Saturday 28 April 2018




Justice Helpline Foundation is deeply concerned about the flagrant abuse of and disregard for the rights of Nigerians thus the need to call the attention of Nigerians to this absurdity.

It is sad that security agencies maintained with taxpayers money who ought to obey the laws while enforcing same have become tools of repression and persecution.

Impunity is so brazen that concerted efforts must be made to resist a gradual slide towards anarchy.

It is unfortunate that the tenets of democracy are being eroded to please certain individuals in power.

Institutions are being weakened instead of making them stronger to massage the particular ego.

The case of Sen. Dino Melaye is instructive because of the way the Police Authorities have allowed itself to be manipulated to openly show biased interest in a matter that demands absolute impartiality from them.

Before now, Nigerians have witnessed disobedience and disregard for court rulings on the part of the Federal Government which is no longer tenable.

The judiciary is the last hope of every citizen and when the hope is taken, resort to self-help is inevitable which is nothing but courting anarchy.

Apart from Sen. Dino Melaye, some of his aides and even lawyers have been incarcerated by the Police for unknown reasons.

Justice Helpline Foundation is hereby giving the Police Authorities 72 hours to release all those in detention or charge them to court of competent jurisdiction failing which appropriate legal action will be taken to enforce the fundamental rights of these individuals.

It is the height of callous insensitivity to deny citizens their freedom illegally.

We implore President Muhammadu Buhari to curtail the dishonorable activities of security agencies to individuals who hold dissenting opinions to his government policies and programs.

As stakeholders in the temple of Justice, we are under obligation to see that every Nigerians right to freedom of speech and expression is not in any way threatened.

Arbitrary detention of people is antithetical to democracy and if this not stopped, the consequences on the tranquillity of our nation already plagued with insecurity challenges all over the country will be ominous.

What Nigerians are asking for is the fulfilment of the change promised in 2015. All promises made have remained unfulfilled and the natural result is for people to express their disappointment lawfully.

Nigerians must not be cowed by the atmosphere of fear being created to gag and muzzle genuine expression of betrayal for failed promises.

The press being the Fourth Estate of the Realm must be alive to its responsibilities by informing and enlightening the people because knowledge is power.

Thank you all.

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria!


Barrister Ayo Desmond Jonathan,

Director of Litigation,

Justice Helpline Foundation (JHF)

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