named Macauley O. Aimalakhiame in a letter he addressed to the Governor before he gave up the ghost last year.

There are so many pensioners like Mr. Macauley who had placed a curse on the governor while dying in silence.

Up till the moment, our hero of democracy is still owing pensioners 15months pension arrears despite the bailout funds and Paris club refund in his custody.

I will now address the issue of bailout fund and Paris club refund embezzlement by the new directionless government under the leadership of the White lion.

6. Squandered N30b Bailout Funds

The federal government released N30b to the state government to pay salaries and allowances.
While N20b is meant for salaries, N10b is meant for infrastructure.
Today the government can not give account of the whopping sum of money.
Neither was the money used to pay salaries nor was it used to build infrastructure.
The money meant for civil servants and Kogi infrastructure were diverted into personally use and other use.

A civil society based in Abuja, Egalitarian Mission for Africa accused the Governor and his Chief of Staff of diverting the funds to handling issues of elections and to fictitious non-existing projects at the expense of the state workers.
With the bailout fund and the reduction in the state workforce, one would have expected that all salaries arrears and pensions should have been cleared but alas Kogi state still ranked topmost among the states owing workers salaries with over 15months unpaid salaries.
Indeed the Governor deserves to be our hero of democracy.

7. Squandered N11.2b Paris Club Refund.
glaring diversion of the funds into phony, bogus and outrageously contracts in Kogi state hence the anti graft agency should not hesitate in probing the Kogi state government.

Read more at:

glaring diversion of the funds into phony, bogus and outrageously contracts in Kogi state hence the anti graft agency should not hesitate in probing the Kogi state government.

Read more at:

The Paris Club Refund of N11.2b released to Kogi State by the federal government went the same way and manner the bailout funds went. The funds were obviously diverted into bogus and outrageously contracts in the state. None of the funds has been accounted for as i write this article.
while Kogi workers are dying and suffering over 15months unpaid salaries, government officials are smiling to the banks.

“The allegations of corruption in the spending of the London Paris Club loan refunds have also exacerbated poverty, social exclusion, and violated the government’s obligation to use its maximum available resources to fully realize the right of all persons especially workers and pensioners who are the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

8. Abuse and reckless use of power 

Governor Bello also deserve to be our hero of democracy for abusing the powers attached to his office.

There have been cases of illegal and indiscriminate arrest and detention of perceived political opponents.
Just some months back there were report that the Governor now have a private police station inside the government house where a a journalist was detained indefinitely for writing against the government.
One of the opposition PDP youth leader was also indiscriminately arrested and detained even when granted bail by a competent court of law. Such is the Governor's love for the rule of law and due process.
A radio station was reportedly burnt down for airing the ills of the government.

Hon. Jame Abiodun Faleke's car was attacked and shot at by unknown assailant and up till now the government has remained silent on the issue, same manner Sen. Dino Melaye was attacked in his country home by now identified criminals because of daring to speak up against the government ineptitude. There are many more cases of infringement on citizens rights and privileges.

9. Deliberately closed down all the Higher Institutions in the State.

The adverse effect of Bello's government mismanagement of funds meant for salaries and pension is now telling hard on all the state higher institutions.
All the tertiary institutions in the state had been under lock and key for months now over unpaid salaries and allowances and wrongful dismissal of institutions staff under the guise of screening.

The government shows no concern over the plight of the helpless students they wickedly kept at home doing nothing.

This is the height of wickedness and irresponsibility of a government.
The future of Kogi youth is now hanging in the balance, where it swings nobody knows.
When the students took the matter in their hands and protested, they were mercilessly beaten, arrested and detained. This is what the future of Kogi State has been subjected to in the hands of our hero of democracy.

10. Crippled the State Health Sector

Doctors in Kogi State went on indefinite strike to push the government to pay outstanding salaries and arrears.

The doctors allege that the government had failed to clear nine doctors after providing necessary documents as required by the screening committee, under-payment of salaries and arrears of doctors that have been paid, implementation of a new tax regime without commensurate promotion and stepping down of doctors in the state civil service, and advertisement for employment of more doctors, despite the inability of the administration to implement adjusted Consolidation Medical Salary (CONMESS).

