Wednesday 4 December 2019

Yahaya Bello: Dino Melaye’s Nemesis

A lot of people wouldn’t have given a chance to knowing or studying what nemesis really is, except the conventional bible teaching, referencing and perhaps, stories and myths related to the play of nemesis handed over through tales and folklores. While a fruitful discussion with a group of progressives was ongoing, the word nemesis popped up and it became petinent, to know what it deeply means.


Simply put, nemesis, summarily means the inescapable agent of someone or somethings downfall! It could be through a friend or foe; most times through ones rival, arch-rival, arch enemy, antagonist and even protagonist in varied cases.


In the ancient Greek, nemesis is known as Rhamnousia or Rhamnusia. Her name was derived from the Greek words nemêsis and nemô, meaning "dispenser of dues." Rhamnousia is the goddess of Rhamnous who is believed to be in charge of indignation against and retribution for evil deeds and undeserved good fortune. She was the personification of the resentment aroused in those who committed crimes with apparent impunity, those who have inordinate ambitions and uncouth good fortune.


Nemesis i.e Rhamnousia, is believed to be responsible for checking excesses or undue luck, favour gotten through tricks and pranks, especially at the detriment of persons or group of people through the back door; little wonder she was seen as an avenger or punishing divinity. Another swift but interesting meaning of nemesis as researched, is a person or thing that is very difficult for someone to defeat or conquer. In other words, people you helped bring in through the back door could just be your bad luck, antagonist or nemesis.


One of the underlying factor, that  looks catchy is the fact that nemesis has a symbol; Like justice, her symbol, like that of justice is also a measuring rod or scale, "osuwon" in yoruba. Does it now mean that nemesis is justice? If not, does it mean justice and nemesis are Siamese twin conjoined with no option of separation? This I believe is debateable probably in another discussion sometimes later.


If the questions raised in the paragraph above seems true, then it will be just pertinent to say that, the ousted Senator Dino Melaye has met his nemesis in his protégé and once hurriedly arranged mentee [Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State].


Initially, when the rumour of recalling him started, a lot of people took it with a pinch of salt not knowing that the actors involved have beautifully mastered their act perfectly and are ready to unleashing the terror continuously until the targeted is captured. It looked as if they left no stone unturned as reality began to unveil itself on the recalcitrant Senator. Although, the recall didn’t sail through or wouldn’t have sailed through as plan, but for Dino’s antagonist, it began the case of a no retreat no surrender until the target is captured.  


Again, a deep research showed that nemesis doesn't fight a no just cause, meaning that you must be involved in a particular act before she strikes. So, for the Western senatorial district people of Kogi State, Dino was involved in the pull him down syndrome and the cause of the reason why it was not an Okun man that became the governor, immediately after Prince Abubakar’s death which then turned the already perceived won and lost election to an inconclusive one.


Moving forward, everyone in that axis believed that, Senator Dino Melaye, was involved in enthroning the incumbent Yahaya Bello as governor of the State; after being offered incentives in kind and otherwise. This again, to them answers the many whys of Bello becoming a dispenser of dues to Dino. So what caused the crack, the fight and the war? He Dino as said, wants to have absolute control of Bello. Does it look like greed, undue fortune or influence or impunity? Totally yes!!!


Not even the court that Senator Dino ran to at that time could safe or halt this recall process as it where, but, it took his people who people felt he betray to rise again to the occasion; having felt, that even if his punishment is due, it should be served him from home not by a total stranger. When it looked like he was not going to get a second term ticket and votes back into the red chamber, Senator Dino Melaye went round his senatorial district, begging and showing signs of remorse and change. This again got him back to power, but as soon as the "ajekun iya" crooner got his re-election back, he recanted back to his old ways of pride and showmanship. As fate will have it, his election was nullified at the tribunal and appeal court; sending him back to square one, his enemies and old foes, seems to be at work again. This further confirms the adage that advices anyone who wants to dine with the devil to please make sure they have a very very long spoon.


Of all the past Senators produced from kogi West senatorial district, none of them had the ill luck of been badly battered, bruised and boxed to the corner like the present Senator Melaye who happens to be the youngest among them to have taken a senatorial seat from that axis. Painfully so is that, the man that midwife his exit, is the same man he foisted on people has God's will for the state. If Yahaya Bello as purported by SDM is God choice for the state, then whatever he does (including chasing Dino out of power) is God's will and must be accepted by all without questioning. Although, he [Dino] looked like a cat with nine lives. The nearest feature will show, if he has exhausted all his live lines, or if he will bounce back strong and fit.


Another lesson learnt from this episode is that, as much as you help outsiders, please extend same to your kinsmen because when outside becomes too hot, you won't have an option than to return home. Just imagine, that SDM was not overtaken by self aggrandizement, he would have thrown his weight at the emergence and enthronement of his kinsman; today, this unnecessary bickering and show of strength wouldn't have turned so messy before it is nipped in the bud.


Though Senator Melaye characteristically felt, he could cause GYB a sleepless night but more than the proverbial child that won't allow her mother sleep in the night, he himself will not only keep vigils but will also be deprived of taking a nap at day time.


This brief research into nemesis, drew the conclusion that, Yahaya Bello sadly, is the "dispenser of dues" to Dino Melaye his benefactor. He [Bello] is the male version of Rhamnousia who is assigned by destiny to avenge Dino's purported wrong doing to the entire state because of present and personal gains.


We can only wish him luck as he heads to court in seeking justice for his mandate, after loosing so much to this re-run election.


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