Tuesday 28 May 2019

UBA, Kogi Govt. Plans To Circumvent NFIU Policy, Direct Councils To Obtain N3billion Loan - PDP

Ahead of the full implementation of Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit, (NFIU), policy on new financial regulations on states, local government joint accounts, the Kogi State Peoples Democratic Party have accused the Kogi State Government of deliberate attempt, working with the United Bank for Africa to allegedly circumvent the policy.

A PDP accused the State Government allegedly summoning and holding a meeting with eight Directors of Local Governments and Head of Works department, accused the state government for directing eight local government councils in the state to obtain a N3billion loan from the UBA.

The PDP alleged that the local governments were directed to tie the N3billion loan to a project to be advertised immediately, lamented, warned against further further indebtedness of the state and councils.

The PDP fingered the UBA branch in Lokoja for been  in the picture of the moves to grant the sudden loan to Kogi councils, plots aimed at circumventing the NFIU policy that is expected to take effect from Ist June, 2019.

According to the PDP, the policy implementation of NFIU which when fully in  operation would have ensured direct payment to council allocation, may not achieve its desired objectives, as the deduction from the council allocation following the N3billion loan that is now quickly arranged.

The PDP further disclosed that the meeting concluded arrangement that the state government would provide the contractors for the fictitious projects, an avenue the government still intends to allegedly syphon  councils funds.

The PDP observed that this ongoing arrangement to further indebt Kogi Councils is presently unknown to NUP, NASU, NUT, NULGE, NMHWU officials, who ordinarily would have been great beneficiaries of the direct payment to local government account in terms of salaries and workers welfare, urged them to rise up and fight for their right.

The loan to be taken by the eight local councils and the contractors to be supplied by government, the PDP disclosed would allegedly serve as another conduit to inflict debt and poverty as is currently witnessed in the state.

The PDP lamented that UBA is allowing itself to be dragged into a fraudulent transaction that would not be in the interest of the people and the local government areas.

Monday 27 May 2019


A pro Usman Jibrin solidify group has described Admiral Usman Jibrin as the man that will reposition education in Kogi and take the welfare of teachers with great priority. The message was passed as the group felicitates with Children on the occasion of Children's day celebration. Adeyemi Charles, Cordinator of the Kogi Rescue Mandate stated this in the message personally signed and made available to the press.

Mr Charles says Admiral Usman Jibrin is a man who sees education as the bedrock of any society and has committed his resources and time in advancing education in Kogi and Nigeria. He said Admiral Jibrin cited two NAVAL schools in Kogi an unprecedented act, he also established the first NAVAL UNIVERSITY in Nigeria. He has vowed to double the budget of Education and specially focus on Universal Basic Education.

Another area Admiral Jibrin will take seriously is the welfare of teachers and educational infrastructure. He said Admiral Jibrin will reevaluate the salary scheme of teachers and introduce enticing allowances to boost the morale and commitment of the teachers. Mr Charles therefore encourage all Kogites to support a man of great vision and mission like Admiral Jibrin to be the next Governor of Kogi state.

He said that the next children's day under the leadership of Admiral Jibrin will be celebrated with lots of achievements and celebrations

SALVAGE KOGI 2019 GROUP charges Kogites to rise for emancipation, As group celebrates children's day

The best a child can get to live an enviable life of exploits is EDUCATION, unfortunately successive government in Nigeria have crippled the opportunity of a poor child to get good education.

In Kogi today, Teachers are owed innumerable months of salary, school buildings are dilapidating, parents can no longer afford school fees. This is caused by nothing but failure of governance and leadership.

On the special day for the children, let us unite together and banish inept governance, irresponsible leadership and economic predators.
Let us SALVAGE KOGI 2019, none but ourselves can free our minds as we emancipate the people.

Kogi must be SALVAGED


In a society like ours, there are people who don't believe in prayers. Prayer is not a waste of time but it is rather to seek God's guidance for our leaders, decision makers and people of highly respected positions.

In this "Holy Month" of Ramadan prayers are answered, I call on other faithful Muslims who believe in prayers to join me in praying for our leader Honourable Elder Leke. This is my special  prayer  for you,  As you're about to step into National Assembly  Officially to resume your  Legislative duties   to make laws that will better the lives of the masses from Yagba land both home and diaspora.

"I seek God that as you resume  into National Assembly, you will see the mercy of God beyond your expectations, it will be glorious for you.

As you have built a zeal  to lead and represent the interest of the good people that gave you this  mandate, your leadership shall bring  forth Progress.

We have been burdened with problems of leadership but yours will be abundant blessings for you  and for the people. Under your leadership Yagba will be great and be an envious constituency among others. Solutions will manifest through you and your will lead us appropriately to greatness.

Great God, help our leader Elder Leke Abejide in the loneliness of his decisions and put wise counsels in him to take bold steps that will have better effects on Yagba people at large. I seek thee oh  Allah protect him, his entire family and  house hold.

Your stepping into NASS will bring Joy and  increase in wealth and happiness. I believe nothing is impossible grant our leader the wisdom & intelligence to succeed among others, your succeeding journey politically from house representatives will propel you to another greater position in the country.

Asiwaju am praying for you with the believe, I confide  in this holly  month of Ramadan
So shall it be Amen.
I want us all to always remember him in our individual prayers daily.

Your name shall always work for you sir.
Ema Leke awon Ota yin
*From  Hon. Prince Luqman ORANRE*
*Chief Orijajogunlo of Africa*

Sunday 26 May 2019

BREAKING NEWS_ Lightning kills two in Ayetoro, Kogi State.

