Sunday 29 April 2018

Dino’s Recall: How Kogi Speaker collected part of N5B For Failed Dino’s Recall.

Facts has emerged how Kogi State House of Assembly Speaker, Prince Mathew Kolawole defraud Gov. Yahaya Bello Of  over N2B out of billions of naira allegedly release and fraudulently diverted  to execute the failed recall of senator Dino Melaye.

In a meeting which was attended by the Speaker and government appointees from Kogi west, the Speaker assured the Governor and the Chief of Staff, Edward Onoja of his control over Okun people to successful recall Senator Dino Melaye.

The Speaker was said to insist that with over N2B, he will ensure a large turnout of people to recall the Senator but unknowingly to the Governor the Speaker is no longer popular and has lost his political influence on the people mostly Kabba/Bunu Local Government where he currently represent.

After releasing the said fund to Mr. Speaker and the Algon Chairman Taofiq Isa, half of the fund was said to have been diverted for selfish reasons after it was clear there will be low turnout for the exercise as there was no single soul available to be induced with the money for the verification exercise.
All polling unit were empty and deserted.

After the failed excercise the Governor and his Chief of Staff were obviously angry with the way the Speaker and other Okun Appointees mismanage the funds after fully knowing that Mr. Speaker and other appointees from Okun land are only feather weight and do not have any goodwill among the people or have any influence to mobilize support for the recall talk more of mobilizing support for the Governor’s  second term ambition come 2019/2020

The Governor who was visibly angry hurriedly left the State Capital Lokoja to Abuja expressing his disappointment with Mr. Speaker and other Okun appointees over the failed recall exercise. 

The Governor release and wasted over N5B as alleged by the Opposition party PDP for the failed recall exercise of Senators Dino Melaye despite owing workers and Pensioners over two years.

The people have described the failed recall as a litmus test for 2019/2020 general elections where the Governor and his cohorts will be roundly defeated and sent packing from the state.

Dino’s Arrest and Failed Recall, downfall of PMB and GYB

The Arrest and Recall of Dino Melaye is the downfall of President Muhammad Buhari and his son Governor Yahaya Bello.

Written by Joseph Ozigis Akomodi, New York, USA
The indigene of Kogi Central – Nigeria

My fellow Countrymen and women, I am ecstatic that the people’s justice was delivered to President Buhari and Governor Yahaya Bello today by the people of Okuland. I cannot be more proud of the Okuland for shaming the President of Nigeria in conniving with his son Adoza Bello to plot and arrest Dino to enable the recall process.

God in his infinite mercy has disgraced them. As I said in my last article about this Dino arrest a young man Dino is rising while the President Buhari and Governor Yahaya Bello are now taking a nose dive falling from grace to shame. I am particularly angry about President Muhammad Buhari; this is a man I so much adored during my youthful age while I was a young man in Bauchi the former North Eastern State. Then our now President, was my Governor. Everyone of us as the youths in the North Eastern State adored him. He has allowed himself to be misled by a kid called Governor Yahaya Bello.

The biggest mistake of any President to do was to get himself involved in the recall process and allowing INEC to even conduct the recall process, in it by itself is an impeachable offense of the highest order. That is obstruction of justice which is impeachable by the definition of Nigeria Constitution. I do not understand the kind of advisers or aids the President have around him? That is absolutely shocking.

Dino Melaye by definition and age, could be Buhari’s son. You do not stage a fake recall and thinking it will not backfire in your faces. Is Dino arrogant yes he is. Is Yahaya Bello arrogant yes he doubled that of Dino. Despite the crazy allowances and salaries that senators earned and the crazy embezzlement of state Governors and the refusal to conduct local Government elections and the unending fake screening by your son Alhaji Yahaya Bello in lieu of placing stooges in offices to say yes sir to the Governor when asked to jump they will say how high. That in itself is corruption and the President sat in his comfort zone Aso-Rock to allow this shame of recall process of Senator Dino Melaye.

The President cannot tell the educated elites that he has zero knowledge of the staged recall of one of the Kogi State Senator. The relevancy you have created for Governor Yahaya Bello to do whatever he wanted is what prevented you to call him to order when he categorically refuses to pay civil servants. It is okay to chase shadow but it is not okay to cautioned your son who has starved his people and many to death. President Buhari could not tell me he is unaware of his deeds in Kogi State. Meanwhile, he is constantly in Aso-Rock to have Friday Jumat with the President.

I still truthfully cannot disrespect you because of the kind of past leadership you have exhibited while I was a youth in the then North Eastern State. The capital then was Maiduguri. I can understand, you were probably in your 30s then. I know age also must have set in. We knew you then as a man of zero tolerance for wastefulness. You urge the youths then, to focus on our education that we are the leaders of tomorrow.

Silence over issues means you concord, if all these happened without any iota of any statement from you about Dino’s recall and arrest, that means you are in conformity with the actions. However, INEC cannot take a decision to conduct a recall without your approval or knowledge. That is basic facts.

The lesson we all learned in the failed recall of Dino is simple that Nigerians all around the Nation are fed up with the Leadership of the current Government of Kogi State. As President and as the former Head of State, I am sure those who came before you paved way for you to succeed in your political endeavor and education per say. If at this junction, those in the leadership role are witch hunting each other where is the fair of God? As a true Muslim which you are. Is Dino Melaye very critical of your leadership yes he is. That is what democracy is all about. The freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion which you and I enjoyed in a Country Nigeria and the rest of the world that is following the democratic system of governance.

This message to the President Buhari and Governor Yahaya Bello is for you to retrieve from witch hunting political opponents whether in the same party with you or not. A true democracy is for the citizens to have certain rights. I critic the President of United State all the time from President Bush and now President Trump nobody has sent police to arrest me because it is our basic fundamental human right.

I urge you to retrieve from petty criticism of you. President Jonathan was the most critic President in Nigeria he never sent anyone to arrest anybody. That is the power of democracy. If you and your son Governor Yahaya Bello failed to retrieve, I can equivocally guarantee you that history will not vindicate you and your son Bello. A word is enough for those who are wise.

