Sunday 26 March 2017

UniJos explains fee increment from N27, 000 to N45, 000

Following the University of Jos recent increment in what it termed school charges from N27, 000 to N45, 000, and its attendance criticisms, the Management of the institution has reiterated that there is no going back on the implementation of the new charges once the new session begins next month.
Since the increment, students, parents and guardians had condemned it saying such coming at a time when most families could barely feed is ill-conceived but the Management describes the reactions as propaganda and misinformation by some leaders of the Students Union Government saying the action is based on the implementation of the Federal Government approved harmonized charges for all undergraduate Students in Federal Universities in Nigeria.
In a statement issued at the weekend and signed by the institution’s Registrar/Secretary to Council/Senate, Mr. Monday Danjem, the Management said its attention has been drawn to the media propaganda and misinformation going on by some leaders of the Students Union Government of the University explaining that the action is the implementation of the Federal Government approved harmonized charges for all undergraduate Students in Federal Universities in Nigeria.
It reads, “The University Management feels compelled to put the issues in clear perspective so that the public is not misled. The University of Jos Management was in receipt of a letter from the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission (NUC) dated 22nd January, 2015 conveying the newly approved schedule of harmonized school charges to Senate/Governing Councils of all Federal Universities for immediate implementation.
“The directive contained in the letter followed a recommendation made by a Committee constituted by the Honourable Minister of Education comprising the NUC Executive Secretary; Chairman, Committee of Pro-Chancellors; Chairman, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Vice-Chancellor, Bayero University, Kano that was mandated to review and harmonize the schedule of miscellaneous charges for Undergraduate Students in all Federal Universities.
“However, even though Management secured the approval for the implementation of the new school charges structure in the University, it was later agreed that there should be a phased implementation of the policy due to the prevailing situation in the University at that time.
“Since the implementation of that resolution, it is apparent that the economic situation of the country has taken a downward turn raising significantly the cost of maintenance per student.
“The University of Jos does not charge Tuition Fees as is being erroneously speculated. What Students are required to pay are school charges that are approved by Government and captured in the budget. Every item in the School charge structure is tied to a specific cost for the services provided e.g. Hostel Maintenance, Students Health Insurance, Library, ICT Bandwidth and Network Maintenance, I.D. Card among several others. This is a verifiable fact that is clearly listed in the University’s school charges schedule.”
It added, “based on the increase in the cost of most good and services in the country, it is no longer realistic to continue with the old school charges and still expect to successfully run the University on a sustainable basis. The University incurs huge expenditure in the effort to provide a conducive learning atmosphere for all its Students. Apart from the personnel costs and other related expenses that the Government caters for, the University is virtually left unaided to cater for its upkeep.
“Such necessary services rendered to the University like cleaning services, Electricity and other utilities, Accreditation expenses, Printing and Stationeries, Examination Expenses, Subscription to Academic/Professional Bodies have to be paid for at great expense to the University even as the cost for such goods and services are frequently being hiked.
“The University was paying a monthly charge of Twelve Million Naira (N12,000,000) for electricity supply. This has recently been increased to Twenty-Three Million Naira (N23,000,000) per month. The University is now saddled with responsibility of sourcing for how it can make up for the shortfall. By implementing the new school charges structure of N45,000 across board, the University has done nothing illegal nor has it gone contrary to Government regulations. Indeed, the University is only doing the needful by complying with a clearly spelt out and properly conveyed directive of the Federal Government.”
It would be recalled that since the institution’s Vice Chancellor, Sabastian Maimako, announced the review of the fees, from N27,000 to N45,000, citing dwindling budgetary allocations, rising bills and the need to upgrade some materials, Sydney Daman, President of the institution’s Students Union Government, SUG had described the new charges as “too harsh” and appealed to the students to “hold-on a bit”.
He said, “No student should be in a hurry to pay the new fees. We are consulting with management and shall communicate the final agreement to everyone. We have not exhausted all the options; we are still appealing and shall continue to meet all stakeholders, we should be responsible, mature and peaceful while supporting the struggle for a downward review of the charges.”

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