Friday 3 June 2016

Success Of Remita in implementation of TSA, most significant one year achievement of President Buhari- COALITION OF CSOs

In a National Press Conference organized by the coalition of Media and Civil Society Organizations in Abuja, the Director of Africa Media Roundtable Initiative and the Convener of the National Press Conference Omoluabi Olabode Adeyemi highlighted the successes of the President Buhari led administration in the last one year, among which the coalition said the implementation of the TSA by REMITA is the most significant.
Read below the press statement:


Gentlemen of the press,
It is with a great joy, high sense of responsibility and patriotism that I wish to address you on behalf of my fellow compatriots  to present to you the honest position and opinion of the Coalition of Media & Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria after a careful and thorough stakeholders appraisal of the performances of the President Buhari led administration in the last one year in office and to make a genuine demand for an immediate presidential directive for the release of accruing funds to the relevant stakeholders involved in the management of the Treasury Single Account through the REMITA platform.
Let me first of all wish Nigerians a happy democracy day celebration that we had a couple of days ago and congratulate all of us for doing all we have done to sustain democracy in Nigeria in the last 16 years, despite the inability of successive government to satisfactorily meet the yearnings and aspirations of the ordinary Nigerians. Democracy remains the best and most globally acceptable form of government because it represents freedom, total independence and ability of the people to dertermine who govern them  . I must commend the civil society organizations and the members of the media, the judiciary, armed forces and indeed everyone for defending, promoting and sustaining the roots of our democracy. Talking about the performances of the current administration, I must say that the Buhari led government came into power at a time that the price of crude oil at the international markets was embarrassingly crashing, at a time our country was faced with threatening security challenges and at a time corruption was so high in the government circle. All of these obvious factors have affected the ability of the current administration to hit the ground running from day one, coupled with a number of needless Executive-Legislative animosity occasioned by the emergence of the current national assembly leadership which affected the much expected smooth relationship between these two most important arms of government, but in all of these, the President has demonstrated sincerity of purpose, commitment and high level of integrity that has earned our country international reputation that could engender positive foreign attention. The government has faced and tackled the security challenge in the northeast of the country decisively, which has produced a very significant result in the last one year, more than ever before the activities of Boko Haram have been defeated strongly, government have  also demonstrated high sense of accountability, transparency and sincerity . The anti-corruption war and recovery of stolen funds is another area this government have performed very well, the last one year have been very eventful for the anti corruption agencies in Nigeria. The success of REMITA in implementing the Treasury Single Account remains the most significant achievement of the Buhari administration in the last one year. The fact that a homegrown technology called REMITA that serves as the gateway or platform through which the TSA policy is implemented in the best national narrative or story about our country that has ever been said in decades of national development. The treasury single account policy has emerged the most popular, most effective and the most celebrated idea the current administration has ever made in the last one year. This has been made to be with the help of the globally celebrated REMITA platform. As we speak the platform has generated trillions of naira into our federation account, it has helped government to gather all her revenue in one account, it has wiped out all forms of corruption associated with income generation and collection, it has created a viable, reliable and sustainable alternative to the revenue from sales of crude oil that is crashing by the day. Before the full implementation of the TSA at the earliest stage of this administration, various ministry, departments and agencies of government operated over 17000 government accounts which made it difficult for government to monitor her income and encouraged waste and highest level of corruption, but today the REMITA platform has done the magic. As I speak to you this platform has created a credible and dependable alternative to fund our budget, build infrastructure and carry out the fantastic programs of government. Although it is most regrettable and highly disturbing that the stakeholders that provides this platform and rendering services that sustains the uninterrupted operation of this platform are yet to be paid their agreed fees, this is an issue we demand government should look into and Mr President must as a matter of  immediate action make a presidential declaration or directive that these patriotic Nigerian organizations be paid their legal entitlement.
Just like we said in our last media interaction, I like to reiterate that it's most unfortunate and very frustrating that Nigeria leaders appear not to appreciate a homegrown technology that has received the commendations of international communities. As at today, REMITA has received uncountable numbers of award and international recognition home and abroad. In faraway Glasgow, the Managing Director of Systemspecs John Obaro on the account of the success of REMITA was recently honored by African Scotland Forum with the Leadership in Technology Award, conferred him with a fellowship of the Centre for African Policy, Development and Research, Scotland and named a research centre after him, this is most unprecedented. On the issue of the charges, I like to say it that the platform didn't just come from the blues, the service providers didn't just hand down their chrges on their own, there were series of negotiations and discussion that happened before the charge was mutually agreed upon by all the stakeholders and a memorandum of agreement legally signed by all necessary parties which became binding before the platform became effective, there were also the responsibilities to be carried out by the parties i.e Systemspecs, Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) before they could be entitled to the charge, it is therefore surprising and very disturbing that a Senator refused to seek information before rushing to sponsor a motion that misrepresented facts and misinformed the Senate, a section of government and the public about the whole issue. This outright misinformation led the Senate into setting up a committee to look into the matter, this action introduced unnecessary, unwarranted and undue politics into the operation that is still smoothly running up till now uninterrupted despite the fact that service providers are yet to be paid what is due to them . The Senate report that was not signed by 10 Senators out of the 26 Senators in the committee had some Senators signed more than once, a careful look at the recommendation of the committee shows that none of the services providers were involved in any form of abuse or mismanagement of the TSA platform as unfairly alleged by the sponsor of the motion, the committee particularly commended them for providing their platform at the nick of time for the running of the TSA. Beyond the politics that have been introduced into this indigenous technology breakthrough in Nigeria, the government must continue to look at the agreement it entered into ahead of other inconsequential issues. It's most unfortunate that we are yet to celebrate homegrown idea when foreign firms have continued to rip us of trillions of naira, no Senator has questioned the technology and cost implications of BVN that a German firm carried out with billions of naira, no lawmaker has challenged the high charges of MTN, Etisalat and other foreign owned telecommunications service providers, no Senator has challenged the cost implications of all the construction works of Julius Berger and several other multinational firms ripping us of our money in trillions but they have been dissipating energy on REMITA platform that have never failed since the beginning, a platform that has saved us from embarrassment the dwindling oil price almost put the country into. I wish to therefore call on President Buhari to immediately direct those involved to respect the agreement and pay the outstanding charges immediately and continue to encourage the technology.
We wish to encourage government to begin to look inward for homegrown technology and iinovations that can promote rapid national development. Other countries develop their own and ship out. That is why Nigeria is a dumping ground for all manner of software and products. The software they use in the office of the Accountant General was developed by a foreign company, BVN was developed by a foreign company, the ITGS they use at the Central Bank was developed by a foreign company, so is the ITAS at Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), all the deposit money banks in Nigeria use software developed abroad. These run into billions of dollars put together that go out of the country, it's high time we support and encourage homegrown innovation that will at the same time create job and improve our economy.
We also appraised the 2016 budget with a view to encourage government to adopt the best implementation strategy in the best interest of the masses, of particular interest is the social welfare package the government intend to execute and the 7,069 units of low and medium housing project. All of these if well implemented have the capacity to promote the welfare of the people and engender economic development.
Thank you all gentlemen of the press for your time, patriotism of all time and commitment to national development.
God bless you all
God bless Nigeria.
Omoluabi Olabode Adeyemi
Executive Director,
Africa Media Roundtable Initiative (AMRI) &
Convener, Coalition of Media & Civil Society Organizations (CMCSO)

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