The doctors also warned any doctor who may decide to pick up employment with the state government to be cautious.
This where we have found ourselves as people. What a shame.

I want to believe that, by now, having considered the foregoing ten reasons and the supporting evidences on why the Governor remain our hero of democracy, I believe you are now convinced beyond all doubt (reasonable and unreasonable ones included) that those supporting the Governor by all means are the real enemies of Kogi State who must not only be stopped by all means necessary and at all cost possible but also be exposed to Kogites for who they are – enemies, pretenders, bigots, and felons! Anyone who still wishes to support this government whom we have been discussing in this rather lengthy article represents the Beelzebub among our constituency demons that we have to exorcise at all cost, beginning immediately.

They are well funded pretenders who only lie and, at best, tell misleading half truths to deceive many. Many of the enemies of our common goal vote incredible portion of their share of our common patrimony to fund this lying propaganda cartel that do not care what happens to Kogi reputation as far as the Bello is in power.
If you doubt this bold-faced claim, please I beseech you to be more watchful. You will invariably come to understand why so many fake, faceless facebook users, bloggers and ‘activists’, many actually jobbers, nowadays throng to social media and they have taken up well funded lucrative jobs in the Art of Joebashing; praising this government for any and every reason imaginable or fabricated. 

All they write about development news and activities of Kogi is Good-Good; see and say nothing negative.  – a case of purposeful purposelessness and directional directionlessness government!
Apologies again for my intrappable Igodomigodo accent. Fellow Kogites, on a final note, I urge you all by the mercies of God and for the love of Kogi State to continue to pray for Kogi State total deliverance from the hands political termites. 
From all the points outlined above can you call the Governor the hero of democracy?
Thank you for your special attention.
Alamoh Kehinde Samuel(Aks)

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Omoluabi Olabode Adeyemi call on all stakeholders to support Acting President Osinbajo in the enforcement of the new Executive orders

Africa Media Roundtable Initiative (AMRI), a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) said the three executive orders issued by Federal Government recently would boost investment and infrastructure development in Nigeria, if properly implemented.
Executive Director of the organisation, Mr Omoluabi Adeyemi, stated this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Monday.
He commended the Federal Government, especially the acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, for issuing the orders.
Osinbajo had on Thursday signed three federal executive orders on “Ease of Business, Fast-Track Budget Submission and Promote Made-in-Nigeria Products’’.
Adeyemi described Osinbajo’s action as a demonstration of capacity, depth, courage and readiness to lead.
He expressed optimism that if properly implemented, the new polices would reduce bureaucracy in business as well as boost investment in the country.
“They are policies that will achieve a lot of progress and benefits in the economic, infrastructure and social development for Nigeria.
“What is required now is for government to follow it through particularly in the area of implementation, because implementation and regulations have always been the bane of achieving results.
“We can be sure that if government implements, particularly the ports-related issues, there will be huge revenue generation that will be occasioned by truly decongested and corruption-free ports.
“There will also be huge investments and business drive into our country; this singular decision made by the President is one that needs our support,” Adeyemi said.
He, however, urged all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and stakeholders, especially the private sector, to give the needed cooperation that would ensure success of the policies.
The executive orders gave specific instructions on promotion of transparency and efficiency in the business environment designed to facilitate the ease of doing business in the country.
It also gave specific instruction in promoting local contents in public procurement by the Federal Government.
The order also includes timely submission of annual budgetary estimates by all statutory and non-statutory agencies, including companies owned by the Federal Government.
It, however, stipulated sanctions and punitive measures meant to address violations where necessary.