Ayetoro—Two young men, named Wale  Ayeku, a middle age man and Joseph  fondly called J-Boy, Joseph is assumed to be in his early twenties, were both  killed by lightning during a downpour in Odda Quarters, Ayetoro Gbedde, Ijumu Local Government Area of Kogi State.

According to  eyewitnesses,  the deceased persons were both having shelter in a Local "Game-Joint" not too far from where both of them resides, where they met their untimely Dealth.

Eyewitnesses said, the were Nine of them under a Tree, where young people usually meet to play "snooker Game" during the evening time.

According to another eyewitness,
 “when the rain started we were all happy because we have had scarcity of rains this year, but the thunder and lightning that accompanied the rain scared everyone.
“It was not quite long after the rain started that we heard loud screams and wailing which compelled people to scamper for safety.
“In the mist of that confusion, we discovered that the nine victims were struck down by the lightning, which Seven survived with injuries.

“It was a sorry sight. But we managed to render assistance by taking one of them(Wale) to a nearby hospital for medical attention, which was however too late in coming because he was  already dead.”

Our correspondent, The-Searchlite furthered gathered  that the community believes there's a spiritual root cause of the tragic event, which they hope to know in seven days time according to the Sango-Priest.

When contacted, the Traditional ruler, The Olu of Ayetoro Gbedde, HRM Sunday Ehindero confirmed the incident. He added that the council reported the incident to the police, and officers were quickly deployed to the area.

We will collaborate to end insecurity in Okunland, Kabba Police Area Commander tell Okun Students...

As NAOS National President assures Police of maximum support.

The newly posted Police Area Commander for Kabba area has commended the National Association of Okun students for their readiness to join hands with the police to end insecurity, thuggery and hooliganism in Okunland. This was part of the issues raised and discussed as the President elect of the association, Prince Seun Bello on Friday the 24th of May, 2019 paid a courtesy visit to the Area Commander, ACP Dauda Joki-Lasisi at his office.

The President, congratulated the Police Chief on his new appointment, wishing him a successful, remarkable and memorable stay in office. The President also promised to work along with his office  to achieve the aims of his tenure. He further stressed the need for students Union leaders and the followers to cooperate with the police force so as to enable a peaceful and more orderly society.

The area commandant, ACP Dauda Joki-Lasisi in response to the incoming President, expressed his delight to receiving the Student leader as his first Official Student Visitor to his office since he resumed office at the Area Command. He promised to partner with the Union to create a better image for OKUN youths to promote, educational and leadership growth and development in the area.

The commander however maintained that he was shocked with the high rate of youth restiveness in OKUN land , majorly thuggery, cultism and drug abuse. He urged the Union leader to work closely with the Police to curb these menaces.

He said the President elect has demonstrated his love for Student security ,taking the security of his members Paramount. He also urged community stakeholders in the communities under the Area Command.

He thanked the President, and prayed him to remind the Union members that ensuring the security of life and property of citizens is the task of both the police and the public.

The visit ended on a brighter note with both parties leaving with satisfactory remarks.


Vow to present Kogi with a credible alternative

As the struggle for the soul of Kogi intensifies, a new revolutionary group, peopled majorly by youths and women, SALVAGE KOGI 2019 has vowed to mobilize the entire state for a journey to prosperity through enthroning a new, purposeful, resourceful and people oriented leadership in the next gubernatorial election.

The group which has launched her logo, website and jingles says they are not out to fight, insult or witchunt any politician but to stop the twenty eight years of vision less leadership the state has faced and still facing.

The group whose composition is still sketchy says its mandate is to salvage, reposition and empower Kogi for productivity for the good the suffering people

Thursday 23 May 2019

Arrested Political Thugs in Kogi Moved To Abuja, Kogi Finance Commissioner, Brother Indicted, to report at force headquarters.

Some hoodlums who were hired by politicians in Kogi state to unleash mayhem during last House of Assembly, Presidential and National Assembly elections have been moved to the Police Headquarters in Abuja for further interrogation.

The sponsors of the political thugs who unleash havoc on people of the three local government areas in Yagba Federal Constituency may have been doing everything possible to evade Police arrest but the Police have vowed to redouble their efforts and track them down to explain their roles in electoral violence, illegal possession of fire arms, snatching of ballots boxes and physical assault on voters in Yagba Federal Constituency during the last election.

Top reliable sources said two key members of the Kogi State government, have been linked to the mayhem that was meted out on the people of Yagba Federal Constituency on the day of the election.

The government officials involved are the State Commissioner for finance, Idris Asiwaju Asiru and his younger brother Abdulrasaq Asiru who is the sole administrator of one of the local government, Yagba East Local Government.
Inside source also revealed that Nigerian Police headquarters have sent invitation to the government officials involved, they are to report at the Force headquarters in Abuja. 

The suspects are currently being held at the force CIID Area 10 Abuja.

After interrogation, the suspects along with the government officials will be paraded.

Stay tuned. 

Tuesday 21 May 2019


Last week, I watched as some members of the National Assembly took turns to lament the state of insecurity in the country. One speaker after the other complained that they can no longer travel to or sleep in their villages because of insecurity. They are overwhelmed by the army of criminals. However, they just cannot see a link between their greed — their obscene allowances, their extortion-driven oversight activities as well as the padded budgets — and the poverty and insecurity in the land. That is the problem with Nigerian politicians: they think Nigeria is like this by mistake. They think if we are able to deploy more troops, kidnapping will stop. If only it were that simple!

