Saturday 13 April 2019

NASSLAF fitness programme: Sam Melaye commends the beautiful start says Sport is the most unifying tool for peace in the world

By Gideon Ayodele

The chairman National Assembly Legislative Forum today commends the members for attending the first NASSLAF fitness programme and hails the effort put together by the chairman of the sports committee to ensure that the programme takes off on a good note.
Melaye said "for the first time in my life, I was struck by the thought that sport is the most unifying and inspiring development and peace tool in the world".

"other social activity brings people together in such great numbers, and with so much passion and enjoyment.
The sport chairman, Mr. Kigsley Nchor stated that Regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, sport is enjoyed by all; its reach is unrivalled. More importantly, though, sport promotes universal values that transcend language and culture.

I saw this again today with the beautiful initiative of the Comrade Sam Melaye led NASSLAF Executive at the first legislative aides fitness programme.
By playing together, these legislative aides were unwittingly learning the universal values of respect abd tolerance.
It was a victory for NASSLAF and sport.
Moments like these show that sport has huge potential to effect social change. Sport and physical activity improve individual health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally, and teach important values and social skills. But sport doesn’t just empower on an individual basis; it also unites and inspires people collectively, which builds organisations as well as communities.
The chairman therefore urge other members to join the programme as its going to be a continuous excercise.


  1. This is good for health, the organisers should be commended and appreciated while the leader deserve encomiums


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