Coup rumor: Nigerian military constitutes panel to unravel officers’ culpability

The Nigerian Military has set an administration panel to investigate the motive behind recent romance between its personnel and some politicians in the country.
This was even as the military declared that contrary to rumours in some quarters that some of its officers had planned a coup against the present federal administration, there was nothing as such.
The military said it was loyal and committed to President Muhammadu Buhari, declaring that any coup attempt from any quarter would not have the backing of the Nigerian Armed Forces, insisting that it was committed to working for the sustenance of the ongoing democracy in the country.
To this end, it enjoined Nigerians not to be afraid of any coup, saying all levels of its commands were out there administering troops to remain focus and be conscious of the oath of allegiance they took to guide the constitution of the country.
Director of Defence Information, Major General John Enenche, who briefed the media, Wednesday, in Abuja, alongside the directors of information units of the Nigerian Army, Air Force and Navy, reassured the general public that there was nothing like coup being contemplated in any area in the country.
Although Enenche was evasive in confirming that a panel had been set up to that effect, his statement gave room for belief that a panel was set up secretly last week.
Answering question in this regard, he said: “It was reported that some of our personnel have been exchanging visits and that for undisclosed political reasons. What I will tell you here is that like I said earlier on, we have set in as it were for that particular case, an administrative machinery.
“It will not be good for us at this point to tell you something that may not be true and to retract it, it will not be healthy for the general public.
“Let us allow time and administrative procedures. Particularly, when you talk about possible investigation, it takes some little time and I believe we are still within that little time. So, be patient.”
It was gathered that the panel secretly constituted last week, by the military authorities, was given the mandate of interrogating suspicious officers with a view to ascertaining their levels of culpability or otherwise in the alleged action.

David Mark envious of me for succeeding where he failed – Ortom

Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State has fired back at the immediate past Senate President, David Mark, for recently mocking his government’s distribution of wheelbarrows to Benue youths, claiming that the lawmaker’s statement stems from envy.
While commissioning Brick House and the chapel at government house in Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Mark was reported as deriding his state governor, Ortom for distributing wheelbarrows to Benue youths while other governors were busy constructing roads and bridges
The lawmaker representing Benue ‎South at the Senate said, “While people are commissioning rods, commissioning bridges, commissioning good projects, in my own state, Benue, we are giving out wheel barrows to empower people, so you can compare and contrast.”
Reacting through a statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Tever Akase, the governor said Mark’s comment showed that he was only envious of his achievements after failing to make any impact as number three in the nation for eight years and a sitting senator for eighteen years.
The statement reads, “We listened to the comments made by the Senator Representing Benue South Senatorial District, David Mark at a function in Port Harcourt where he compared developments in Rivers and Benue States.
“Mark accused Governor Samuel Ortom of ‘giving out wheelbarrows to empower people’ when, according to him, other states are commissioning projects.
“We do not intend to belabour the issue of wheelbarrows which we have already made clarification that the carts were donated by the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons, NCFRMI, for victims of armed herdsmen attacks in the state. Perhaps only Senator David Mark is not aware of this fact.
“Mark’s statements smack of a man who has obviously been disconnected with the very people who voted him. His utterances also exude envy against Governor Ortom who is succeeding where Mark has failed. In Benue South which Senator Mark represents, the Ortom administration has embarked on a number of projects for the people.
“Agatu which is a local government area under David Mark’s senatorial district affected by herdsmen attacks is today peaceful owing to the security initiatives of Governor Ortom. The people of the area have not hidden their joy and have been appreciating the Governor for ensuring the return of peace. We are not aware of any effort Mark has made to curb the crisis as a serving senator representing the people of that part of the state.
“Senator Mark certainly owes the people of Benue South an explanation on why the Otukpo-Enugu federal highway is still a death trap after many years that the contract was awarded by the government. Mark used the road project and his perennial promise for the creation of Apa State as campaign lullabies just to ensure his return to the red chamber of the senate on five occasions.
“It is rather unfortunate that Mark has failed to see the deliberate underdevelopment of the state by the government of his political party, Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, particularly the part of the state which he has represented as senator for nearly 20 years. It is within the same period that Mark rose to become President of the Senate, the number three helmsman in the country for eight uninterrupted years and had ample opportunity to address the development needs of the people.
“Township roads in Otukpo where Mark lives anytime he is in the state were abandoned by the PDP administration with Senator Mark doing nothing for as many years as their government lasted in power until the All Progressives Congress, APC, administration assumed office and concerted efforts at addressing the neglect of the town commenced.”

