Monday 10 September 2018

Kogi West 2019: Omoluabi To Run under African Democratic Congress

Few days after one of the PDP Kogi West Senatorial aspirant Omoluabi Olabode Adeyemi resign his membership of the PDP, he has officicially announced African Democratic Congress(ADC) as the political party under which he will be contesting the Kogi West Senatorial Election come 2019.

Omoluabi said he believes his new party ADC will provide opportunities and space for young people with great ideas to pursue their aspirations in a free and fair process.

Omoluabi also said he is presenting himself for the Senate as the voice of the teeming youth  and harbinger of youth emancipation.

Read statement below:

KOGI WEST 2019 : It's time to rise and shine.

Notification of my new political party.

Fellow Compatriots,

I feel extremely happy and most exhilarated to announce to you, my new political party, under which canopy we hope to create a space and relevance for our teeming youths and women who have been denied space, reduced to errand boys and girls and whose aspirations have been trampled upon by the anti democratic forces that have held down the progress of our polity since the return to democraacy in 1999.

It is obvious that these forces knew the place of the youths and their strenght in the political process thereby introduced monetary inducement into politics knowing fully well that an average youth is only rich in ideas and vigour and most likely not rich in money to contend with them. This dangerous strategy and manipulative tendency has reduced the young people to being used as political thugs and at best as PAs, SAs etc.

As we journey to 2019, I have resolved to present myself as the harbinger of youth emancipation, voice of the young people, lone voice in the wilderness and political evangelist that will preach the message of freedom and youth emancipation. This burning desire and generational task is what led to my resignation from my former party, not because the party is entirely bad but to create platform and atmosphere for young people to have equal opportunity to express their political desires and aspirations

Before arriving at this decision and conclusion on our new party, I have had course to consult very widely, discuss very extensively and hold series of meeting in order to take incisive and informed decision in the interest of the people moving with us and those that will join afterwards. I have also alongside our team studied the manifestos of the party, analysed and x-ray the makeup of the party from ward to national level and considered important factors through critical appraisals of our strenght, weakness, opportunities and threats and have finally arrived at this wonderful end.

After careful discussions with various political parties and comprehensive study of their constitutions, party ideologies, makeup of their stakeholders and architecture of their foundations, we have come to a conclusion to join the AFRICA DEMOCRATIC PARTY (ADC).

This decision is informed by several factors that time and space will not permit me to exhaustively elucidate. I am however pretty sure and have absolute confidence in the strenght of character and clearity of vision of the people behind the party, particularly in Kogi state. I am also certain and comfortable with the ideology and manifestos of the party which centers on creating credible alternative to the current and past governing parties at all level. I am also convinced of the youth inclusiveness and economic rediscovery policy of the party.

As a new member of the Africa Democratic Party, I will preoccupy myself and our team with aggressive grassroots mobilization of our people into the party. We shall join hands with the existing stakeholders and leaders of the party to establish a new and far reaching narrative that will center on the welfare and security of the people, economic rediscovery and infrastructural development of Nigeria for the party ahead of the 2019 general election.

I do solemly covenant with the people today to make you all proud and take leadership to another level in Nigeria. While I thank you all for your abiding love and solidariy, please accept the assurances of my loyalty and commitment to national prosperity and youth emancipation

I am your son !
I am your preferred choice !

Omoluabi Bode Adeyemi
Senatorial Aspirant for Kogi West

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