Tuesday 29 October 2019


Permit me to once again use this medium to congratulate the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency, for the Appeal Court ruling of Friday, October 25th 2019, which upheld my election as your able servant in the House of Representatives.

Indeed, it is gratifying to note that the Judiciary rose above blackmail, enticing offers, ceaseless propaganda and crass intimidation by anti-democratic forces, rudderless officials and shadowy personalities to uphold, confirm; at the Elections Tribunal and Appeal Court, the mandate freely, willingly and enthusiastically given to me by the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency on Saturday, October 25th, 2019.

No doubt, the past nine months has been emotionally tasking, resources-consuming, energy-taking and time-wasting. It was a long period of challenge, anxiety and apprehension. Almost on a daily basis, one was treated to varied degrees, dimension and proportion of blackmail, deceit, propaganda, outright falsehood, mudslinging and character assassination. Also, one heard, saw and discovered outlandish desperation, despicable and unimaginable recourse to immoral, indecent, unethical approaches to turn the hand of justice.

However, in all of these shenanigans, as a people who have absolute trust in Almighty God, we were unruffled and unperturbed. Though worried at times, as expected being humans, our faith in God to soar above every difficulty was never in doubt. The Good Book in Psalm 34:19 declares that, "good people suffer many troubles, but the Lord saves them from all," (GNT Version). "the godly face many dangers, but the Lord saves them from each of them" (NET Version). Jeremiah 20:11 "But the Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten." These  profound scriptures  became our anchor for inspiration, hope, faith and assurances during the long period of electoral and judicial battles.

As we moved from one stage to the other,  while others boasted in their access to funds, connections, contacts, power of incumbency and other powers, we unashamedly put our trust in the Rock of Ages. Also, one was confident that with the continuous collective prayers of the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency, victory is assured on all sides. One was positively hopeful that regardless the evil plots, negative machinations and nefarious orchestration by certain anti-democratic forces and anti-people elements, the pendulum of victory would swing to our side.

Happily, God in His infinite mercy, through the Appeal Court, heard our respective and collaborative supplication by, once again, giving the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency total victory. By this judicial triumph; being the final bus-stop for litigation, all persons, individuals and groups seeking to thwart and change the peoples-will as regards our dear Federal Constituency have been defeated.

For this, I wish to give all glory, power, honour and adoration to the King of kings, Lord of lords, the ever-lasting and ever-living God for all His mercy, presence, protection and power at all times. Also, I wish to wholeheartedly express my sincere appreciation to all my Elders, Leaders, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Friends, Associates, Colleagues and numerous others within and outside Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency for all their prayers, concerns, support, love and good wishes during the course of the entire electoral litigation. It is my earnest prayer that Almighty God will reward your labour of love, and raise people for you at every point of your need, Amen.

With the distraction of these needless legal battles now over, just as I have continually declared since my election on Saturday, February 23rd, 2019, as your Representative, I wish to further renew my vow to serve the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency with utmost focus and sincerity at all times. I shall continue to strive, with unflinching fervour and unalloyed purposefulness,  towards enhancing the growth and development of all our communities, towns and villages. I am determined to serve our dear Federal Constituency with revitalised passion and renewed commitment towards the political, economic, social and infrastructural development of our area.

At this stage, I wish to once again, as in the past, wholeheartedly extend my usual hand of fellowship to my brother and opponent;   Wemimo Jones, and all other genuine stakeholders from our Federal Constituency to join hands with us, so that decades from now, coming generations can appreciate our good legacies. The Appeal Court ruling, rather than divide or deepen the political gulf between us, should serve as a necessary fillip and timely springboard for effective and efficient collaboration in actualising further development in Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency.

Finally, I most humbly  thank you all for standing by me at all times, not minding
my imperfections. Going forward, I respectfully seek and look forward to our concerted efforts towards achieving a better future for coming generations through our purposeful and productive partnership. God bless you all Amen.

Member, House of Representatives,
National Assembly
Monday, October 28th, 2019.

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