How Buratai saved Nigeria from coup – Aregbesola

Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola, on Tuesday stated that the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai, averted coup in Nigeria.
Aregbesola made the declaration at the Osun State House of Assembly in Osogbo, the state capital.
He urged the House to pass a resolution commending Buratai for his thorough professionalism and belief in the current democracy.
The governor also called for a probe into the coup allegation with a view to bringing any erring officer to book.
Recall that Buratai, last week, said he received information that some individuals were approaching some officers and soldiers for political reasons.
Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman, Director Army Public Relations, said on the basis of that, Buratai “has warned such persons to desist from these acts”.
Aregbesola, however, canvassed for a change in the mode of legislative representation based on only geographical space to more modern criteria like occupation and professional categories.
His words: “I have also made the strident call for a political system and practice that is best suited for our clime, which will bring inclusion and amount to real political empowerment for all the people.
“I have, after our revered leaders, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Bola Ige, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and others, all convinced federalist, argued that for a plural society like ours, true federal practice is a minimum condition of statehood.
“We are so diverse as a people that anything short of true federalism is an invitation to chaos.”
Meanwhile, the presidency has reacted to the media reports on coup plot.

Bello is killing APC in Kogi-Faleke

Hon. James Faleke was Prince Abubakar Audu’s running mate during the Kogi State governorship election. He spoke on Governor Yahaya Bello’s style of governance and the future of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the Confluence State.

What’s your assessment of the political situation in Kogi State?
The political situation in Kogi State is very dicey for our party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) because of the various happenings; the claim by civil servants about the non-payment of salaries, the counter-claim of the governor that he has paid all. As at today, tertiary institutions are closed, according to their workers, for non-payment of salaries and arrears. As at today, health institutions are in comatose for lack of salaries to the workers.

Unfortunately, Kogi is a civil service state. There are no industries. So, the moment the salaries of those civil servants are not paid, the economy of the state will be in comatose. So, I can clearly tell you that our party has a problem in the state.
What are the party leaders doing about the Kogi scenario?
I don’t know. I think that, realising the situation, the national secretariat called a meeting of stakeholders to investigate the true position and make recommendations. So, we have presented a position paper on the way forward. A situation where you work and somebody is taking an advantage of your efforts is a very bad situation for our people. I am not even talking about the governor. He won in the court. There is no problem with that. The governor is the governor, but he has refused to be father of all. If you win in court; I was the one that took him to court, it wasn’t the party members that took him to court. I expected him to take over the party and carry every member along; give them opportunity to serve. They are all well-educated. This governor has appointed as at last count over 200 aides, from commissioners to SSAs and out of the 286, only 43 are original APC members. You can just imagine that the rest are PDP. That’s is the crux of the matter. You engage sole administrators and virtually all your sole administrators, except very few, are original APC members. If our people and party members went to the poll against the PDP members and you now engage those PDP members we opposed at each polling unit, they are now the ones dictating the affairs of the state, you know psychologically, the APC members will not be happy and that’s what exactly is happening. It is not about hatred for the governor. No. I think he needs to do the right thing.

How do you juxtapose a situation where workers are not paid and Kogi legislators are now on their way for Ghana for training?
When I saw it, I was surprised. That was because it was least expected. I expected the House of Assembly to be people-sensitive. If your civil servants, the people at home, are not happy, and you are travelling to Ghana, what is there in Ghana that does not exist in Nigeria? One would have expected them to defer such a training in the interest of the people. They had received many resolutions against the non-payment and technical retrenchment of workers. They had passed so many resolutions. The governor has not obeyed one. They are insensitive. I am surprised. I am shocked. Not at this material time that they will go for a jamboree in Ghana. Train about what? We have the legislative training institute in Abuja. They can get trained anywhere within Nigeria. They can even bring in professors, experts to Kogi. When they bring them to Lokoja, those people will lodge in one hotel or the other and the economy will be oiled somehow. But, I think they know better. The people know best.