Let me say this yet again: the Nigerian ruling elite need to have a meeting, perhaps a “meeting of minds”, and agree to change their ways. We cannot continue to run a system of an overfed elite minority and a malnourished majority and expect to keep travelling to the village in glittering SUVs without consequences. No. It won’t work. We cannot run a system where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and expect peace. We have been living a lie for too long. Commonsense tells us that inequality comes with a price. We cannot sustain a system that ruins the lives of the majority of 200 million Nigerians and hope to sleep and snore at night.
Although the economic downturn in the last five years and some of the policies of President Muhammadu Buhari are implicated in the current socio-political crises, the truth remains that for too long, we ignored the warning signals. For decades, the UNDP told us that 70 percent of Nigerians were living on less than $1 a day. What did we do to prevent the incoming disaster? It was all Greek to us. We spent our petrodollars as if there would be no tomorrow. Well, today is yesterday’s tomorrow. You don’t have to be a development expert to know that any country where the bulk of the youth are unemployed or unemployable is headed for chronic insecurity.

Don’t take my word for it. Check the poverty and unemployment rates of countries with the least incidence of crime and you will get a better idea of what I am driving at. When young men and young women wake up in the morning with nowhere to go, they are tempting the devil. He will give them something to do. Their energies will be misused and abused as they struggle to survive. No human being will sit down at home and die of hunger. Survival is a basic human instinct. The human being will survive by any means necessary — even if it is to steal, beg or borrow. The police and the army combined cannot contain crime when the factory producing criminals has not been closed.

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. We have sown the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind. The teens and teenagers that we refused to care for yesterday have become our nemesis today. They are now in our neighbourhood and on the highway, making life unbearable for us. The security system we failed to overhaul and modernise for ages — despite security budgets in billions of dollars — is now unable to protect us. But if I may ask, what are we doing today to make sure our trouble does not double tomorrow? Are we investing properly in the future? Are we striving hard to make the country conducive in the future so that ordinary people can enjoy the basics of life? The elite must realise that it is in their own interest to make Nigeria habitable. This milking must subside.

Until the elite across board reach a consensus to curtail their greed and put Nigeria first, we cannot begin to make meaningful progress as a nation. Our predatory system will continue to breed terrorists, kidnappers, ritual killers, yahoo boys and circumstantial sex workers. What we are witnessing today would be child’s play compared to what is ahead. Nobody is safe in Nigeria, including those who think they are covered by a convoy of armed escorts. It is just a matter of time. Until we begin to sow the good seeds at all levels — federal, state and local — our troubles will keep multiplying. Nigeria will not develop overnight, but if we fail to act decisively and intelligently today, we cannot hope to reap gainful jobs, lasting peace, security and national prosperity tomorrow.

Good morning my people

Kogi traditional rulers' visit canceled as Villa mafias disappoints Yahaya Bello...

Governor in desperate moves to secure APC ticket, plans cash splash on traditional rulers.

As November 16 date for Kogi gubernatorial election comes nearer, intrigues and political horseracing have taken over the firmament of the state with various political camp making strategies on how to undo one another. The gubernatorial contest appears to be a straight fight between the two dominant political parties in the country, APC and PDP. Although both parties appear to be engrossed in threatening internal crisis and divisions.

The incumbent governor and aspirant under the All Progressive Congress appears to be facing the most tasking political challenge ever. He seems to be fighting deafening political wars from all angles, from his Arc rival, Sen Dino Melaiye to his own party's infighting. Governor Bello apart from political foes is also fighting against the civil servants that are yet to be paid for months.

The governor of recent has coarsely involved the revered traditional institution in Kogi in the struggle for a 2nd term ticket. The traditional rulers across the state were helplessly cajoled and intimidated into declaring forcefully for Bello to continue. They were arranged from Senatorial zone to another and endorsed the Governor for continuity.

The latest information obtained from the grapevine suggests that Governor Bello had perfected arrangements for the royal fathers to visit President Buhari until the visit was abruptly canceled by the protocol of the President on instruction from above. It was learnt that Governor Bello had perfected the plans that would appear like the people of Kogi through the traditional leaders have endorsed the 2nd term ambition of the governor. The plan which is being spare headed by a close ally of the governor was also meant for the government to splash ten million naira on each first class traditional rulers and five million on the 2nd class category. The source confirmed that over one billion Naira has been earmarked for the purpose. This money they said will be to buy the rights and privileges of the traditional rulers as they are meant to be used for a lot of jobs. The  source quoted the close ally of the Governor as boasting to deal ruthlessly with any erring traditional rulers who would not agree or carry out their bidding accurately.

Reactions have continued to trail the juvenile approach that the governor is using to run the affairr of state and even in fighting perceived political enemies. Many people have alleged that the government have been using proxies to stockpile ammunition that are used to intimidate opposition away.

Many have expressed worry and concern about the propensity of the current administration to violence and disruption of legal gatherings. It will be recalled that the Senate sometime ago probed the allegation of purchasebof military hardware by Kogi state government, an act which was widely condemned.

More troubles for GYB as party moves to cancel illegal membership registration

....Opposition rallies EU Jibrin for ticket

Uncertainty, doubt and confusion has continued to trail the struggle for 2nd term ticket of Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state. This is coming on the heels of plans by the national working committee of the party to cancel the membership registration embarked upon by Governor Yahaya Bello two years ago. It will be recalled that in a bid to ascert his control of the party, the governor conducted a state wide membership registration which was said to have tripped the original members figure before the coming on board of Yahaya Bello. An action that was condemned by founding members of the party, Hon Omomi, secretary of the founding members forum described the exercise as an attempt to personalize the structure of the party, he describes it as the root cause of the irreconcilable difference in the party.

Information available from the grapevine suggests that the national leadership of the party has begun moves to restore peace and unity to the party and have identified the registration as the immediate cause of the acrimony in the state chapter of the party. The source quoted a top national official as saying that the exercise lack every legitimacy and will surely be canceled, he said a registration that did not have the imput of the state, LGA and wards executive cannot stand.

