Tuesday 1 May 2018


May 1st, 2018.

Good afternoon, gentlemen of the press.

We call you here this afternoon to brief of the underground moves and potent dangers placed around Melaye's life. It is important we brief you, being the golden eyes of Nigerians.

The most dangerous  moves to secretly whisk the Chairman Senate C'ttee on FCT and Senator representing Kogi West, Otunba Dino Melaye from hospital bed against Medical advise is currently been perfected by the Nigerian  Police.

Indication emerged after several underground plans and strategy been deployed to forcefully and secretly take Melaye away from hospital bed to Lokoja tomorrow via an already arranged helicopter against all medical advise from the medical consultants and doctors handling his critical situation at the trauma centre of the National hospital, Abuja.

Our attention has just been brought to the sinister, wicked moves to whisk Sen Dino Melaye in to Lokoja over a matter that's currently before competent court here in Abuja.

Gentlemen of the press, you are all aware of the dangerous scenario playing out occasioned by the police highhandedness, harassment, degradation and flagrant abuse of due process and rule of law. Our democracy is now been threatened and molested all in the name of 2019 politics.

As we speak to you, all arrangement have been concluded to whisk Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria without any justification legally or morally for it.

We invite here today, to brief Nigerians about the illegality, maltreatment callousness, intimidation, harassment, victimization and onslaught that is about to take place on Sen Dino Melaye.

Our check on Melaye based medical information available from consultant handling him at the national hospital shows that Melaye is currently medically unfit to be taken or disturbed for whatever reason if his life must be saved.

If this plan must happen, then Nigerians and the global world at large should note and take urgent cognisance of the fact Melaye's life may also be terminated extra-judicially for no just cause.

We're crying to the entire world not to allow the likely death of Sen Dino Melaye in the hands of police, who are planing to grossly deny him medical attention and required treatment he's currently undergoing at the national hospital, Abuja.

For the sake of the sanctity of our Constitution, rule of law and posterity, we bring to your notice that; after unfortunate invasion of Melaye's home in Maitama, abuja by over 150 heavily armed fierce looking mobile police men who laid siegeon the 23rd  to 24th of April just to arrest Melaye without any valid justification.

1, No 'Warrant of Arrest' to show cause for his arrest.

2, The matter upon which Melaye's was arraigned is in court already and a date fixed, yet they're still after him.

3, The last court before the current adjournment, the court refused to grant police warrant of arrest.

4, No statement taken from Melaye, yet he was arraigned & he honoured the court even without no notice of court summon.

5, Upon what was report ready and find Melaye culpable to warrant his arraignment?

6. Police rushed to court without taking Melaye's statement which is ( strange to legal proceedings).

7. Not minding the police flaws and desperation, Melaye's lawyer wrote them detailing them of his client's willingness to tow the line of due process.

8. Now its clear, they want to interrogate Melaye in the middle of a case that is already before a competent court?

9. Even if they have a new case against distinguished Sen Dino Melaye, it is expected that they must write the Senate President stating the fact.

Gentlemen of the press, fellow Nigerians, we are all aware that Sen Dino Melaye have undergone serious maltreatment, manhandling and his fundamental rights is been trampled upon, abused, grossly eroded, challenged and attempt to be molested under the purview of President Buhari.

We're currently in an Hobbesian state of nature where life is poor, solitary, nasty, brutish and short.

Finally, we call on all Nigerians from all works of life to rise up in this rescue mission, where a life a maverick Senator of the FRN, Dino Melaye is placed on danger and about to be cut-short.

Thank you all.


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