Monday 16 October 2017



As OKUN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (ODA) the umbrella mother union of all the Yoruba race in kogi State holds its convention on October 20, 2017, in Kabba ,Kogi State. The coast is getting clearer as political calculations, electioneering, alignments, realignments, endorsements etc reach fever pitch.

The determination of the ODA to ensure a hitch and crisis-free convention has led the union to leave all positions as open as possible even when zoning has been adopted as a guide. With this development, a lot of aspirants are beginning to show greater interest in serving as Executive's in years to come. This is a welcome development!

However, while leaving its door open for almost all and sundry to contest at the convention, the association must ensure that only those who have shown unflinching loyalty, uncommon commitment and well documented sacrifice are voted for especially for the offices of the President these would serve as the face and image of the Association. Such face and image are not only good for the association ; they are very useful to the extent that they help to shape the narratives and perceptions the people have of ODA and Okun nation.

The fact that the face and image of every organization is very important to its success cannot be overemphasized. This is why even blue chip corporate organizations compete vigorously among themselves to have the faces of popular entertainers grace their brands as they build their images around such people. It is believed that every organization including the ODA is as good as its image maker.

This is where the candidacy of Mr. (ACG) Jimmy Olunmudi Rtd perfectly fits the bill. He is one man who can perfectly mould public opinions, shape perceptions and invent narratives as he wills. It is not a matter of what or how he can do it, the fact is that he has always done it and has continued to do it.

PA Jimmy Olunmudi has not only been consistent in doing this, he has done it at great expense to his life, personal comfort and resources. His ability to manage people and resources is extra-ordinary. This he has proven as in several facet of Civil Service to these great Country Nigeria, He is the first Man in Kogi State to rise to the position of Assistance Comptroller General in the Nigerian Custom. These Owe Prince during his service year has used his influence and position to offer job opportunities to several Okun extract among several other assistance. All these he has taken upon himself to salvage our people from penury and the marginalization we are getting from our state.

In 1979 as a young officer to the Nigerian Custom he ensure eight(8) appointment for Okun indigene into the custom  and also responsible for more than half of the several slot given to okun sons and daughters from the federal government in different agencies in the then Kwara state. Equally in 1990 these indefatigable Okun patriot facilitated the appointment of many  okun citizen into the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) where a couple of them has risen to the position of Director in these Sector.

His well robust relationship with who is who in these nation ranging from political Juggernaut to Successful Business tycoon whom the flow and direction of the socio economic welfare of these country is practically on their shoulder is enough to write home about still uncompromising,honest,hard working and fearless at a time when many top public officers enriched their pockets only and some withdrawing into their cocoons for fear of being harassed, intimidated or persecuted, PA Jimmy's voice has only grown louder and steadfast not aligning with looters in the ruling government and no penchant for tyranny and economic olodoism. His consistency in doing this while also promoting all that concerns his community and the entire okun race, he is an all times legendary. If he could do these without being the President  of the union ODA, one can only wonder what he would achieve for the association when he becomes one.

It is therefore worrisome that a majority of all others who have rushed to pick nomination form have little or no record in ODA to show of how they have helped to hold the union together in their time of Needs and the ravaging hunger in our land.

For almost all the affairs concerning ODA, PA Jimmy  has had his team on ground in almost every event that unfold  How he is always able to mobilize such number of men and women without resources from different community is always amazing, and the results always show.
His sojourn as the Cordinator of Zone A of the Nigerian custom is height of it were Our inestimable Father and Uncle avail several Okun people the opportunity to own a vehicle during their Auction. On retirement from public service his love for okun land made him to settle in Kabba were he established several business worth millions of Naira, he never considered the cities were profit can be maximise as usual many of our sons have their business outside the shores of okun map, All these has put smile on our faces as hundreds of our people are gainfully employed. . What a great leader and true son of the Soil we have in PA Jimmy Olunmudi.

Delegates to the convention will do well to ensure that those who lost their voices before now should not be made champions of a fight they ran away from. Doing this would not only be the height of injustice but would also expose the ODA to a set of lily-livered men who may surrender the Association or sell it to the ruling party or government out of fear arising from intimidation and harassment.

The position of the association now does not warrant the election of those who are only eyeing the perks and privileges of office including the comfort of well-padded swivel armchairs; it calls for men and women imbued with nobility, built with steel and who thunder with meaning; men and women who are not moved by what the association can offer them but continue to ingenuously devise ways and means they can offer themselves selflessly and unconditionally to the Union

In as much as everyone has an inalienable right to contest for whatever position they wish to contest for, let those that would be elected be those who have been tested and trusted. Among the contestants for the office of National President , PA Jimmy has been tested. Olunmudi  is trusted. He should be delivered at the convention; not only for ODA’s sake but also in the interest of OKUN LAND as we all need a virile and unrelenting Posture to save Okun race from her worsening hemorrhage. He who the cap fits, let them wear it. This cap perfectly fits PA (ACG) JIMMY OLUNMUDI Rtd !

Alepa Vincent Cephas
Twitter: @VCAlepa
Instagram @goldwinna_inc

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