Tuesday 8 August 2017


August 08, 2017

While I seek your indulgence to stand by the existing protocols, I am highly delighted to be here as a special guest of honour in this all important programme. I seize this opportunity to express special appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency Alh. Yahaya Bello the 4th Executive Governor of Kogi State who has deemed it necessary for this program to see the light of the day.

This timely program titled “SECURITY BEING THE KEY TO YOUTH EMPOWERMENT” is a necessary weapon to hold on to. Kogi State today is governed by a man who holds firm the importance of security and qualitative empowerment programs to heart. It is however, pertinent for this program to unveil to all and sundry but particularly the youth the importance of youth empowerment as a pivotal mechanism in dealing with insecurity in the state.

Youths are the machinery by which the foundation in respect to security can be firmly built on in any human society. Empowering the youths in qualitative program enables them to become conscious of the dangers inherent in insecurity of lives and properties. Hence, when youths are well empowered, we can be certain that security of the state becomes enhanced and undistorted. This is because youths who are positively engaged via productive empowerment will invariably have no time to engage themselves in deviant criminal behaviours frowned at by the state.

It is on this note that I implore Individuals, Corporate Bodies and Non-Governmental Organizations not to see youth empowerment as the sole responsibility of the government. This is because empowerment fused together by these entities will definitely create huge awareness for youths in the society to become highly engaged productively. This engagement will therefore deter the youths from seeing pleasures in any act that threatens the security of the state.

I want to use this opportunity to admonish members of the society on the inherent importance woven around security of the state as youth empowerment plays important roles in the fight against insecurity which threatens the development of the state. Like I would always say, a person who is successfully empowered is bound to be a catalyst to many successful persons who of course will spring from the chain of his well empowered program.

The youth must reciprocate the gesture of government by keying into this program by being volunteer agents who will be constantly on the lookout for individuals and group of persons whose activities have the potential to foist insecurity and make this information available to appropriate security agencies. If the laudable improved security situation in the state is sustained, more investors will come to the state and this will translate to more employment opportunities for the youth. Security is the business of everyone and the quest to ensure Kogi State remain safe is achievable with the success of this bold and commendable initiative.

The security of our state can only be threatened when we fail to engage our youths in areas that will yield developmental transformation to the state. A deviation from the vitality of youth empowerment is tantamount to engendering insecurity in the state as the state will be filled up with idle youths which of course justifies the axiom that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

I will end my note leaving us with questions which I expect the answers to ring in our head now and even after this program.

If youth empowerment is truly a key to fight insecurity in the state and security is everyone's business. Who then should be responsible for empowering the youths of our dear state?

Thank you all and God bless you.

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