Party stakeholders and Governor Bello have continued to be in total state of disagreement since his assumption of office and the difference appears not to be ending soon, but the party at the national level is desirous of a united party to the coming election.

The candidature of the immediate past Chief of Naval Staff has continued to enjoy state wide endorsement and support, Admiral Jibrin Usman who is generally considered as the fittest alternative to the incumbent governor, given his abysmal failure and huge public disenchantment against him. Kogi people according to reports appear to be comfortable with a mature, experienced and fairly rich candidate who will rescue the state from the myriad of challenges it is presently confronted with. It is these qualities that makes Admiral Jibrin to stand out among the candidates
He is said to be of deep pocket with contact across the country and his military background is perceived to be another plus that will tame the excesses of the incumbent.

Weather his candidature will succeed or not will be determined during the forth coming primary election

Friday 17 May 2019

Palpable fear grips DISCOs as Lokoja Court orders accelerated hearing on suit challenging prepaid meeters

The ruling of accelerated hearing as ordered by a Lokoja Federal High Court over the suit challenging the legality of sales of prepaid meters has continued to generate tension within the Electricity Distribution Companies across the country over the fate of the program in the face of the suit

The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company had penultimate Friday launched the sale of the Prepaid meter across the states of Kogi, Nassarawa, Nigeria and FCT, an act that an Abuja based Civil Rights Activist, Omoluabi Bode Adeyemi has described as wicked, illegal and anti people, Omoluabi contend that Section 67 of the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Act 2005 forbids such action.

Our investigation has revealed that the stakeholders in the Distribution business of electricity are in palpable fear of what the eventual

judgement will look like. Attempt to get official reaction from Abuja Electricity Distribution Company has been unsuccessful but reliable inside sources confirmed that the issue was extensively discussed on the Kogi region staff whatsapp group where staff members expressed concerns.

Ever since the news broke out, electricity consumers have been expressing great excitement and joy, the news of possibilities of getting prepaid meters free of charge is what they have all prayed should come to reality. Electricity consumers across the country have taken to the social media to express their frustration and disappointment in the Discos, they encourage the judge to demonstrate courage to declare the distribution free.
The details of the suit is contained below


As plaintiff slams AEDC with seven billion Naira damages for crazy billing, extortion and under supply of electricity...

A Federal High Court sitting in Lokoja has on Wednesday granted an order of accelerated hearing on a suit challenging the legality of sales of prepaid meters to electricity consumers in Kogi West Senatorial district, arbitrary and crazy billing, extortion and under supply of electricity in the area.

A former ADC Senatorial Candidate in the just concluded election and civil rights activist, Omoluabi Bode Adeyemi on behalf of the
Kogi West electricity consumers had through a Writ of Summons supported with a motion on notice pursuant to Order 28 of the Federal High Court (civil rule procedure) dragged the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company, Hon Minister of Power, Works and Housing and Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission before Justice Okorowo over the illegality of the AEDC in the sales of prepaid meters, arbitrary estimated and undersupply of electricity to the people according to the rules guiding estimated billing system.

Omoluabi who swore to 12 point Affidavit under oath in suit number FHC/LKJ/CS/88/2019 before His Lordship Hon Justice Okorowo of the Federal High Court, is seeking

1. An interlocutory order of injunction restraining AEDC from carrying out sales of prepaid meters to unsuspecting customers.

2. A declaration that AEDC estimated billing is illegal, unlawful and null and void being contrary to the laid down regulations guiding billing of electricity customers.

3. A declaration that GET metered of AEDC asking customers to pay for meter is illegal and contrary to the provision of Section 67 of the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Act, 2005 and paragraph 4(1) of the MAP Regulations NERC-R-112-2018 and thus null, void and of no effect.

4. An order of the court restraining AEDC from using estimated billing without recourse to the extant laws and the consumables of the consumers.

5. An order of court directing the AEDC to issue prepaid meters to all its customers immediately at no cost whatsoever

6. An order of court directing AEDC to pay seven billion Naira being the illegal money generated on estimated billing in Kogi West.

While ruling on the experte motion, Hon Justice Okorowo granted the order of accelerated hearing on the motion on notice and adjourned till 28th May for hearing of the motion on notice.

Reacting to the ruling, Omoluabi thanked the judge for being sensitive to the plight of electricity consumers in Kogi West, he assured the people that he will pursue the case with every vigor to ensure justice for over hundred thousands of customers in Kogi West. He went further to explain the ordeals, untold frustration and challenges the people face daily in the hands of AEDC

Sunday 12 May 2019

Hon(ELD) LEKE ABEJIDE Bags National Assembly IMPACT MAKER Award Of The Year

The House of Representative member-elect for Yagba Federal constituency of Kogi State during the weekend was one of the award winner of WHO is WHO Personality Award of the incoming 9th National Assembly.

He was awarded the IMPACT MAKER of the year, after landslide victory at the last National Assembly election, he was one of the out standing nominees for the award.

Hon. Elder Leke Abejide has always been determined to make positive and indelible impacts with great changes, that has a traceable footprints.
This award is a self deserving one because the member-elect stands on the threshold of making difference.

In his remark he expressed his undiluted joy, as he received the award, it is a clear indication that his  efforts to imprint a legacy is yielding results,  people can see it.

This is also an inspiration and encouragement to do more.
In his remark at the event, after he was honoured with the award he said, "I have the believe that every good cause produces more than one effect". I will improve my best to do more so that the impacts will speak more for it self.
I want  to say a very big thank you , as I accept the award from Who & Who Awards as The National Assembly IMPACT MAKER .