I prayed that Nigeria will be a Country where all of us can be proud about. I left Nigeria for a long time but Nigeria never left me. Rule and let others rule. I urge you the second time to make a history not to re-contest in this coming election. I am expecting you to set the stage where you could be recognized like Mandela all over the world. Good legacy is what you need no matter how many years you spent in a leadership role if there is no good legacy your efforts will be in vain. As for integrity, you have it. You have a lot of sycophants in your administration that is why you cannot complete all the promises you made during your campaign. Besides, Ajaokuta is still on my mind… Adieus!

Joseph Ozigis Akomodi, Indigene of Kogi Central
New York, USA

Saturday 28 April 2018

Dino’s Recall: INEC Release Result Of Verication Excercise



The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC have just released the results of the Saturday's recall verification validation exercise of distinguished Sen Dino Melaye, APC, Kogi West Senatorial District at the INEC office, Lokoja.

According to the Resident Electoral Commissioner in Lokoja Kogi State, the result detailed as released;
Total numbers of registered voters in Kogi West 351, 140.

Total numbers of petitioners signatures is 189, 870.

Total numbers of signatures present for accreditation was 20, 868.

Total numbers of signatures verified and present for recall 18, 743.

According to result and details as released by INEC, constitutional requirements and percentage to effect the recall of Sen Dino Melaye, Kogi West by the petitioners is 50% plus 1

In the light of the of the above, haven't failed to meet the constitutional requirements of 50 % plus 1 in which the total percentage garnered by the petitioner in the validation exercise is just (5. 34 percent) out of 50 % 1 as required by law, INEC, thereby declare the petition as failed, invalid, ineffective and incompetent entirely to activate the recall of distinguished Sen Dino Melaye.

The petition is also not qualified for (Referendum) which could have been the next stage according to law haven't failed woefully to secure just 5.34% out of the constitutionally required 50% +1.

Kogi West Senatorial agent for Sen Dino Melaye, Mahmud Director from Lokoja who was visibly elated and happy was at INEC office confirmed the details of the results.
The results was announced in this presence of agents, media, civil society organization present, observers and security agencies.

Congratulations to the good people of Kogi West

Breaking: Dino Melaye’s Recall suffers Setback

Based on the information gathered directly from all Polling Units in Kogi West, the recall exercise of Senator Dino Melaye is a total failure and thus outright waste of taxpayers resources.

Almost all Polling Units (PU) were boycotted in the verification exercise. As at the time of filing in this report, less than one hour to the end of the verification exercise, record obtained from all Polling Units visited  reveal that total electorate confirmed to have been verified in the total Polling Units visited is just a little above 100 signatures. And some of those that came for the verification only went to the Polling Units to confirm the allegations that the so called signatures of petitioners were forged; and some did not see their signature on the list while some actually confirmed that their signatures were forged as they were never part of those asking for the recall of the Senator.    

While most Polling Units were completely deserted only few recorded turn out and very low turn out indeed. The following are the figures obtained from few Polling Units that people turned out.

In Lokoja Club, 875 were said to have signed the recall form, but only 2 showed up and they both alleged that their names are on the list, but they were never part of any recall exercise, so their signatures were forged.

At Paparanda Square, the electorates that turned out didn't see their names on the list, so they recorded zero verification.

In Ukwo Okoriko, Ward A, unit 003, Kogi Koton Karfe Local Government only 18 turned out from the 440 electorates alleged to have signed the recall form.

At the Ohogabi Polling Unit, 43 electorates showed up out of the 500 petitioners.

While in Banda, Lokoja Local Government; out of the 512 alleged to have signed petitioners only 40 verified their signatures.

While in all Polling Units visited in Kabba/Bunu, Ijumu, Yagba East LGA as well as Mopa, electorate completely deserted the verification centres as at the time correspondents visited the centres.

Youth Corps members used for the exercise appeared to have been paid only to sit down operating their mobile phones while some rested their heads on their table to have a quick nap after their mobile phone battery/power bank ran down. This can only be described as exercise in futility.

There was drama in Bolorunduro/Odo-Akete Ward in Kabba as one Mr. John Smith Mejabi raised alarm that his name appeared on the recall list as No 443 and ticked with pen and his signature forged "on the INEC verification for the ongoing fraudulent recall of senator Dino Melaye."

Some boys believed to be APC boys attempted to intimidate him, but he insisted that, "for the records, I was never involved in this fraudulent signing last year." Thus, he said he will not allow such fraud go on, adding that he will surely take legal action against INEC and all collaborators.

In a similar development, two other people in Fehinti around St. Joseph Primary School, Kabba also alleged to have seen their names and signatures on the recall list, yet they never knew anything about it

Also at Lokoja Club, Ward A, PU 016, one Mr Samuel Olukotun said that he saw the name and forged signature of his wife, Mrs. Feyisayo Olukotun, on the recall list despite that she was not part of any recall process. Hence, he vowed "to sue the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)" for the forgery.

 INEC said that the result of the verification exercise will be announced tomorrow Sunday, 29th April, 2018 and further action will be decided.

Source: Arise News247




Justice Helpline Foundation is deeply concerned about the flagrant abuse of and disregard for the rights of Nigerians thus the need to call the attention of Nigerians to this absurdity.

It is sad that security agencies maintained with taxpayers money who ought to obey the laws while enforcing same have become tools of repression and persecution.

Impunity is so brazen that concerted efforts must be made to resist a gradual slide towards anarchy.

It is unfortunate that the tenets of democracy are being eroded to please certain individuals in power.

Institutions are being weakened instead of making them stronger to massage the particular ego.

The case of Sen. Dino Melaye is instructive because of the way the Police Authorities have allowed itself to be manipulated to openly show biased interest in a matter that demands absolute impartiality from them.

Before now, Nigerians have witnessed disobedience and disregard for court rulings on the part of the Federal Government which is no longer tenable.

The judiciary is the last hope of every citizen and when the hope is taken, resort to self-help is inevitable which is nothing but courting anarchy.

Apart from Sen. Dino Melaye, some of his aides and even lawyers have been incarcerated by the Police for unknown reasons.

