Thursday 29 August 2019


It is with profound gratitude to Almighty God and deep sense of humility that I use this medium to congratulate the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency for the judgement delivered today, 29th August, 2019, by the National Assembly Elections Tribunal in Abuja, which upheld the mandate you freely, willingly and enthusiastically gave me on Saturday, February 24th, 2009, as your able servant and Representative at the Federal House of Representatives.

With all sense of humility and modesty, I see the victory verdict -  as delivered by the Honourable Judges of the Tribunal – as a collective triumph, a triumph of the people’s will, regardless of our respective party affinities.

I wish to wholeheartedly express my deep appreciation to all my Elders, Leaders, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Friends, Colleagues, Associates and numerous others, within and outside Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency for their prayers, love, support, concerns and good wishes during the course of the case at the Tribunal. It is my earnest prayer that Almighty God will reward your labour of love and raise people for you at every point of your need, Amen.

Moving forward, just as I said in an earlier message after being declared winner of the House of Representatives, I further renew my vow to continue to serve our entire federal constituency with revitalised  passion and commitment towards the political, economic, social, infrastructural and institutional development of our area.
At all times, I shall continue to strive with unflinching fervor and unalloyed purposefulness towards enhancing the growth and development of all our towns, communities and villages.

Finally, I wish to once again salute and commend my dear brother and worthy opponent, Wemimo Jones, for his efforts. I wholeheartedly extend a hand of fellowship to him and all other genuine stakeholders from our federal constituency to join hands with us so that decades from now, coming generations can appreciate our good legacies
This Tribunal judgement should serve as a necessary fillip to our collective aspiration towards overcoming all that divided our people in the past as we resolve to work together and actualize  meaningful development for our Federal Constituency.
Again I thank you all for standing by me and I look forward to our concerted effort towards achieving a better future for coming generations through our purposeful, and productive partnership.

God bless us, all, Amen


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