Saturday 11 May 2019

DON'T PAY FOR PREPAID METERS, IT IS ILLEGAL, Activist advises Electricity consumers...



I am pleased to inform the general public that after due consultations and receipt of complaints against the misdemeanor of the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company against our people, I was at the Federal High Court, Lokoja yesterday to sue AEDC after substantially establishing that huge infractions have been committed against our people in the supply, rates and distribution of electricity to our people, it's important to state that the abominable acts of the company against the people are grievous, frustrating and and debilitating so much that it requires immediate legal action, most especially after it has been established that they have been sufficiently and painstakingly engaged by traditional, community and religious leaders severally without any iota of change.

It became most needful after the company introduced cost to prepaid meters, this to me and my team is the height of extortion, corporate robbery and deliberate wickedness against our people who are customers, as conscious law abiding citizens, we have sufficiently established that the sale is against the extant laws guiding the operation of Discos and electricity distribution in Nigeria.

I therefore wish advise our people not to pay a dime for the illegal sales as the court in the coming week will grant our injuction restraining the company from such sales but distribute free of charge.

I wish to assure all electricity consumers in Kogi West that we shall do all within our power and ability to ensure justice is served and served timely.

God bless you
God bless Kogi West

Omoluabi Bode Adeyemi
Masses true servant and advocate

Thursday 9 May 2019


I have received calls from some well meaning kogites and Nigerians at large as to my posters being pasted across Kogi and Abuja calling on me to come and contest Kogi Guber Elections in the November 2019 Governorship Elections.

I was surprised yesterday when the information got to me from the Nationtional Secretariat of our Party that my posters are on the walls of the secretariat in Abuja.

To me it shows an intervention is urgently required in my state of birth and I want thank all for recognizing my ability and capacity to deliver the much needed good governance that has eluded the state.

I have stated before and wish to restate now that what is before me and my colleagues is to support Rt Hon Femi Gbajabiamila in his speakership aspiration and represent the good people of Ikeja Federal Constituency.

If in the nearest future,the people and leadership of our party both home and abroad requires my services in such capacity,I will be willing to offer myself for service.

When in 2015,I accepted to be running mate to Late Prince Abubakar Audu,it was my conviction then that the late "Prince of the Niger" had a lot to offer the people. When he died, and I rejected the same position offered to me,it was also because I knew that there was no vision in the then incoming government. I believe I have been vindicated.
God Almighty will direct our path and help.

Signed: Hon. James Abiodun Faleke

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Kogi Guber: Faleke’s Posters flood APC National Secretariat.

Ahead of August 2019 Kogi state governorship primary election of the All Progressive Congress (APC), former running-mate to late Abubakar Audu and a Lagos state House of Representative member-elect, James Faleke, has joined the race to replace governor Yahaya Bello.
Blueprint can report authoritatively that Faleke’s governorship posters have already flooded the national secretariat of the APC, located at Blantyre street, Wuse 11, Abuja.
When our correspondent visited the party house on Wednesday, the collourful posters were already strategically pasted from the main entrance round about the building.
Although the national secretariat seemed deserted but few staff and other party members around appeared happy about the development with some of them seen in groups discussing the matter.
A senior members of the party who spoke with our correspondent on condition of anonymity described the move as a welcome development.
He said: “Remember that Falake was on a joint ticket with the late Audu. He has right and qualify to contest. So, the primary election will be a tough on,” the APC staff stated.
Earlier, the incumbent governor Yahaya Bello had declared his intention to seek the party’s ticket to contest for a second term in Abuja.

Why I rejected Yagba East Administrator’s appointment

I wish to thank the Yagba East Local Government Administrator for considering me worthy of being appointed as one of his Senior Special Advisers. It is however unfortunate that I was not consulted before the appointment was made. However, I humbly request to be excused as I will not be taking the appointment based on many reasons.
Firstly, having looked at the increasing state of hunger, starvation and untold hardship being experienced by civil servants which have led to death of many of the workers and businesses folding up with no sign of hope in any time soon. Also our healthcare, education and economy are getting worse by the day; from underpayment, irregular payment to outright non-payment of salaries for months.
Secondly, my political Leader (Elder Leke Abejide) would have no part with this administration and it will be a disservice for me to pitch my tent with APC led Government in Kogi State.
Finally, after weighing my options and consulting thoroughly, I have decided to reject the appointment. I wish the Administrator the wisdom to pilot the affairs of Yagba East towards peace and progress.

*Ibikunle Bukola*
*Ward 09*

Monday 6 May 2019

RAMADAN : Use this holy month to seek God's intervention against wicked rulers... AMB Mohammad Ahmed tell Kogi Muslims

As he promises better days ahead for Kogi transformation...

The leading All Progressive Congress gubernatorial aspirant and Ankpa Prince, Ambassador Mohammad Jubrin Ahmed has urged Muslim faithfuls to dedicate this holy month in prayers to almighty Allah for a change in the current hardship and visionlessness as is currently experienced in Kogi under this inhumane administration.

He made the call in his Ramadan message to the people of Kogi state. Ambassador Mohammad notes that it is excruciatingly difficult and most unimaginable for Muslims to enter the holy month of Ramadan without food, yet it is rewarding for them to bear it in order not to miss the benefits of the holy month.

"I share in the pains and perfectly understand the difficulty in fasting when salaries are not paid for months and general economy of the state in state of comatose, but I urge you all in the name of almighty Allah to endure the little time till when redemption will come. I am very confident that by Allah's power, this will be the last Ramadan that will be observed in lack, hunger and hopelessness, I however urge you all to dedicate this period to supplication to Allah to take away the agonizing and debilitating government, may Allah accept all our sacrifices as act of Ibadah" Alh Mohammad says.