Justice Helpline Foundation is hereby giving the Police Authorities 72 hours to release all those in detention or charge them to court of competent jurisdiction failing which appropriate legal action will be taken to enforce the fundamental rights of these individuals.

It is the height of callous insensitivity to deny citizens their freedom illegally.

We implore President Muhammadu Buhari to curtail the dishonorable activities of security agencies to individuals who hold dissenting opinions to his government policies and programs.

As stakeholders in the temple of Justice, we are under obligation to see that every Nigerians right to freedom of speech and expression is not in any way threatened.

Arbitrary detention of people is antithetical to democracy and if this not stopped, the consequences on the tranquillity of our nation already plagued with insecurity challenges all over the country will be ominous.

What Nigerians are asking for is the fulfilment of the change promised in 2015. All promises made have remained unfulfilled and the natural result is for people to express their disappointment lawfully.

Nigerians must not be cowed by the atmosphere of fear being created to gag and muzzle genuine expression of betrayal for failed promises.

The press being the Fourth Estate of the Realm must be alive to its responsibilities by informing and enlightening the people because knowledge is power.

Thank you all.

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria!


Barrister Ayo Desmond Jonathan,

Director of Litigation,

Justice Helpline Foundation (JHF)

Friday 27 April 2018

Dino’s Recall: Non Constituents Imported To Execute Recall

There is ongoing Dubious importation of non Kogi Westerner by Kogi State govt to illegally and fraudulently execute the recall of Sen Dino Melaye.

Our attention has been brought to the systematic illegality and criminal means adopted by the traitorous agents of recall currently ongoing at Solid Rock Hotel Kabba, where every crude options are currently been tabled in a desperate bid to fraudulently recall distinguished Sen Dino Melaye.

 The recall planners according available info are currently at SOLID ROCK Kabba, fine tuning their strategy as well as disbursement of fund to induce any willing constituents who's ready to falsely claim or confirm the already fabricated signatures tomorrows verification exercise.

Reliably, reports also had it that those desperate recall agents have booked most of the hotels within Kabba & environs, while people were already been imported from Ilorin, Ondo, Ekiti, Okene, Adavi, Ogori  aa well as in Central Senatorial district.

The ignoramus and desperate  anti democratic forces did not stop at that, they have also currently transporting political foreigners from Idah, Dekina, Ofu, Ankpa, Olamaboro and Bassa LGAs of Kogi East Senatorial district.

Similar fraudulent scenario is also currently going on at Richery Hotel in Lokoja behind GT Bank where State agents are dubiously forging and perfecting signatures just to recall the best of the year 2016 and 2017 concurrently.

Similar meetings are also going on at Isanlu, Ejiba Mopa, Egbe and Ife- Olukotun Yagba federal constituency and Odokoro, Okoro, Ayegunle, Ayeh, Iyara, Ogidi, Ogale, Iyamoye, and  Ekirin Adde in Ijumu where falsification and electoral  forgeries are carried out haven't noticed that the good people of Okun/ Kogi West have already rejected the recall bid of Sen Dino Melaye.

In view of this satanic development, it is imperative to urgently alert the people of Kogi West, Okun Nation, Civil Society Organisation, the Media, Nigerians and lovers of representative democracy to see the arbitrary and most desperate actions of those enemies of democracy and good governance and undemocratic characters who masquerade as recall proponents.

We wish to state in a very courageous and strong terms that Kogi West shall vehemently resist any attempt to play down due process and constitutionalism in a criminal and dubious bid to replace it with maximum illegality and robbery.

We have no doubt in our people's resolve to ensure that the fake already conjured signatures criminally collated ended in waste.

We clearly state for record purpose that distinguished Sen Dino Melaye, (APC) Kogi West was voted by the good people of Kogi west, and won't be recalled by desperadoes and idle opportunist who are not from kogi west who crudely think they can politically insult the Okun nation and Kogi west entirely through the useless and unsolicited ill fated exercise called recall.

We call on Kogi West constituents to peaceful reject the insult been about to be launched by us by the non Kogi West elements inside govt house as we promise to fight this illegality and the day light robbery with all strength within the ambit of the law.

God bless Kogi West!!!

Kogi West Stand With Dino Melaye.


Thursday 26 April 2018


Following the allegation and counter allegation that ensued between the Nigerian Police Force and Senator Dino Melaye which led to the hospitalization of the Kogi-born lawmaker, a Member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yusuf Tajudeen has counselled the two parties to be tolerant and strive to maintain rule of law.

Hon. Yusuf Tajudeen who represents Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency said, “as the representative of Senator Dino Melaye in the Green Chamber, it is expedient that I advise the Nigerian Police Force to ensure that they exhibit the highest degree of fairness, equity, sincerity, justice and respect the rule of law in the case. As a citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, it is absolutely necessary that the Nigeria Police Force respect the fundamental human rights of Senator Dino Melaye”.

Soliciting for tolerance and mutual respect between the Nigerian Police Force and Senator Dino Melaye, the Lawmaker declared that “though nobody is above the law, the Nigerian Police Force must ensure that it respect and follow due process in carrying out its responsibilities. I specifically appeal to the Inspector General of Police to do everything within the ambit of law and in good conscience to ensure that his officer and men do not do anything illegal and immoral which may further compound the shaky and strained relationship between the National Assembly and Nigerian Police Force”.

