Sunday 15 October 2017

ODA Election: OYC demands level playing ground for aspirants.

The Okun Youth Council(OYC) has call for a level playing ground for all aspirants in the coming Okun Development Association(ODA) elections slated for 20th Oct, 2017.

Alamoh Kehinde Samuel(Aks) who spoke on behalf of the council commend the leadership of ODA for the forth coming election , the unanimous decision taken by the wise men leading ODA is worthy of our commendation and as a youth council we are solidly behind this decision, this demonstrate internal democracy and unity.

The council said there must be a level playing ground where the aspirants will test their popularity, democracy is not monarch, we don't want any crown prince, let the delegates decide who leads them, therefore we are solidly behind a transparent election that will provide a level playing grounds for all the aspirants, that is where we stand, let the popular candidate emerges and we will be sure of good leadership, peace, internal democracy within our association and purposeful representation.

We therefore also call on individual Okun youth not to engage in verbal attacks against one another as the over all development and progress of Okun land is more paramount than any individual aspiration.

Recalled that Barr. Femi Mokikan and ACG Jimmy Olumudi are the two major aspirants jostling for the exalted office of the National President of ODA.

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