He further assured the people that the time of redemption is near, he advised them to remain law abiding and never depart from the teachings of the holy Quran, especially at this holy month. He promised to reposition, redirect and restore the state to the path of speeding progress and economic prosperity when elected insha Allah by November

Sunday 5 May 2019

KOGI 2019: Do not give Yahaya Bello ticket, Okun Youths tells APC, as group endorsed Alh Muhammad Jubrin as most qualified

KOGI 2019: OKUN Youths endorse Amb. Mohammad Ahmed, writes Party Leaders on dangers of fielding Yahaya Bello...

Youths from across the sixty four (64) wards of the five LGAs of Okunland have endorsed the candidature of Ambassador Mohammad Jubrin Ahmed for the gubernatorial ticket of the All Progressives Congress for the November gubernatorial election. The youths who are mostly of the All Progressive Congress made the unanimous endorsement after meeting at the different headquarters of the two federal constituency in Okunland during the weekend.

The group which cut across the entire wards of Okunland under the auspices of Concerned Okun Youth Leaders described the reason for the endorsement as borne out of their genuine concern for the suffering Kogites and the unequal and intimidating credentials, administrative acumen and patriotism of Alh. Mohammed Jubrin Ahmed. They said in the letter addressed to the National Chairman of APC and copied to various party stalwarts that only Alh Mohammad appear to be of impeccable character, upright disposition and blameless record of integrity and free of corruption charges among all the contenders that have to far signified interest in the office.

The group says that the only way APC can win the coming election is to pick a man who is as corruption free and of proven integrity like President Muhammodu Buhari. The group notes that Buhari won a popular election in 2015 and 2019 because the people have known him to be uncompromising, honest, upright and indeed a lover of the downtrodden. It is therefore very expedient, instructive and very fundamental for the APC to present to Kogites, a man of such character as the gubernatorial candidate of the party.

While reading a communique adopted after the meeting and signed by Comrade Ajibade Kehinde from Ijumu Oke and Barrister Ifejola Omokore from Amuro district, the conveners describes the need for a fresh candidate for the party as urgent, important and unavoidable in view of the colossal failure, wanton embezzlement and anti-people government of Governor Yahaya Bello. "It is an open secret and a known fact that Governor Bello has squandered the goodwill of the party, failed irredeemably and have made people poorer, it is a popular news that Kogites now considers the suicide option due to non payment of salary running into several months, unnecessary animosity with virtually all the stakeholders in the state and his juvenile approach to all issues. It is therefore imperative that such a monumental failure be replaced with a better candidate " the communique reads.

The group further says that it will still organize a peaceful demand procession to the national secretariat as a mark of seriousness to press home their demand.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Forum of PDP Local Government Youth Leaders Mourn Dino Melaye’s Mother.

Forum of PDP Local Government Youth Leaders has condoled with Senator Dino Melaye, and the entire Melaye family, on the death of their mother, Deaconess Comfort Melaye.

The Kabba/Bunu PDP Youth Leader, Comrade Eseyin Kayode(1212) In a statement signed, spoke glowingly of the late Comfort Melaye and stated that she has raised a family that has produced one of Nigeria’s finest patriots and committed professionals.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the Distinguished Senator , and the entire Melaye family at this time, on the loss of their mother”

“We pray that the Almighty God, who granted her a long and prosperous life, may bless, guide and continue to protect the family that she has left behind. We also pray, that the Almighty God in his infinite mercies and grace, grant her a place amongst the righteous ones in Heaven. Amen”, Eseyin Kayode stated.

African Democratic Congress( ADC) Commiserates With Dino Melaye Over Mother's Death.

African Democratic Congress ( ADC) has  commiserated with the senator representing Kogi West Senatorial District, Dino Melaye, over the death of his mother, Deaconess Comfort Melaye whose sad event took place Thursday, 2nd of May,2019.

In a condolence message to Dino, the Publicity Secretary of ADC Mr  Bashir Ibrahim Ellah described the news of Deaconess Melaye's death as “a shock and great loss not only to Kogi State but Nigeria in general, given her invaluable contributions to the cause of humanity.”
African Democratic Congress’s condolence message which was signed by Mr Bashir Ibrahim Ellah the State Publicity Secretary of ADC was made available to the newsmen in  Lokoja yesterday...........

Friday 3 May 2019

Omoluabi Set To Resolve NAOS Leadership Crisis.

Kogi West ADC Senatorial Candidate In the last general election in Kogi State is to lead the peace process aimed at finding a lasting solution to the leadership crisis engulfing the National Association Of Okun Students(NAOS)

The development came as a result of the inability of the students mother union in Okun land to conduct on several occasion, a peaceful, transparent and unity convention expected to put an end to the lingering leadership tussle that has engulfed the union for over a year.

Speaking on the new development with one of our correspondents on Thursday, Omoluabi said there is no price too much to pay for peace. It is not about me alone, it is the initiative of the stakeholders and founding fathers to find a lasting peace.

Omoluabi wrote in a statement on one of his social media handle..

“It is my pleasure to humbly invite the former President, Senate President, current executive members and electoral committee members to an urgent but very important meeting.

The meeting is expected to have past and present leaders on ground with the aim to genuinely and finally lay all issues, crisis and divisions in the association to final rest.

It will be a great honor to have all concerned available in order for us to collectively take far reaching decisions for the progress of the association”

The youth leader, mobilizer and Political stakeholder has slated the meeting for tomorrow Saturday 4th May, 2019 at the Kabba Development Union National SECRETARIAT in Kabba by 11am and hopes to find a lasting solution to the crisis.

Hon(ELD) Leke Abejide Condoles With Melaye Family Over Loss Of Mother.