Let us do it for Dino Melaye-Kola Ologbondiyan

The most unfortunate aspect of human life is our pretensions to history. We act God and plot the ends of fellow human beings, forgetting the place of Almighty, just to satisfy our lust for power.
I recall how the administration of General Sani Abacha cooked up a coup attempt against General Olusegun Obasanjo (as he then was known). He was in prison when PDP was being organized. He came out of prison to become the President of the FRN.
Engr Iyiola Omisore was in Agodi Prison. He had a murder charge. While in the Agodi Prison, his people elected him Senator of the FRN.
Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau was removed as the principal (or perm sec) in Kano State. The people took side with him, sacked the governor and elected Mallam in his place. Mr Theodore Orji (as he was then known)  was in Ikoyi Prison on charges bordering on corruption. He was elected governor and today he is Senator.
In this same Kogi State, Prince Abubakar Audu was placed in hand chains and paraded as a common criminal. Several years after, the people aligned with him, voted out the incumbent government and elected Prince.
Unfortunately, death came calling and GYB inherited his votes.
One can continue without end but the lesson from all these is that the will of God and the people are stronger than the ephemeral power of any man.
The contrivance against Dino will pale out and he will conquer as long as he keeps standing on the side of the people and demanding their rights of salaries and pensions.
My personal appeal to all Kogi Westerners is simple: let us stand by our son.
Dino has his faults. Yes.  He overdo things. Yes. His style is annoying. Yes. He is too aggressive. Yes. He stopped Hon Biodun Faleke from being governor. Yes. He blocked the chance of Yagba to produce Senate.  Yes.
But should we on account of all these hand Dino over to hungry lions from strange farmlands to devour? My answer is NO.
The fall of Senator Dino Melaye is a fall of our independence. It will be a fall of our inherited character of standing up to oppression under whatever guise and forms. It will be a surrender of our sovereignty as a people to our neighbours, who are keeping theirs. Once, we accept this 'insult', we have lost face and hereafter we have accepted to be treated as minions in a state that belongs to all of us.
Let us look beyond our immediate anger against Dino. We did it for Senator Tunde Ogbeha against Governor (Prince) Abubakar Audu. We did it for Senator Smart Adeyemi against Governor Ibrahim Idris. Let us do it for Senator Dino Melaiye.
I commend the ODI for rising in defence of our land and I equally invite the ODA to do the needful. This is a time when silence is not golden... Kola Ologbondiyan

Wednesday 25 April 2018



The continued arbitrary arrest and detention of Sen Dino Melaye's family members and associate by the Nigerian police is now been viewed, watched and analysed by the global community.
So sad, Nigeria suddenly becomes a laughing stock.

Its most serious and necessary to bring to the public notice of the continued illegal and arbitrary arrest and detention of more family members and associates of distinguished Sen Dino Melaye over no offence either directly or indirectly by the men of Nigeria police.

We wish to state urgently that since on the 23rd of April when the brazen persecution onslaught against Sen Dino Melaye, about 10 people including Pastor Femi Obalemo, Sam Melaye, Moses Melaye, Folorunsho Obamuwe, ( Melaye's driver) lawyers to Melaye and 7 other close associates are currently been detained by police for no reason under a country that is said to be governed by the constitution and rule of law.

We do not know where the police got its powers to illegally arrest this humble, gentle and peaceful Nigerians, but all we continue to hear from police is that we are acting on the "ORDERS FROM ABOVE"

We therefore call on Nigerians and leaders of thought to see Melaye's persecution a high-powered one where the diginity and rights citizens are unjustly infringed and molested Sitting on the fence at this junction is traitorous as we do not know who next?

What can we call this ugly and brutal use of force and coercion, intimidation, harassment and outright upturning of the laws of the land just to silent a golden voice.

And most unfortunately, this is happening under the glaring eye and watch of President Buhari.
In the spirit of justice, equity, freedom and human rights, we call on Nigerians to stand up against the severe police maltreatment, brutality, harassment and continued arrest detention of Melaye's family members and associates.
The Federal might and powers that be have descended on Melaye's without recourse to constitutionalism, right of citizens and due process. It is Melaye's today, we don't know which family's turn tomorrow under such brutish and dictatorial govt.

Its worthy to note that what is currently happening to Sen Dino Melaye is an onslaught against democracy

Police up till moment, haven't gave any reason for the arrest of Melaye's brothers and his associates and yet they were held and locked up unjustly.

In an unjust society, silence is crime.

Nigerians they said power that be is at work, but for us, we urgently demand there unconditional immediate release of those arrested without further delay.

In God we trust!


Dino Melaye not in handcuffs, in stable condition-Saraki

Tom Olasunkanmi

Senator Dino Melaye is currently in a stable condition at the National Hospital, Senate President, Bukola Saraki has said.

Mr Saraki said this after visiting the hospitalised senator on Wednesday.

The Senate earlier stood down all items on its order paper during plenary to visit Mr Melaye after some lawmakers were denied access to him.

Mr Melaye on Tuesday allegedly  jumped out of a moving police vehicle to resist being taken to Lokoja, an act which landed him in hospital.

The delegation of senators led by Mr Saraki arrived at the National Hospital at about 1.29 pm.

Mr Saraki and other senators present were allowed to visit Mr Melaye at the trauma centre of the hospital.

The visit lasted for about an hour after which Mr Saraki addressed journalists.

He said Mr Melaye is in stable condition and receiving proper treatment.

“After the sitting at the Senate today, we resolved to come here because over 24 hours we have not heard or know about the state of senator Dino.


It is appalling to every law-abiding citizen the events playing out between Sen. Dino Melaye and the Police. In view of this, Okun Development Initiative hereby asserts that:

We agree that no individual is above the law

Every alleged infraction of the law should be investigated

In the performance of its responsibilities, the Police should conform with laid down rules

The assumption of innocence as guaranteed by the law must be sacrosanct in the conduct of the Police in the current case of Sen. Dino Melaye

The respect for the fundamental human rights of Sen. Dino Melaye as enshrined in and guaranteed by constitution must guide the Police authorities in the course of their investigation

It is worrisome that the Police is bent on taken Sen. Dino Melaye to Lokoja for a case already in court that is fixed for 10th May, 2019 in the Federal High Court Abuja

That the Police must not treat with levity the issues raised by Sen. Dino Melaye through his lawyers which prompted the Acting Chief Judge of Federal High Court to transfer the case in question from Lokoja to Abuja; the alleged crime was said to have been committed on Airport Road, Abuja.

Everything must be done to ensure the safety of Sen. Dino Melaye while in custody of the Police

Okun Development Initiative implores Okun sons and daughters to remain peaceful and law-abiding while we pray for a speedy recovery for Sen. Dino Melaye on any health challenges his current travails might have caused.

