Monday 1 January 2018

Kogi Speaker bribery allegation, the truth.

My attention has been drawn to a malicious statement released by the media aides to Kogi State Speaker in respect to the just concluded Okun Students National Convention where he falsely allege that I collected the some of N150,000 to conduct election for Okun students and another N350,000 to conduct Miss Okun Beauty peagent.

This allegation is not only false, baseless but it also displayed the level of Mr. Speaker ignorance.

I previously decided not to respond to the unfounded allegation but I can no longer continue to allow the media aides of Mr. Speaker deceive the public to cover up the legislative excesses of Mr. Speaker and his direct involvement in the whole saga.

The public should note that I was never the Electoral Chairman or member of the electoral committee saddled with the responsibility of conducting the students election to have received N150,000 to conduct election for the students and neither was I part of the organizers of Miss Okun Beauty peagent or a member of panel of judges for the beauty contest to have received N350,000 he alleged.

The narrative:

To set the records straight, the speaker called me a day to the election and pleaded I see him in his Hotel, which I respectfully did.

On getting to his Hotel he approached and promised to release a sum of N500,000 to me to support his younger brother for the position of Senate President for the students association, I refused and demand that all students and delegates must be carried along and equally advised his younger brother to go back to work.

After several attempt to convince me without success, he said I should see him the next day before the election.

Before leaving the hotel that day, in the presence of about twenty students I pleaded with him to support the outgoing President and Electoral Committee for the conduct of their programs which he immediately released 350,000 and 150,000 to them respectively in the presence of everyone. To Mr. Speaker, my plea for him to give his support was an opportunity for him to bribe his way into the beneficiary heart in favour of his brother as against the general interest of the students. Prime Abubakar who is a member of the electoral Committee collected the N150,000 directly from Mr. Speaker on behalf of the committee while the outgoing President collected directly from the Speaker the other #350,000.

This is the #500,000 the media aides said I collected. Just to deceive the public and cover up for the Speaker.

I don't believe I have done wrong for helping a body(NAOS) I helped build raise fund for their programs.

The narrative:

The Speaker was bittered and disappointed I refused to support his candidate who is not popular among the students both in Kabba and Okunland.

Kabba/Bunu students and delegates presented a consensus candidate for the position of Okun Students Senate President but Mr. Speaker decided to use money to work against the People's wish and I said NO and hell was let loose.

The position was zoned to Kabba /Bunu and the people rejected the Speaker's candidate, I supported the popular candidate and Mr. Speaker promised to deal with me.

On the election day in Aiyegunle Gbede, he called me through his most unqualified candidate to come over to Kabba for the release of the N500,000 he previously wanted to force on me to support his younger brother, instead of discussing the money I told his candidate(Speaker's brother) to come down to Aiyegunle Gbede for the convention so he could contest the election, I told him its more honorable for him to contest the election but he never showed up.

The Speaker later released the N500,000 to some group of people to arrange a fake list of excos after the election has been conducted by the Electoral Committee. The fake list was written on the Speaker company letter head paper inside his Hotel.

These set of people shared the money #100,000 each, Prime Abubakar who was expected to be in Aiyegunle Gbede with others Electoral committee members was in Speaker's hotel in Kabba, he collected another #100,000 from the second tranche of the bribe to sign the fake list, so others who collected the money signed the fake list.

It's so sad that those elected to represent the people are the one misrepresenting the people.

I challenge Mr. Speaker to make public proof or evidence that I collected #500,000 from him in his Hotel or anywhere else. I have also consider taking the matter to court to press charges against Mr. Speaker in order to get clear myself and name from lies from the pit of hell.

The manner and ways the Speaker and the Senior Adviser on Students matter, MD Eseyin, subjected the name of the Governor into disrepute and disgrace among the students community shows their level of incompetency.

Reason Mr. Speaker insisted on imposing his younger brother on Okun Students at all cost will soon be unravel with names of those involved.

Alamoh Kehinde Samuel

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