Member-elect of House of Representatives, Elder Leke Abejide, has condoled with Kogi West Senator, Dino Melaye, over the death of his mother.

The devoted Deacon, Comfort Melaye, passed away yesterday. 

The House of Representatives member-elect said: “Sen Dino, please accept my condolences on the glorious exit of your lovely mother. We thank God for a life well spent and also thank HIM you are the one burying her and not otherwise. May her soul Rest In Peace,amen”

Hon. Leke prayed that God comfort the family and grant her loved ones the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

2019 May Day: POHAN Felicitate With Nigerian Workers

The national umbrella for former and serving Public Office Holders Association
of Nigeria (POHAN) has congratulated workers on the occasion of this year’s workers’ day.

This was expressed in a statement signed by POHAN’s Acting National Publicity Secretary, Abdullahi Ahmed.

Abdullahi expressed confidence in the input of Nigerian workers. He applauded them for their level of commitments to the development of the country.

He further enjoined them to remain focus and supportive in all ramifications as they are the pillars that holds the country.

“The President Muhammadu Buhari led administration has given special regards and has also shown concerns to the Nigerian workers, reasons why he has ensured that the thirty thousand minimum wage is implemented with full actions. This is a show that the APC administration is so much concerned with the welfare of every Nigerian worker. Hence, celebrating this year’s worker’s day is worth it in totality.

“Being a Nigerian worker especially being a public servant demands extraordinary commitments and dedication to service. Hence it is noteworthy to applaud every Nigeria Civil Servants for giving their very best in ensuring that the country moves forward.

“Since the reward for good is good, Nigerian Workers are expected to be well catered for same way they reciprocate by showing high level of dedication to their duties.

“On behalf of POHAN, we are saying congratulations to every Nigerian worker who has shown high level of commitments and productivity to the system and kudos to the government for prioritizing the welfare of every Nigeria Worker especially as it is displayed through the payments of their minimum wage as implemented by President Muhammadu Buhari.”

Bello Commiserates With Dino Over Mother's Death

Kogi State Governor, Alh Yahaya Bello, has commiserated with the senator representing Kogi West Senatorial District, Dino Melaye, over the death of his mother, Deaconess Comfort Melaye whose sad event took place Thursday, 2nd of May,2019.

In a condolence message to Dino, Bello described the news of Deaconess Melaye's death as “a rude shock and great loss not only to Kogi State but Nigeria in general, given her invaluable contributions to the cause of humanity.”
The Kogi State governor’s condolence message which was signed by the governor was made available to the journalists in  Lokoja yesterday by his Chief Press Secretary, Onogwu Muhammed.

He described the departed Deaconess Melaye as “a quintessential mother, devout Christian and community leader who devoted her lifetime to the service of God and humanity.’’

Ijumu LGA
Kogi State


I received with shock, news of the passing of your mother, Deaconess Comfort Melaye. Words are insufficient to condole one on a mother's death, but I do urge you to take solace in the life that she lived. I have no doubt that mama’s impact and reach will continue to be felt through her offspring.

On behalf of the Great People of Kogi State, my family and myself, I offer you our deep condolences while praying the Almighty God to grant you and the rest of the Melaye family the grace to endure this irreparable loss.

Do keep us notified of funeral plans.

Thank you.

Credit : Onogwu Mohammed Galaticus

Thursday 2 May 2019

BAFA Empowers Lokoja Residents Through “TOUCH A LIFE INITIATIVE” program.

BAFA FOUNDATION a non governmental organization based in Lokoja, Kogi State, says it is assiduously working with like minds to banish poverty out of Nigeria through the “TOUCH A LIFE INITIATIVE” program.

In a statement issued in Lokoja, BAFA FOUNDATION says it is an offshoot of the BAFA Multipurpose Corporative Society established with the sole aim of providing humanitarian support to the less privileged, provide capital support to petty business owners at an interest free loan to entrepreneurs as well as offer medical intervention for critical cases and Scholarships.

The overall essence according to the NGO is to touch lives that are hitherto unnoticed but truly in need of help and to enhance decent living.

According to the statement,  " It is not wrong and no more news that our nation, Nigeria has been officially announced as the global headquarters of POVERTY. This revelation is not exactly made so that government can be insulted or castigated, it was revealed so that humanitarian concerns and philanthropic gesture could be made by those who have enough to those who have not."

It is in the light of this that the BAFA disclosed that in less than one year of its existence, it has substantially and appreciably reached out to unimaginable number of market women, youths and artisans, a feat that has made the program outstanding and making the foundation to speedily grow".

BAFA the statement added, currently has over four hundred petty business owners that have secured various amounts of interest free loans and are doing great in their businesses.
The organization is currently finalizing arrangement with a pro-masses welfare advocacy organization with a deep knowledge of the area to facilitate the process of all empowerment related issues.

BAFA Mission Statements is to among others, "  Touch as many lives and lift as many burden off the poor masses. Provide social welfare intervention to assist poor masses. Build a society that is free of starvation and frustration and to be a trailblazer in the collective agenda towards banishing hunger and poverty out of Africa".

One of the loan beneficiary's, Kende Magaji (Mama Kulikuli)  said before she obtained loan from BAFA MCS Ltd, her business was not doing well, pointed out since she got the loan from BAFA, disclosed that she no longer buy groundnut on credit, but now makes more profit than before, a development that has helped her to pay her children's school fees without stress.
Similarly, Joy Isah a hairdresser, who lives in Adankolo community, lokoja and a beneficiary of BAFA loan, explained that she is happy and ready to take more loan from BAFA because she enjoyed the first loan which has helped in the progress of her business. According to Joy Isah, she was able to get some hairdressing materials she needed for her business instead of asking customers to go and get them before use.