Apostle Olalekan Aiyenigba

General Secretary

Okun Development Initiative


BREAKING: Dino Melaye: Senate summons Police IG

The Senate has summoned the Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, to appear before the plenary on Thursday.

Mr Idris is to appear by 11 a.m. Thursday morning, Mr Saraki announced.
He said the IGP will be grilled on the arrest of Mr Melaye and recent insecurity challenges in the country.
Mr Saraki said the summon is necessary as he had not been able to reach Mr Idris for some days.
The Senate President also requested the session be aired live.

The Senate thereafter adjourned plenary to enable all the lawmakers to visit Mr Melaye.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

MELAYE UPDATE: Senator injured, hospitalised in Abuja Hospital

Following the drama that played out, on Tuesday, in Abuja, when embattled Senator Dino Melaye jumped out of the vehicle conveying him to Kogi State ostensibly to face trial, he has since been located and found critically injured in the process.

Daily Sun had earlier reported Melaye’s effort to evade being taken to Kogi when he jumped out of the vehicle conveying him to his state for prosecution and injuring himself in the process.

He was later on Tuesday taken to Zanklin Hospital in the nation’s capital with a neck protection and on a stretcher.

Details later…

Soucer: The Sun News.

Melaye Not Arrested

Sen Melaye personally drove himself with his lawyer to SARS office, not arrested by any special IGP operatives.

We wish is to notify Nigerians that the news going round that Sen Melaye was arrested by by special operatives of IGP is fake, unfounded, and untrue.

Its imperative to clearly state that despite the brazen and illegal display of force by the over 150 mobile police men who laid siege on Melaye's home in Maitama, Abuja, throughout yesterday and today, we wish to state clearly that they were unable to arrest him for the fact that they couldn't produce any warrant of arrest as by required by law.

Sen Dino Melaye is a law abiding Nigerian and currently a serving Senator of the Federal Republic who will always be guided by the constitution of the land..

We wish to strongly state that distinguished Sen Dino Melaye upon the arrival of his lawyer, Chief Mike Ozakhome, SAN, personally drove his car with his lawyer to force headquarter.

We therefore urge the  public to disregard the unsubstantiated facts and news about Melaye's arrest as reported by Channels TV and other new medium.

We equally appeal to all Sen Melaye's supporters and political family to remain law abiding, as the battle to defeat the current political persecution orchestrated by those who feel threatened by Melaye's rising political profile is sacrosanct.

We sincerely thank you all for show of love and unflinching supports, we assure you that despite the ongoing intimidation and harassment, Sen Melaye remained undistracted, unshaken and uncowed.

We shall overcome!



The federation of Yagba students (FYS) sympathies with the entire Omi community in Yagba west L.G.A, over the terrible windstorm that befell the community.

As the apex students union body in Yagba which is saddled with the welfarism of her members we really show our utmost sympathy for the affected victims, we pray that God Almighty to provide for them during and after this hard period of their lives.

However, we are using this medium to call on the  good people, philanthropist and friends of Yagba land to please come to their aids in order for the victims to have a stable life.

We pray that God should put a stop to such incident in our dear land.

Comr. Omosona T. Olakunle
National President
Federation Of Yagba Students (FYS National).

Monday 23 April 2018


Early today the Outgoing Registrar of the  Better by far University, the great Citadel of learning, University of Ilorin Mr. D Emmanuel Obafemi who doubled as the President of Nigerian University Registrar's was the cynosure of knowledge as he deliver a Valedictory Lecture on "Academic Registry Reform" Vol 001 and the first in the history of all Nigerian Universities capturing all norms and setting another new pace in Academic ethics.

The book launch was a compilation of his many achievement and legacies as dignitaries ranging from Academic Dons, Captain of industries, Royal fathers and all University community showers on him accolades full of praise for his outstanding performance and landmark prowess in service to all spot he has dotted in life, FIFA representatives makes the occasion more colorful as they handed him a mammoth placard, all his benefactors were not left out as some even shed tears considering his open door policy.

This is a man that will always give you attention and ready to help , A unionist to the core.. One of the memorable moments is when all the Comrades continually chants "Solidarity is forever" He never agree anyone to call him Professor or Doctor buts it's Normal everyone in the university address him as Daddy E.D because of his fatherly role.

We'll sure miss you DADDY but its not good bye but see you again Sir. De' supremo.
Am sure you have a larger world now as these nation needs a kind of you to attain a lofty height because I forsee you to be a minister soon or heading a key Post in the Nigeria University Commission.

I am so so proud of you my Benefactor
Unilorin Community is proud of you
Oweland is proud of you
Okun nation is proud of you
Kogi state is proud if you
Nigeria is Proud of you

Continue to Soar higher Daddy ED.
Signed: Comr. Alepa Vincent Cephas

Breaking: Heavily Armed Police Men storm Sen.Dino Maitama Residence

Over 30 heavily armed fierce looking mobile police men have just stormed Sen Dino Melaye's residence in Maitama, Abuja.
All roads leading to Sen Melaye's residence has been condoned off, as heavy mobile police men blocked entry & exit of the road. They currently laid siege on in and around Melaye's house.

This moves was said to be the orders from above.
Sen Dino Melaye, family members and other staffs are current been held in commando way.
We want to draw the attention of the Nigerians and the civil societies to the continued harassment, intimidation and forceful use of govt machinery against distinguished Sen Dino Melaye.

Details later...

Source: IMOLEDE Media Office

Senator Dino Melaye Leaves Airport As Attempt To Arrest Him Fail Again

Senator Dino Melaye who was reportedly arrested this morning at the airport on his way to Morocco for an official engagement has left the airport unchallenged as Police men expected to pick him up failed to show up at the airport on time.

The senator is said to be on his way back to his Maitama residence.

Details shortly

Sunday 22 April 2018

Breaking: Senator Dino Melaye Arrested.

Senator Dino Melaye has been arrested at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport this morning on his way for an official assignment in Morocco sponsored by the Federal Government.

The senator is being held down from boarding by the police.
Information confirmed the police held the senator for the Men of the DSS who are said to be on their way to the airport.

