Tuesday 30 July 2024


Within the past few weeks, I undertook a consultation journey across the length and breadth of Kabba/Bunu Local Government. From Kiri, Ofere, and Osomule down to the College of Agriculture, from Olle down to Edumo, from Obele down to Kabba town, and from Agbede down to FGGC, I witnessed our local government's convergence of strengths and potentials. Our hardworking farmers, teachers, local government workers, businessmen, and laborers all have stories to tell. They all seek an alternative to this government, clamoring to see things done differently.

My journey is my first response to the call of our people to lead the struggle for change in governance. Our people are tired of irresponsible and insensitive governance.

Time and again, new generations have risen up and achieved what seemed impossible. In this state of hopelessness, depression, arrogant use of power, percentage salary payments, and unaccountability, we are called upon to bring hope.

That is our unyielding resolve—that in the face of impossible odds, fear of electoral malpractices, intimidation, and recklessly corrupt local government administration, we stand firm.

Honourable Muritala Ajaka understood this. He had his doubts and reservations, and faced temporary setbacks. But through his *will* and his *words*, he started a journey of liberation, igniting a movement that reinforced our collective resolve to continue on the path of emancipation. To take his message of hope and liberation to our dear local government.

We know the challenges. We've heard them, analyzed and reanalyzed them. We've talked about them for months now.

The achievement of our collective aspiration and passionate yearning for an accountable, responsive, and responsible governance system depends on the active participation of an awakened electorate.

Motivated by the fact that we can provide workable solutions to these problems we discuss daily, and energized by Honourable Muritala Ajaka's powerful liberation journey, I aim to play a small part in building a better, people-oriented system of governance in Kabba/Bunu.

So, what exactly are we doing differently?

Our consensual understanding is to shift from this inexplicable style of governance to a more accountable system.

Primary healthcare will receive the needed attention, ensuring that nobody in Kabba/Bunu has to travel more than four kilometers to receive basic healthcare, regardless of where they reside.

My mission is to oversee a local government that will deploy an intelligent, proactive, and preventive approach in tackling insecurity, instead of the reactionary style that has taken us nowhere. This can be achieved by improving our intelligence capabilities.

We need to clearly define youth empowerment by ensuring that everyone willing to work can receive *job training* that leads to employment and enables them to become employers of labor.

Collectively, we can invest in agriculture through subsidized rental of agricultural equipment, turning our local government into the food basket of the state. Mechanization and modern-day farming are possible with sincerity of purpose.

My policy on education is simple: to ensure that all schools in the basic education system, irrespective of location, have the resources to provide minimum quality standards of education for school-age children, through adequate teaching materials, trained teachers, and essential physical infrastructure conducive to learning.

The demonic institutionalization of percentage salary payments will never happen under my watch. Instead, a better welfare package for the workers and periodic training to engender better output will be in place.

As partners in progress and drivers of our administration's goals, respect for both our traditional and religious institutions is inevitable.

Most importantly, the promotion and protection of fundamental human rights will be my guiding principle. Nobody will be oppressed, intimidated, or harassed for holding contrary opinions.

Consequent to the foregoing and in response to the yearning of our people, I, Sesere Job Monday, have decided to run for the office of Local Government Chairman of Kabba/Bunu Local Government in the forthcoming Local Government Elections, under the platform of the *Social Democratic Party (SDP)*. I make this declaration with the highest sense of responsibility. What I request from you, our dear citizens, is that you join me in this historic venture, as I do not pretend to possess the ability to do this alone. With God on our side and with your support, I will not fail you.

God bless Kabba/Bunu Local Government.