Friday 9 November 2018

Omoluwabi Olabode Adeyemi (OBA): The choice for Kogi West 2019... Adebola Femi

Over time the enduring image of this great young man as an Emancipator in which has catapulted him to a level he is today is owing to his commitment to reposition back his people on track in recent time.

His name has been associated to various people oriented programmes via his talk show on major national radio and television programmes,  articles on national dailies in his efforts for an egalitarian society.

With all this exposure ingrained in his stream of consciousness, it's easy to see why his high level of competence and capability to lead Kogi West people can not be compared to those we have given our mandate in time past.
Curiously, with everything that has been written about  (OBA), little is known about his extraordinary leadership prowess. He is patient, persistent, consistent, and Persuasive rather than been dictatorial or arrogant in all his struggle for a just society.

What gave credence to this young man of valour are the qualities embedded in him such as; honesty and integrity, empathy for the common man, and his devotion to the rights of individual were product of his upbringing.

    Omoluwabi Olabode Adeyemi combined an extraordinary wit to become an effective communicator which basically is all that is needed to lobby for the dividend of democracy in any ideal society..
 A vote for Omoluabi Olabode Adeyemi is a vote for progress.

Comr. Adebola Femi,
Writes in from Jos, Nigeria.

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