Reason the senator is being held by the police is still sketchy as of the time of this report.

Details soon.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Buhari Only Said “A Lot Of Nigerian Youths Are Lazy”, And Not “All Nigerian Youths Are Lazy” – Presidents Spokesman Femi Adesina

The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mohammodu Buhari, has been under fire in the past 24 hours after he made a statement on Nigerian youth being lazy. However in a new development, the Presidency on Thursday explained that President was not referring to all the youth in the country.

The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, made the clarification in a statement made available to journalists.

Community Development Project: Lawmaker Build Block Of Classrooms In Kakun, Kabba/Bunu LGA(Photos)

A federal legislator has built  block of classrooms in Kakun primary school in Kabba/Bunu LGA of Kogi State.

The Representative of Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency, Honourable Teejay Yusuf has completed  the construction of block of classrooms project in Kakun Community in continuation of delivering dividends of democracy to the people of the constituency.
The Kakun people over the years, have yearned for a conducive primary school for their children but got none.
Speaking to one of our correspondents, the lawmaker said the project is one of numerous developmental projects currently ongoing in different communities across the constituency.
He said that the only alternative available to a better future is to acquire learning in good and conducive environment.
According to some residents, the school situation has deteriorated so much that students and parents are considering other options, but thank God the Honorable came to our rescue. The honorable deserves accolades and our blessing.
The new classrooms built by Hon. Teejay Yusuf is now ready for use  with all the learning facilities in place.
The gesture by the lawmaker is part of efforts to improve the standard of education at the rural areas in the constituency.

See Photos:

Wednesday 18 April 2018

BREAKING: Senator Omo-Agege arrested over mace theft

Men of the Nigeria Police arrested Senator Ovie Omo-Agege immediate after the plenary.

The lawmaker was suspended by the Senate for 90 days last week. He, however, attended the plenary today.
The Senate had accused him of leading the armed men who stormed the chamber and snatched the mace while plenary was on.
After the plenary, policemen ushered Omo-Agege from the door of the chamber into a waiting pickup van.

Breaking: Thugs Storm Senate Plenary, Steals Mace, Senate Symbol of Authority.

THUGS this morning stormed the Senate, caused confusion and went away with the Mace, the symbol of authority.

They entered while plenary was on going and Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu was presiding. The thugs beat the security and sergeart at Arms, went away with the mace before the very eyes of all at 11.16am.

Details soon

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Explosive: A must Read, Groundbreaking Looters' in Buhari's Government Emerges, may set nation on fire.

