Monday 26 February 2018

Save Kogi Group Announces formation to salvage the State from recklessness.


By Gideon Ayodele

An organization under the name "Save Kogi Project" has began a campaign of like minds in effort to salvage Kogi state from total collapse.
The Save Kogi Project is an initiative of creating voice Foundation For rapid development in the struggle to restore Kogi State.

The Director General of the organization,  Comrade Friday Sanni in his remark expresed delight to welcome all despite the short notice. "Your presence here is a strong demonstration of your earnest desire for the betterment of Kogi State. Our main purpose for this gathering is to formally announce the formation of the SAVE KOGI PROJECT and to draw the attention of well meaning Nigerians to the State of affairs in our State".

Comrade Friday Sanni went further to say that "Save Kogi Project (SKP) is an initiative formed to enlist the support of critical stake holders towards addressing the prevailing adverse social, political and economic issues bedeviling the State; the situation is well known to all and it has become an embarrassment to all sons and daughters of Kogi State, both at home and abroad.  The current situation in Kogi State is very pathetic, regrettable and undesirable for the future of the state as public workers salaries in the state has not been paid for over 15 months, medical workers are on strike, Primary schools not functioning, Kogi state university working on zero account, while there is massive hunger, illnesses, wide spread diseases and rising death rate across the 21 Local Government Areas".

"The enlistment of critical stakeholders in this project is purely based on the antecedents of individual commitment to rescue the state through a new revival project. It is also no longer news that sometimes last year 2017, the sacred chambers of Kogi State House Assembly was defiled by hoodlums who came to attack and attempted to KILL comrade Friday Sani, member representing Igalamela/Odolu and up till this day no police report, no arrest and no prosecution. Similarly, one of the few hopes of the hopeless in Kogi State, a man who have been so cardinal to this project and many other people oriented projects in Kogi State Distinguish Senator Dino Melaye of Nigeria narrowly escaped death on two occasions and up to this day, this obvious fact about this unholy act are all about to be subverted. It is also a fact that majority of our stakeholders in both political parties can no longer go home as usual for politicking".

"Recently, some elder statesmen from Kogi state were equally attacked in an attempt to hold party meetings e.g. Sen. Alex Kadiri, Arch. Gabriel Aduku, and the former chairman of Dekina Local Government Hon. Adejo Akowe who still suffers bullet injuries. In the same vain some of our elders from central senatorial district were locked up in a guard room within government house, just like the zonal chairmen of the PDP honorable Mohammed Barga was also locked up in a guard room within government house instead of police stations or police custody as permitted by law. Additionally, we have reasons to still recall all the attacks on Distinguish Hon. James Faleke for no just reasons".

"Kogi State has come to a messy situation, where the government has become directionless, aimless and lack commitment to the people and the future development of the state. As concerned citizens and stakeholders of the state, we have initiated this project and invited leaders of like minds on board to promote and protect the future of the State which Governor Yahaya Bello is making all possible attempt to mortgage. This is apparent and demonstrated from his reckless conduct of public financial activities, particularly on the bailout fund, Paris Club Refund Fund and the billions already borrowed in form of loans from commercial banks. This is further compounded by his recent plans to sell all the assets belonging to Kogi State
Considering the future benefits of this project and our planned activities for the enhancement of Kogi State, we are welcoming all on board for the overall achievement of our goals.

"However, we wont be surprised if after this initiative to salvage our dear State, the State government as usual would result to spending more 60million naira daily for public misinformation in the media, especially in leadership newspaper, a medium that has been turned to a shareholder of our state resources in advertorials worth multimillions of Kogi fund. Worthy of public information, let me report officially that an Ebira man yesterday was arrested and the subsequent killing of same by the Yahaya Bello Soldiers. About 4 days ago, the Fulani that Yahaya Bello invited into the State, went into late Pa Salis Daniyans farm in Mopa-Muro Local Government, they injured the guards and went away with Cattles worthy hundreds of millions. The protection of live and property, which is mandatory for any government is no longer a priority and duty to the present government of Kogi State"

"Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State is just simply failing on a noble responsibility and his anti peoples conduct in Kogi state must be addressed and corrected for the future benefit of our people, the Save Kogi Project is therefore a child of circumstance. It is devoid of political party sentiment, tribal and religious differences".

"This Organization will serve as a political demands group to salvage the suffering on the faces of our people, uniting all political groups and also fight against all injustices in Kogi State.

in his conclusion he said "We wish to appreciate everyone present here today for your patience and readiness to champion the course of bringing Kogi State back on track".

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Sen. Dino Melaye in his address said that the organization will do everything  within the ambit of law to bring back sanity into governance in Kogi State.
He said that the present governor of Kogi State is a replical of King Herod. He urged all kogites to take judicial notice of his resent transfer of his PVC, which further shows that Yahaya Bello in the first instance was not eligible to contest governorship position in the state.

Melaye assured kogites that the stolen mandate of the people shall be returned, while all monies stolen by Edward Onoja, Yahaya Bello and their cronnies shall be returned to the last kobo.
Senator Dino Melaye also observed that despite that Yahaya Bello have not in the over two years in office,  initiated any project,  he is attempting to sell the ones he inherited.
On the cattle colony, Melaye said that it shall not stand in Kogi State.

Another senior legislator who is equally one of the Board of Trustees,  senator Attai Aidoko said that the movement will be a peaceful one,  no violence and pledge his full support and also urged all kigites to rise up to this worthy call to rescue Kogi State.

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