Has the governor made any personal overture to you to, at least, effect what can be described as reconciliation?
Not at all. But, honestly, I am not expecting any personal overture. Since he became governor, he has not called me. I am not expecting any personal overtures from him because I am a democrat. I felt that the decision of the party was wrong. I challenged it. I went to the court to challenge it and so, we move on. That’s part of democracy. It is constitutional. Now, the Supreme Court has said that, if you want to be a running mate, you must participate in the primary, which was not part of our law before. It will be very difficult for our electoral system in this country if you are asking that a governorship candidate must choose someone that competed with him as running mate. That means you are causing chaos from the outset. There will be conflict of interest. I was not expecting any personal overture. What I was expecting from him was that, while I was in court, the governor would have taken over the party from the Audu/Faleke family. I expected him to have given them a lot of privileges so that by the time I finished at the court, I will be the one struggling to be relevant among party members. But, he is the one struggling to be relevant with the party members. Governor Idris Wada owed just three months salaries. We went for elections. We used that three months arrears to campaign against him. Today, civil servants say our governor is owing them over 14 months , some six months. Some have not been paid because of the screening method or other things. If that is the case, our party in a nutshell has a long way to go. It will find it hard to crack in the next elections. No amount of money that can be stolen and used to bribe the people that they will obey. Our people are ordinarily republican. This is the first time they are coming to resist because of the campaign strategy we deployed. Unfortunately, we have not managed our success very well.

If the governor cannot work with Faleke, Alex Kadiri, Clarence Olafemi and Dino Melaye, who was supporting him before, how would you now describe the style of the governor?
I think the style of the governor lacks maturity. He lacks maturity in his handling of state affairs. He was not prepared. It was a gift given to him. Unfortunately, because he didn’t work for the gift, he does not know how to go about it. He can’t do it well. We have three senatorial districts. This is the first time I am seeing a sitting governor in Nigeria with less than 10 per cent support from three senatorial districts. We conducted a poll, less than 10 per cent of respondents liked the governor. I want to use this opportunity to ask him to send credible people to go and conduct a poll for him so that he will see whether people like his style or not. He must know that Kogi is a civil service state. At the moment, the civil servants are not happy with him. It is very serious. Unlike Lagos State, which is industrialised, ours is a state where people benefit from the local government system. As at now, the salaries are being owed. You have sole administrators you give N10 million or N5 million per month. The rest is managed by Edward. Edward is the Chief of Staff. Local government administrators and their staff cannot withdraw any money without the approval of the Chief of Staff. That is the situation. All the accounts of each local government have the correspondence domiciled with the Chief of Staff. If a withdrawal is made, the alert goes straight to the Chief of Staff’s phone. And the Chief of Staff will then call you, Mr. Sole Administrator, what’s that money for? That is the type of system that is being run in the state. The governor must wake up to his responsibility. This is the first time you will have a young man as governor. As a young man, I expect him to run the affairs of the state better than this. This is the first time a governor will come in and demolish an entire roundabout. Lokoja is the first capital of Nigeria. We had that roundabout built by the previous government. The present governor got in there and demolished it. He believed that the roundabout had some black power, fetish power in it. And what has he replaced it with? Drums, empty drums. You now use empty drums and put sand and used it for a roundabout in a modern Nigeria. To me, the governor needs to sit down and take responsibility for whatever happens. Nigeria is more enlightened than what he thinks. There were some arguments going on in a certain medium. The number of professor in a particular village in Okunland is more than 30. So, if you have these caliber of men and women scattered all over Nigeria and the world, the governor should have called a summit and say, okay, let’s think about how to develop our state. He should call a summit of intellectuals to discuss the economy, to discuss the way forward. By virtue of the location of our state, we have no reason to be poor. We are the gateway to everywhere. You can’t come to the South without passing through Kogi. You cannot go to the North without passing through Kogi State. This is the unique advantage. Apart from the roads, we have the sea. If you could go out and sign an agreement with NEWAL or the Federal Government and attract World Bank funding, you can develop the seaport. That was part of our programmes. Develop the seaport and Kogi will open up. Every cargo going to the North, going to the East will be diverted to the Lokoja seaport. Onitsha is less than one or two hours to Lokoja. So, you can imagine the opportunities that we have. If we have a very good governor, he should know that Lokoja is so close to Abuja, two hours drive. There is nothing stopping him from seeking an intervention fund from the World Bank or other sources to develop a fast rail system from Lokoja to Abuja and develop a massive housing project whereby people living in Lokoja and working in Abuja will leave by rail and it opens up our economy. Oh my God, what do we have? I want to talk less. I am not happy about it.