Reno Omokri, a former Aide and strong Ally of former President, Goodluck Jonathan, has released what he described as: “The Real Looters List That President Buhari and Lai Mohammed Should Have Released”.
Read the full statement…
The Real Looters List That President Buhari and Lai Mohammed Should Have Released
It was with great amusement that I received news that the minister for propaganda, the rightly and prophetically named Lai Mohammed, was planning on releasing a new looters list.
The nation was witness to the flop of the pathetic looters lists he had earlier drawn up which read more like a list of noise makers drawn up by a primary school class captain who wanted to implicate his enemies.
After having been shamed at home and abroad for its one sided and fallacious list, the Buhari administration wants to redeem itself by releasing a third list, which from the look of things, will go into infamy like its two elder brothers.
The funniest thing is that both Lai Mohammed and President Buhari’s spokesman, Garba Shehu, had condemned the release of a looters list by the pioneer Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Chairman, Nuhu Ribadu in 2007.
It is very obvious that they have no moral compass. Their loyalties are only to there bellies. If not, why condemn a looters list released by Nuhu Ribadu and commend a looters list released by the Buhari administration?
In any case, Nigerians and the international community may find the list below to be a more credible list and I call on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission to investigate, interrogate and prosecute those contained therein, especially as I have produced details and named names, dates and amounts involved which stand at over $30 billion.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. There are many others, including a South South ex Governor who is close to President Buhari, whose security vote was incredibly substantial, but unless I have hard documentary evidence or eyewitness testimony, I have avoided listing such persons.
Muhammadu Buhari and His Cronies: On several occasions during the 2015 election campaign, then candidate Muhammadu Buhari said he did not know what fuel subsidy is and accused the Jonathan administration of scamming Nigerians through the scheme.
Again on December 28, 2015, President Buhari said he was ending fuel subsidy. On May 12, 2016 the minister of state for petroleum, Ibe Kachikwu, said subsidy had been removed. The price of petrol was increased on that basis to ₦145. Then on December 15, 2016, Vice President Osinbajo said there was no more fuel subsidy in Nigeria.
In the 2016 and 2017 budgets, the National Assembly made no provision for appropriations for fuel subsidy.
On Friday, December 22, 2017, the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Maikanti Baru, said that President Buhari had authorized him to make fuel subsidy payments which he tried to hide by using the ingenious term ‘under recovery’.
On April 6, 2018, the minister of state for petroleum resources, Mr. Ibe Kachikwu revealed that ₦1.4 trillion was being spent annually on fuel subsidy payments by the Buhari administration.
Section 162 (1) of the Constitution provides that:
“(1) The Federation shall maintain a special account to be called “the Federation Account” into which shall be paid all revenues collected by the Government of the Federation, except the proceeds from the personal income tax of the personnel of the armed forces of the Federation, the Nigeria Police Force, the Ministry or department of government charged with responsibility for Foreign Affairs and the residents of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.”
Moreover, there is a Treasury Single Account policy in operation.
If all funds belonging to the federation are remitted into the Federation Account, if all Ministries, Departments and Agencies are bound by the TSA, how is it possible for President Buhari to unconstitutionally instruct the GMD of the NNPC to use funds which were not appropriated by the National Assembly to pay for a scheme that was scrapped?
This amount is more than twice what was spent by the Jonathan administration on fuel subsidy annually, yet under that government, fuel sold for ₦87 per liter which is half the price it is being sold for today at ₦145 per liter.
Not only should fuel subsidy not be paid, because the minister of petroleum, who also happens to be the President, said he had ended that policy, but even if it is being paid, it should not be at a higher amount than was paid under Jonathan.
Did the population of Nigeria double overnight? Did Nigerians become so rich in a depressed economy that they started consuming twice the amount of subsidy that they consumed a mere 3 years ago even when they are paying more for the product?
The inescapable conclusion is that the ₦1.4 trillion now being paid annually for fuel subsidy, according to Ibe Kachikwu, is money that is going largely to private pockets.
Rochas Okorocha: In a secret memo from a top diplomat and found on Wikileaks with the Canonical ID:06ABUJA483_a, Rochas Okorocha was identified as an embezzler of government funds. To quote the memo word for word, the top diplomat said “The head of the National Airport Management Authority (NAMA), Rochas Okorocha, was caught and dismissed for embezzling about $1 million through an inflated contract.”
Malam Nasir El-Rufai: In a secret memo from a top diplomat and found on Wikileaks with the Canonical ID:06ABUJA483_a, an American diplomat gave eyewitness testimony of how Nasir El-Rufai had gone from extreme poverty to extreme wealth almost overnight. To quote the memo word for word, the top US diplomat said “El-Rufai is at the CENTER of the corruption allegations. Well-known to PolCouns eight year ago, when he was homeless and seeking a loan to import a taxi from the UK, El-Rufai is said to have recently purchased seven upscale properties in a posh Abuja neighborhood.”
On June 20, 2017, saharareporters. com, a website that Malam Nasir El-Rufai himself had previously praised for its credibility, published government documents stating that Malam El-Rufai had awarded heavily over invoiced contracts to his wives, children and family members to the tune of ₦3 billion.
NNPC/Maikanti Baru: On August 30, 2017, the minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Mr. Ibe Kachikwu, revealed in a memo to President Buhari, which ended up getting leaked, that despite the legal requirement for all contracts above $20 million to be approved by the board of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, the Group Managing Director of the NNPC, Maikanti Baru, has unilaterally awarded sundry contracts without due process to the tune of $24.5 billion.
No independent inquiry was conducted into these allegations. The NNPC, instead, issued a statement claiming that the contracts were approved by President Buhari.
However, the dates the contracts were approved coincided with the dates the President was in London and had officially handed over to Vice President Osinbajo.
When the media pointed this out, the NNPC contradicted itself and said that Vice President Yemi Osinbajo approved the contracts.
However, Vice President Osinbajo released a statement on October 13, 2017, denying that he approved the contracts.
The truth about what happened to the almost $25 billion will not come to light now while Buhari is still in power.
Alhaji Abba Kyari: On September 20, 2016, saharareporters. com, published a report that Malam Abba Kyari, the Chief of Staff to the President, had received a bribe of ₦500 million from the South African telecom giant, MTN, to help influence the reduction of the $5.2 billion fine imposed on them.
Given that the $5.2 billion fine was eventually and significantly reduced on December 3, 2016, just two months after the reports of the alleged bribe surfaced, a lot of credence has been given to those reports.
This is especially so as the former acting Director General of the National Intelligence Agency, ambassador Mohammed Dauda, in a sworn testimony to the House of RepresentativesCommittee on National Security and Intelligence, revealed that President Buhari’s kitchen cabinet comprising of Abba Kyari and former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babagana Kingibe, had pressured him to share the $44 million Ikoyi millions.
After giving his sworn evidence, ambassador Dauda was dismissed and has now gone underground.
Abubakar Malami: Currently the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister for Justice. On April 8, 2018, investigative journalism website, The Cable, alleged that they have documents proving that AGF Malami “spuriously” hired lawyers at a cost to the Federal Government of ₦6 billion, to handle the repatriation of looted Abacha funds of $321 million (it would seem that contrary to President Buhari’s publicly stated position, Abacha did loot).
It was discovered that the immediate past Attorney-General of the Federation, Mohammed Bello Adoke, had finished up the matter and there was no need for the engagement of the lawyers in the first place.
Incidentally, the lawyers alleged by The Cable to have been hired by Malami (Oladipo Okpeseyi, a senior advocate of Nigeria (SAN), and Temitope Adebayo) had both worked for President Muhammadu Buhari’s party, Congress for Progressive Change, and also worked for the All Progressive Congress. Interestingly, the current AGF, Abubakar Malami, was the legal adviser of CPC.
