Thursday 24 January 2019

Smart Adeyemi the skillful liar

By Gideon Ayodele

It is always interesting to hear the sinking Senator Smart Adeyemi speak, especially on his respiration to return to the senate, a dream that will soon turn a nightmare to him.

Sometime ago, I published an article on why this supposed distinguished personality sell so cheap and I will in the course of the week re-publish same article for the sake of those that probably missed it before, to read and assess the present way this "Political Vegetable" is going about his campaigns.

Laughable to any true son of Okun and Iyara the acclaimed home place of Smart Adeyemi to hear him stand in the public to say that he built a stadium at Iyara, One at Egbe and another one at Kabba.

Very correct that he has a proposed site for a stadium at Iyara a land which he skillfully acquire freely from the community with the promise of co instructing a stadium, a land he for himself. Ask any true son of Iyara to take you to the Stadium. It is really shameful for Smart to descend this low to lie on his own acclaimed immediate community.
This calls for a very serious call on the good people of Kogi West to begin to access the character trait of an intending senator. Anyway, I know all his aspirations to return to the senate is an ordinary intention.

The good people of Kogi local government where he lied on the construction of a stadium still have the fresh memory of how he promised to build a town hall for them about 12 years ago and know how far he has fulfilled his promise. Even a novice know that a town hall do not cost as much as a stadium. Be wise.

I don't believe in writing epistles to communicate to sensible good people of Kogi West on the many lies of Senator Smart Adeyemi.

Here I have attachments of some of his personal structures that he can no longer sustain barely 3 years after leaving an office he held for 8 years. What a pity. Kogi westerners are too enlightened to entrust our mandate to a such a bad manager of resources.

Expect more details of his many and several lies.

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