Tuesday 2 October 2018

My Primary/Affirmation Victory: Kabba/Bunu Constituency. A New Era Has Come.

A Thank You Message
By Comrade Oluwaloseyi Babaeko,
The Unity Party Of Nigeria candidate for the Kogi State House of Assembly, Kabba/Bunu Constituency.

"If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of Revolution; when the old and the new stand side by side and admit of being compared; when the energies of all men are searched by fear and by hope; when the historic glories of the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era"~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

It is with the above declaration in mind that I want to most sincerely appreciate the Almighty God for the hitch free Primary Election/Affirmation, the Unity Party Of Nigeria leadership from National headquarter under the feisty and visionary chairmanship of Prof. Bankole Okuwa, Hon.Ibrahim Ittodo Kogi State chairman, to the dogged and brilliant chief  Samuel  Oshadare, the Kabba Bunu Chairman, other party executives and our ever conscious party members across the fifteen wards in Kabba/Bunu Constituency.

I thank you for this rare privilege given to me by this primary election and affirmation of my candidacy.

It is indeed a right peg in a round hole and the rebirth of a new era in Kabba/Bunu Constituency! This gives opportunity to hope again amidst this hopeless situation that we find ourselves due to the obvious leadership failure.

This is a victory for the good people of Kabba Bunu/Bunu constituency.

With this Mandate given to me by this great party, the Unity Party Of Nigeria U.P.N which has produced a great leader like Senator Obasaju the best senator ever produced in Kogi west, I have no doubt within me that with the Party achievable manifesto built on the egalitarian ideals of our fallen hero Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the best President Nigeria never had, I am convinced and confident of our victory across the fifteen wards in Kabba/Bunu Constituency. Most especially with our Ideas that are Issues driven, development focused and programmatically Packaged for the benefits of all son, daughters and residents of my constituency.

Like Edmund Burke famously declared that "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" my dear good people of Kabba Bunu/constituency  and the wonderful electorates, it is time to Join us to end the evil and satanic reign of the present APC government that has brought pain upon our people. Let us collectively take the ample opportunity of this New era to reposition Kabba/Bunu Constituency for the overall National Development.

There is no BETTER Time than NOW. Do not sell your vote, resist every form of oppression, intimidation and rigging during the election proper.

I thank everyone who has been supportive in this liberation struggle thus far.  I appreciate your kind gesture, financial contribution no matter how little and prayers.

With Comrade Oluwaloseyi Solomon Babaeko. Kabba/Bunu Constituency shall be great again.

Once again, thank you all and God bless you all.

Think 2019
Tick Unity Party Of Nigeria U.P.N✔✔

Comrade Oluwaloseyi Solomon Babaeko the U.P.N candidate for the Kogi State House of Assembly is your man and a servant leader. Vote for me and you will not regret it by the GRACE of God.

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