Adebayo Shittu: Current minister of communications. On March 12, 2018, Mr. Shittu’s Special Assistant on media, Victor Oluwadamilare, revealed in a letter leaked to the media, that whereas Mr. Shittu was struggling financially prior to joining President Buhari’s cabinet, according to the said aide, he has almost overnight become fabulously wealthy to the point where he has, according to his own aide, “investments that run into hundreds of millions of naira in your less than three years in the office.”
Mr. Shittu was revealed by his aide to have suddenly come into possession of 12 luxury houses in Abuja, Lagos, and Ibadan and recently bought a brand new ₦93 million printing press. This is in addition to 25 luxury vehicles.
The total value of these largesses the minister has suddenly accrued, according to his aide, is conservatively estimated at ₦2 billion.
Babatunde Raji Fashola: Current minister of power, works and housing. It was established and even admitted by Fashola himself that he spent ₦78 million on his personal website.
Now, government funds should not be spent on a personal website. But even at that, the amount is grossly over bloated. ₦78 million was equivalent to half a million dollars at the time of the transaction.
Moreover, Info Access Plus, the company that got the said contract, released a statement stating that it received only ₦10 million from the Lagos state government for the website contract. The company further revealed that the website, www.fashola. com, already existed and the contract was only for ‘upgrading’ the site.
Also, substantiated allegations were made against Mr. Fashola with documented evidence indicating that he awarded a ₦139 million naira contract for the drilling of two boreholes at the government secretariat. This amount was equivalent to $900,000 at the time the contract was awarded. It goes without saying that two bore holes can be sunk for less than 5% of the amount expended by Fashola.
Rauf Aregbesola: It was reported in several investigating journals that the contract to provide schools in Osun state with the tablet nick named ‘Opon Imo’ was awarded to a firm linked to Governor Rauf Aregbesola‘s son at an inflated price of ₦8.6 billion. This allegation was also made in a petition by the Civil Societies Coalition for the Emancipation of Osun state (CSCEOS).
The introduction of the so called knowledge tablet was meant to boost education in Osun State. The curious thing however is that in the latest rankings from WAEC, only 46.77 per cent of Osun State students got five credits and above in the 2017 West African Senior School Certificate Examination. In fact, Osun State, which used to be one of the top performing states in education was outperformed by five northern states, including Borno, to emerge 24th position nationwide out of 36 states.
In 2016, the state fared even worse, ranking 29th among the 36 states and the FCT in 2016’s West African Senior School Certificate Examination results released by WAEC.
Usman Yusuf: Executive Secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme. Suspended by the minister of health for allegedly misappropriating approximately ₦1 billion. A probe panel was set up by the minister of health, Isaac Adewole. Mr. Adewole found the evidence against Mr: Yusuf compelling enough to warrant his suspension.
According to the investigative journalism website, premiumtimesng. com, their editors had cited the documents presented as evidence against Mr. Yusuf and their conclusion is that “cases of misconduct was clearly established against Mr. Yusuf.”
Again, Premium Times report that their investigations revealed that Mr. Yusuf used his closeness to President Buhari to countermand the minister of health’s decision and was reinstated to his position.
According to Punch Newspapers “When our correspondent reached out to him to respond to the allegations levelled against him last December, Yusuf had said, “F*ck you, and f*ck the minister”-This is the type of character that has been reinstated by President Buhari to Head the NHIS after being suspended for a ₦1 billion scam.
Lai Mohammed: Currently serving as minister of information, Mr. Lai Mohammed used his office to intimidate a parastatal under his ministry to engage in unethical practices.
Documentary evidence reveal that Mr. Mohammed was alleged to have begged his subordinates at the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) for a ‘loan’ of ₦13 million to enable him travel to China, an act which is against civil service rules and against the rules of public decency.
A civil society organization, Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) describes Mr. Lai Mohammed’s action as “a subtle attempt at blackmail and a sinister plot to seek to extort N13 million from one of the agencies under his ministerial supervision. The action is absolutely against President Muhammadu Buhari’s current anti-graft disposition which is signposted in the bringing into being of the Treasury Single Account (TSA).”
How many other parastatals, departments and agencies has Lai Mohammed gone a-begging and for which he has not been exposed. Yet this is the same man that goes about parroting lies, half truths and innuendo against others.
EFCC: The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission is currently headed by Ibrahim Magu, a man whose confirmation as Chairman of the EFCC was denied down by the Senate after a negative report on him by the Department of State Security.
Under his tenure, Nigeria made her worst ever retrogression in the Transparency International annual Corruption Perception Index, moving 12 places backward from 136 to 148.
Also, the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, which is the officially recognized global body that fosters cooperation in the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism, has suspended Nigeria because Mr. Magu’s EFCC has, in their opinion, continued to leak financial information passed on to them to the media. This information they leak is overwhelmingly information related to opponents of the Buhari administration.
When they suspended Nigeria, the Egmont Group gave as reason the “repeated failures on the part of the FIU, (Nigeria) to address concerns regarding the protection of confidential information.”
At various occasions between 2017 and 2018, Mr. Magu publicly declared that the EFCC had recovered looted funds totaling ₦739 billion.
However, in a leaked memo to Mr. Magu by the minister for finance, Kemi Adeosun, the minister asserted that contrary to the public claims by Mr. Magu that ₦739 billion has been recovered by the EFCC, only ₦91.3 billion had been deposited by the commission into the treasury. She then demanded to know the whereabouts of the balance of the monies.
Between what Mr. Magu claims to have recovered and what the EFCC paid in, there is a difference of ₦647.7 billion.
Shehu Sani, a Senator elected under the banner of the ruling APC has alleged that the looted funds recovered by this administration has been ‘relooted’.
Unfortunately, rather than accept the truth that there is an unprecedented corruption, ineptitude and nepotism in their government, the Buhari administration continues to promote the propaganda that our current economic malaise is as a result of the mismanagement of Nigeria’s economy by the Jonathan administration.
However, even members of President Buhari’s cabinet have testified publicly to the fact that the President, his vice and their fallacious minister of information have falsely accused the previous government.
Speaking on February 1, 2018 at a civil society engagement workshop on the Power Sector Recovery Programme in Abuja, the minister of works, power and housing, Babatunde Fashola, in trying to defend himself from allegations of ineptitude as regards the epileptic power supply in the country, ended up vindicating both Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and the PDP, albeit unintentionally.
At that event, Mr. Fashola said:
“We hear all our so-called experts who say (non-availability of) power is why the economy of Nigeria is not growing. That is not factual and it is not correct. At the time when we had less power in 2013 and 2014, THE ECONOMY OF THIS COUNTRY WAS GROWING AT SEVEN PER CENT PER ANNUM. We had less power then than we have now, but the economy was growing.”
Nigerians can now see that Mr. Fashola, in a Freudian slip, was made by God, to expose the truth that his boss, his party and his colleagues have been trying to suppress for the past three years, namely that former President Jonathan developed and grew Nigeria’s economy at an unprecedented and consistent growth rate of over 6% per annum and handed over a thriving economy that was projected by CNNMoney to be the third fastest growing economy in the world when Dr. Jonathan handed over power to President Buhari.
Unfortunately, due to the ineptitude of the Buhari administration, a booming economy became an economy in recession in just one year under the All Progressive Congress.
In less than three years, President Buhari has borrowed more money than the PDP borrowed in the last sixteen years. Yet the economy has gotten worse! Buhari is 75 years old. Who do you think will pay for these loans he is taking?
And to those who think Buhari’s APC is better than the PDP should consider this fact. The Southwest states were the top states in education until the APC took over there. The Southeast/South-south states were educationally disadvantaged until PDP took over. Now they are on top. Do not take my word for it. Google WAEC state by state rankings for the last 5 years yourself.
The corruption by the APC government is so pervasive that it has not only affected the economy, but it has affected knowledge acquisition.
Reno Omokri
Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years: Chibok, 2015 and Other Conspiracies.