Another beneficiary, Khadijat Ayuba, a food seller in Adankolo Community, said as one of the beneficiary of BAFA, expressed happiness that she can now use her money to buy all the food stuffs she needed with cash rather than taken them on credit and to pay back later, expressed appreciation to BAFA.


My attention has been drawn to a viral video been circulated, intensively by some mischief makers, to misinform, confuse and generate concerns amongst the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency, Kogi West Senatorial District, Kogi State, as well as my colleagues, especially members of the PDP Caucus in the House of Representatives as well as other progressive-minded Nigerians.

In the 50-seconds video, Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State was heard, while addressing some of his Party Leaders and members on the aspiration of Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila for the Speakership position, saying, “in fact, let me assure that Hon. TJ Yusuf that is in PDP will do our bidding. He is one of those that we are hopeful will come and I will talk to him, he will come”.
Within the past 24 hours alone, I have been inundated with countless telephone calls, text messages, Whatsapp chats and personal visits by patriotic constituents and other Nigerians who feel concerned about the very obvious Freudian slip by Governor Yahaya Bello. Indeed, some expressed very deep worries and concerns about the deliberate attempt by the Kogi State Governor to draw my name into his remarks with a view to use such to impress, attract sympathy and curry favour from the Leader of his party whom he was addressing.

I wish to state with every sense of responsibility that I have NEVER discussed with the Governor, his associates, aides or any of his team about the coming Speakership election or on any matter whatsoever. Also, I have never participated in any meeting; formal or informal, by/with the Governor, his associates, aides or any of his team, either in Kogi State or anywhere whatsoever, on who emerges Speaker of the 9th Assembly of the House of Representatives.

I do not have such personal relationship with Governor Yahaya or his associates, neither have I participated in any meeting with the Governor nor any of his people on the choice of who to support as the Speaker of House of Representatives.

While such utterances may express Governor Bello’s hopes and optimistic wishes, such expectations remain an illusion and I urge all the good people of my constituency, members of my party and all discerning Nigerians to see the utterances as mere fallacy.

Since 2011 when I was elected into the House of Representatives by the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency on the platform of the PDP, I have displayed unflinching passion, unalloyed loyalty and unwavering commitment in the pursuit of our great Party’s agenda, programmes and activities; at all times.

Happily, my loyalty and consistency as a law-abiding partyman has not gone unnoticed by Elders, Leaders and various structures of the PDP - indeed, it is in recognition of my commitment that I was made a Member of the Party’s National Executive Council. Having gone this far in my political career under the PDP; it is too late in the day for me to do anything that will destroy the good name, honour and integrity that Almighty God has given me.

While I urge my constituents, party faithful, colleagues, friends and associates to disregard whatsoever purpose the video was meant to achieve, I assure all that as a very loyal partyman and team-player, I will assiduously work towards the realisation of our Party hierarchy decision. I am confident that at the right time, the Leadership of our great Party will discuss, liaise and guide; as true democrats, unlike the dictatorial tendencies of the APC, we, the about 130 Members-elect PDP Caucus on the way to go as per who emerges Speaker of the 9th Assembly in the House of Representatives.

I wish to assure all that when decision is taken as to who to vote for as Speaker of the House of Representatives, I, as a very loyal, reliable Party Member, like I did in 2015, will deploy all energies, passion, commitment, contacts and goodwill across board towards realising and fulfilling the mandate of our great Party.

Finally, I wish to commend Elders, Leaders, Officials, Members of our great Party, as well as colleagues, friends and associates for their genuine love, concern and understanding.


Wednesday 1 May 2019

Breaking: Tribunal Strikes Out Petition Against Yagba House of Rep Member-Elect, Hon(ELD) Leke Abejide.

The Kogi State National Assembly Election Tribunal sitting at Wuse Magistrate Court in Abuja , Wednesday struck out the petition filed against the victory of Yagba federal House of Representatives member-elect, Hon(ELD) Leke Abejide by Henry Abimbola, candidate under the All Progressive Congress(APC)

Abimbola, after the general election had in a suit headed to the Kogi State National Assembly election tribunal in Kogi State, the tribunal expected to sit in Lokoja, the State Capital had earlier moved to the Wuse Magistrate Court FCT Abuja due to the prevailing and worsening security situation in the state under the APC led State government of Yahaya Bello.

The petitioner asked the tribunal to among others determine whether Elder Leke Abejide was lawfully elected in accordance with the electoral laws of the land.
He also asked the court to declare the Yagba House of Representative Election noid and void due to electoral irregularities of ballot stuffing masterminded by his own party APC and therefore order a rerun election immediately.
He claimed this was in violation of the mandatory provisions of the Electoral laws 2010 as amended.

However, in land mark judgment, presided over by Justice Chijioke threw away the case against Hon(ELD) Leke Abejide on the ground that the petition lacks diligent prosecution.  The petition was also struck out due to absence of prosecution witnesses from the petitioner as requested by the tribunal. 

Reacting to judgment, a political stakeholder from Yagba, Chief Dare Mayegun, described the ruling as brilliant and noted that the judgment couldn’t have gone otherwise.

Also reacting to the landmark judgement, Hon. Leke's counsel Bar. Oluwole Aladedoye said the petition do not only lack diligent prosecution but also lack common sense in its entirety. 

Member- elect, Hon.(ELD) Leke Abejide in his reaction thanked God almighty for the ruling and also extended olive branch to his opponent, Henry Ambibola at the to join in working for the development of Yagba land.

” I want to use this medium to appeal to Henry Ambibola and the APC to join hands with me to bring the needed development to our federal Constituency”.