Tuesday 5 December 2017

Skill Acquisition Empowerment for Okun Youths & Okun Film Show

Greetings to all Okun Sons and Daughters at home and in the diaspora, it is my sincere hope and belief that very thing about you all is fine.

I have two very important pleasant pieces of information that I want to share with you

1) *Skills Acquisition*
A very prominent Son of land has expressed very deep interest in realigning our taste for traditional values, including entertainment. Towards this end, he has volunteered to sponsor 15-18 youths, (12 males and six females) from all the Local Government Areas in Okun and Oworo (three from each LGs). The  training centre is  in Oyo town, Oyo State.

He has expressed willingness to hand over the selection processes and  management of the trianing to ODA. This role involves selecting the 15-18 youths; identify the training centre and confirm admission details such as academic sessions, resumption dates for new trainees, fees, etc; ODA is to also monitor the seriousness and participation of the trainees, take part in their graduation and celebrate their induction at a place in Okunland whenever they complete the training programme.

 It is the  hope and wish of the sponsor and ODA that upon successful completion of the training , they(the trainees) will commercialise their new trade, particularly during individual or group celebrations, in churches all over their domains, and in whatever way they know. They may even become trainers to others.

The individual God is using for this has gracefully volunteered to foot all the bills- training fees, accommodation, and a stipend to support the training. He has however expressed strong desire to keep  his name out of public domains. He insisted that his identity should not be disclosed.  Failure to adhere to this will automatically frustrate the project. For this reason, in reverence to his wish, we shall conceal his identity.

ODA will work out a framework for the selection of the successful youths for this and announce same to you all in due course.

2) *Using Films to Teach Okun Core Values*

Amazingly, another very prominent individual has come up with a fantastic idea of a film that will gulp several millions in two or three parts.  The proposed film has as its theme *ENDURING LEGACIES OF EDUCATION, VALUES, AND PERSEVERANCE AGAINST INSTANT GRATIFICATION, THUGGERY AND HOOLIGANISM.*

The cast of the film- the actors and actresses, will be 90% Okun actors and actresses and the balance of 10% will come from the South West. This is because the medium of communication will be in Okun dialects. The said film will be  shoot in different locations including various towns in Okunland, and also in Lagos and selected towns in the South West.

The  sponsor  has already contacted a professional that would meet with the ODA when both of them have concluded arrangement(s)

Again, ODA is to champion this including getting a script writer from amongst our Profs, Scholars and any other competent individual that will put the concept in script form.

The beauty of this is that when completed, the film will be formally    premiered  in Lagos and all the proceeds will go to the account of ODA for its projects. Once the production team is assembled, there will be a short colourful ceremony in Lagos to kick off the project.

Surprisingly, the individual (just like  the other)does not want his identity disclosed until at the launching.

Who says  2018 will not be more glorious for Okun?

Should you have any suggestions for the ODA Executive on any or both of these, please send them across as you did on our message on funding.

Thank you

*Femi Mokikan*
National President
Okun Development Association.

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