How can insecurity be tackled in Kogi?
Let me say this. One way or the other, he has put security as one of his key areas. So far, he has provided mobility to the police. But, when the people are hungry, when there is no work, when you are laying off staff technically, you should expect that that fight against insecurity will come back to haunt you. Boko Haram or no Boko Haram, history shows that it started in Kogi. I am not talking about Borno. But, majority of those who had been arrested found their roots to Kogi. So, one will expect him to find a better way of handling it. When you arrest somebody or kidnappers and you go ahead to dismantle their houses and mosques, you are causing more troubles. I think that as good as his intentions, people are hungry. You cannot achieved a totally secured environment when people are hungry. I will advise him to seek more knowledge and work with the people rather than alienating the people. This is the first time we are having a government of a young guy in the state and the best he has achieved is to put gates, barricades all across the GRA and fence off the Government House from the people. Throughout the campaigns, we drove along the GRA. We passed through the fence of the Government House. Today, you dare not do that. Even, those living in the GRA may now have to be taking permission to go in and out because he has fenced everybody off. If you do that, what about those constituents who do no have fences around their houses? You must give this psychology thing to the people, to say that I am with you. This idea of fencing off people is not the best.

In the light of what you have said, what does the future portends for Kogi and your party?
The future will be bright. God has a purpose for what has happened. For me, the death of Prince Abubakar Audu is a lesson to me and to everybody. I believe strongly that he will wake up one day and touch the mind of the people. Some people hated him till he died. I am shocked that, up till today, that there is no condolence letter from the Federal Government to the family of the late Prince Abubakar Audu. I am shocked. I think whatever happened in the past in their relationship should not be carried up to the death. That is politics today. nobody knows tomorrow. I want to say to our people at home to believe that God has time for everything.
Culled from Kogi Reports

Igbo first settlers in Ile-Ife – Igwe Achebe

Former governor of Anambra State, Dr. Chukwuemeke Ezeife, has said that it is either Nigeria is restructured into six geopolitical zones or it goes into referendum to decide if the country will remain as one country or disintegrate.
Ezeife also said the Southern Peoples Assembly, SPA, will soon meet to take a decision on whether the people of southern Nigeria will participate in 2019 elections if the country was not restructured.
He went further to pre-empt that it is possible the people of southern part of Nigeria will boycott the election if President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration does not restructure the country immediately.
In fact, Ezeife gave Buhari’s government an ultimatum to immediately convene an urgent national summit, which its agenda, he suggested, would be to adopt a framework for the inevitable restructuring.
Ezeife made the statement, yesterday, when he chaired the First Chinua Achebe International Conference organised by the Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
At the conference, the Obi of Onitsha, HRM Igwe Alfred Achebe, said the late prolific author, Chinua Achebe, would always be remembered by Ndigbo for projecting the Igbo world view, the history, culture and cosmology.
Achebe said the Igbo society existed beyond what Achebe recorded in his books, disclosing that a recent history book has ascribed to the Igbo as the original settlers in Ile-Ife and whom Oduduwa met, other than the present contest between the Ife and the Ugbo sections in Yoruba land.
Igwe Achebe, therefore, tasked the academia in the University of Nigeria to conduct further research that would either authenticate or dismiss the new study on Igbo origin and settlement.
Most speakers at the opening ceremony of the three-day international conference freely used Chinua Achebe’s book entitled, “Things fall apart” to satirize the present political and economic crisis in Nigeria.
Ezeife said: “Today, the centre cannot hold any longer in Nigeria. Are we going to watch things fall apart and allow Nigeria disintegrate?
“Today, all speeches have been going in the way of referendum. It has come to a stage where it’s clear that if nothing is done, there will be no more Nigeria.
“My appeal, therefore, is that all hands must be on deck and all brains at work, otherwise the country will exist no more. First, there must be restructuring. After that and we don’t like it ,then any other things can come .”
Director of Institute of African Studies, Prof. Emeka Nwabueze, said the conference was a celebration to honour the sage, Chinua Achebe.
Nwabueze said the institute decided to host the first Achebe conference since Achebe was a member of the university community.
He disclosed that all institutes of African Studies in the world will converge in UNN by November this year to draw a blueprint on how best to teach African studies.
Other persons who spoke at the conference included the former Governor of Imo state, Chief Ikedi Ohakim; former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Viola Onwuleri; veteran actor, Pete Edochie, among others.