Wednesday 16 September 2020


We read in dismay and utter disappointment a recent publication by some sponsored and faceless groups supposedly known as Kabba for Good Governance (KGG), Kabba Political Likes-mind (KPL) and Kabba in Unity (KU), insinuating the following:

That the Executive Governor of Kogi State, Alh. Yahaya Bello should compensate Kabba for the position of the Chairman in the coming Council election in Kabba /Bunu Local Government( even for obvious anti party activities in 2019 and for not supporting his re-election in 2019.

That Kabba is more of APC than Bunu considering the vote the Governor got in his last election not minding 9532 Bunu votes and 5,832 Kabba votes with 3700 margin. that Bunu people currently enjoys more political patronages than Kabba people under the current administration.

That Bunu district is a junior district /settlement to Kabba

Contending for the Chairman

We want to state categorically that these groups are faceless, they are not known and certainly not speaking the minds of the Kabba /Owe people, as well as not standing by the truth that exists between the good people of Kabba and Bunu. They are also totally insensitive to the magnanimous nature of Alh Yahaya Bello, hence they are set to take his benevolence, simplicity and just nature for granted. To start with, several parts of the said piece is a disrespect to the honoured office and person of the governor. They have also decided to tell a half story and from an angle that only favours their paymaster(s).

In their main submission, they were canvassing for the Chairmanship to be shifted to Owe, as against the decision of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Kabba /Bunu Stakeholders and also the Traditional rulers from both Districts. The group failed to acknowledge an existing practices of Kabba and Bunu sharing two political posts, that is, State House of Assembly and the Local Government Chairmanship. Currently, the House of Assembly seat is being occupied by the Rt. Honourable Prince Matthew Kolawole, a Kabba man who is running his second tenure as a House member and also as the Speaker of the Kogi State House of Assembly, representing the two Districts. Therefore, it is expected that a sane mind would agree that the Chairmanship be zoned to Bunu District. 

We wonder where these groups were, when the Bunu people massively supported Prince Matthew Kolawole to win overwhelmingly for a second term. Are we now saying the two elective posts we share should be in Kabba? These groups are certainly not known to APC in Kabba /Bunu, likewise not representing the interest of the Owe people who have been living in harmony with the Bunu people over the years. 

Kabba being more of APC than Bunu considering the vote the Governor got in his last election

We equally want to say that the groups( KGG, KPL and KU) ‘s analysis within their write-up that the Kabba people voted more for the Governor in the last election, is not only shameful but must have come from a paid mischief merchant to derail peoples sensibility and also cause chaos. What an aberration to twist the whole truth to favour their selfish interests. 

We wish to correct this falsehood by craving your indulgence to please note that Kabba has nine (9) Wards while Bunu has six (6)Wards( which has and is still a subject of discussion in the future political development of Kabba /Bunu.) Going back to the results of the elections conducted recently for the Presidency, Senate, Federal House of Representatives and State House of Assembly, you would be surprised that Bunu people with only six (6) Wards, came out enmasse, in one voice, supported and overwhelmingly voted for APC more than Kabba with nine (9) Wards. 

However, since the groups mentioned the Governorship Election in particular, we would charge them to go through the election results provided here in.


Fig 1.

Governoship Election Results in Kabba/Bunu







Fig 2.

Bunu Vs Kabba Results for APC where Bunu voted more than Kabba for APC









It is obvious that Kabba people even with their nine (9) Wards could not come close to the number of votes cast /delivered by Bunu people.

Owe Anti-Party Activity in National Assembly Elections

It was on record the same Owe people these groups are claiming to represent that worked against APC candidate of Bunu origin for the House of Representatives and voted for the opposition - Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) during the last general elections. Are they now saying that the Governor should pay the Owe people back for their anti-party activities during the last elections where they voted Hon. T. J Yusuf, whom both Kabba and Bunu are not seeing today, not to talk of any developmental projects from him since his re-election? That the government has being queit on the anti party of Owe people against APC does not mean he does know the right thing to do. The governor is very forgiven and magnanimous, these trait I think this faceless groups are taking for granted.

That Bunu People enjoys more Political Patronages than Kabba People under the Current Administration

These groups also challenged that more appointments are in Bunu compared to Kabba, of which they specifically mentioned the positions of the State Security Adviser, Commissioner and Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Security; we wonder why they cannot mention more of the appointments. As as today, fifteen (15) major appointments are in the hands of the Owe people while Bunu that gave the highest number of votes have only six (6).

What injustice are we practicing? We have been in the support of our leaders representing us in Bunu, we trust them, they are doing their best but we are bringing it even to them right now that it is against the wish of Bunu, what is currently happening for Kabba, that does not recognize His Excellency Alh. Yahaya Bello, his government and what he represents, who fought and did so many unimaginable acts against the Governor's re-election, are now holding major appointments in the government.

Bunu District is a Junior District to Kabb

We want to specifically sound this pint of warning to these faceless individuals never in their thinking spew out such a thrash about our dear Bunu district. Who is awarding seniority amongst districts? Wht is the basis for such unintelligent assertion. Bunu is not subservient to Kabba either politically, culturally or traditionally. Let this fact sink into the dirty minds of the promoters of such view. What alienation, classification and ranking shuld exist only the Owes as no Owe man is superior to the Bunu in whatever guise. Please be warned.

Fig 3.
A  Brief Reminiscence
Analysis of Political offices held by Owe and Bunu since1999-date.

House of Assembly




Council Leader



Note that more Kabba people have benefited in board appointments than Bunu both in the state and federal since 1999.

For the interest of peace and unity that the two Districts have enjoyed over so many years, we call on these groups to come out and be ready to face Bunu people in debate, as well as speak the truth to the market women, artisans, religious groups, etc; rather than stand to disunite the people by creating hatred, chaos and unhealthy rivalry among Kabba /Bunu people. 

As a people, Bunu  deserves more appointments from this present government because Bunu people respect, recognize the government and what it stands for, long before now. 

The position of the Commissioner mentioned by the group was well deserved by Bunu. Also, the position of the State Security Adviser is not a shared appointment, as a matter of fact, this is the first time the position would be in Okun Land. For Bunu having it, we appreciate the Governor for going back to the voting board to know that the Commissioner ought to come from Bunu and not Kabba.

We therefore, call on KGG, KPL and KU as claimed, to desist from their acts of irresponsibility that may jeopardize /lead to a major disunity between Owe and Bunu people as we would not look away from any junks to want to feed the public with.


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