Sunday 29 April 2018

Dino’s Arrest and Failed Recall, downfall of PMB and GYB

The Arrest and Recall of Dino Melaye is the downfall of President Muhammad Buhari and his son Governor Yahaya Bello.

Written by Joseph Ozigis Akomodi, New York, USA
The indigene of Kogi Central – Nigeria

My fellow Countrymen and women, I am ecstatic that the people’s justice was delivered to President Buhari and Governor Yahaya Bello today by the people of Okuland. I cannot be more proud of the Okuland for shaming the President of Nigeria in conniving with his son Adoza Bello to plot and arrest Dino to enable the recall process.

God in his infinite mercy has disgraced them. As I said in my last article about this Dino arrest a young man Dino is rising while the President Buhari and Governor Yahaya Bello are now taking a nose dive falling from grace to shame. I am particularly angry about President Muhammad Buhari; this is a man I so much adored during my youthful age while I was a young man in Bauchi the former North Eastern State. Then our now President, was my Governor. Everyone of us as the youths in the North Eastern State adored him. He has allowed himself to be misled by a kid called Governor Yahaya Bello.

The biggest mistake of any President to do was to get himself involved in the recall process and allowing INEC to even conduct the recall process, in it by itself is an impeachable offense of the highest order. That is obstruction of justice which is impeachable by the definition of Nigeria Constitution. I do not understand the kind of advisers or aids the President have around him? That is absolutely shocking.

Dino Melaye by definition and age, could be Buhari’s son. You do not stage a fake recall and thinking it will not backfire in your faces. Is Dino arrogant yes he is. Is Yahaya Bello arrogant yes he doubled that of Dino. Despite the crazy allowances and salaries that senators earned and the crazy embezzlement of state Governors and the refusal to conduct local Government elections and the unending fake screening by your son Alhaji Yahaya Bello in lieu of placing stooges in offices to say yes sir to the Governor when asked to jump they will say how high. That in itself is corruption and the President sat in his comfort zone Aso-Rock to allow this shame of recall process of Senator Dino Melaye.

The President cannot tell the educated elites that he has zero knowledge of the staged recall of one of the Kogi State Senator. The relevancy you have created for Governor Yahaya Bello to do whatever he wanted is what prevented you to call him to order when he categorically refuses to pay civil servants. It is okay to chase shadow but it is not okay to cautioned your son who has starved his people and many to death. President Buhari could not tell me he is unaware of his deeds in Kogi State. Meanwhile, he is constantly in Aso-Rock to have Friday Jumat with the President.

I still truthfully cannot disrespect you because of the kind of past leadership you have exhibited while I was a youth in the then North Eastern State. The capital then was Maiduguri. I can understand, you were probably in your 30s then. I know age also must have set in. We knew you then as a man of zero tolerance for wastefulness. You urge the youths then, to focus on our education that we are the leaders of tomorrow.

Silence over issues means you concord, if all these happened without any iota of any statement from you about Dino’s recall and arrest, that means you are in conformity with the actions. However, INEC cannot take a decision to conduct a recall without your approval or knowledge. That is basic facts.

The lesson we all learned in the failed recall of Dino is simple that Nigerians all around the Nation are fed up with the Leadership of the current Government of Kogi State. As President and as the former Head of State, I am sure those who came before you paved way for you to succeed in your political endeavor and education per say. If at this junction, those in the leadership role are witch hunting each other where is the fair of God? As a true Muslim which you are. Is Dino Melaye very critical of your leadership yes he is. That is what democracy is all about. The freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion which you and I enjoyed in a Country Nigeria and the rest of the world that is following the democratic system of governance.

This message to the President Buhari and Governor Yahaya Bello is for you to retrieve from witch hunting political opponents whether in the same party with you or not. A true democracy is for the citizens to have certain rights. I critic the President of United State all the time from President Bush and now President Trump nobody has sent police to arrest me because it is our basic fundamental human right.

I urge you to retrieve from petty criticism of you. President Jonathan was the most critic President in Nigeria he never sent anyone to arrest anybody. That is the power of democracy. If you and your son Governor Yahaya Bello failed to retrieve, I can equivocally guarantee you that history will not vindicate you and your son Bello. A word is enough for those who are wise.

I prayed that Nigeria will be a Country where all of us can be proud about. I left Nigeria for a long time but Nigeria never left me. Rule and let others rule. I urge you the second time to make a history not to re-contest in this coming election. I am expecting you to set the stage where you could be recognized like Mandela all over the world. Good legacy is what you need no matter how many years you spent in a leadership role if there is no good legacy your efforts will be in vain. As for integrity, you have it. You have a lot of sycophants in your administration that is why you cannot complete all the promises you made during your campaign. Besides, Ajaokuta is still on my mind… Adieus!

Joseph Ozigis Akomodi, Indigene of Kogi Central
New York, USA

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