Wednesday 9 January 2019


Wife of Elder Leke Abejide at the campaign ground

The candidate of African Democratic Congress for Yagba Federal Constituency, Elder Leke Abejide stormed Ward4,ward3, ward2, ward1, Ilahi, Okeagi and Ijagbe wars and community under Mopa-Amuro LG where he was received by the young and old people of the community, while in attendance, ADC Ijagbe ward party chairman appreciated Elder Leke Abejide for the good work he has done for the good people of Yagba federal constituency and prayed for his success at the polls.

The women representative, the political Leaders, community elders and the whole community of ijagbe thanked elder Leke for deem it fit to come dawn to their community and familiarize with the people, they all showed appreciation for Elder Leke's kind gestures towards the welfare of the people. While praying for the resuscitator of good governance in Yagba Land, (Leke) the Ijagbe youth Leader gave a candid advise for Elder Leke Abejide while giving the advise he demanded for youth empowerment and the erection of electricity poles which had fell down for many years.

The representatives of Tiv and Bassa community also showed appreciation to Elder Leke for the good work he has done for the community and pledged their total support and solidarity to his aspiration.

Elder Leke in his response appreciated the people of Ijagbe for showering on him a lot of encomiums and plaudits, he promised not to disappoint the good people of Yagba federal constituency. He said he is going to give out soft loans to the women without interest and youths empowerment, promised boreholes and not to disappoint the Royal Fathers. He prayed for the development of Yagba Land.

While in Iloke Mopa-Amuro the Baale of the village, Samuel Bolorunduro Rowland gave his royal blessings to Elder Leke Abejide, he described Leke as a very respectable and humble personality, he said he has been looking forward to meeting him but thank God he came around.

The people of ward 04 Mopa Amuro came out en masse to show their solid support to the ADC candidate, they said ADC  is a new party but it came strong because it has come to serve the interest of the people and they have resolved to do everything within their capacity to make sure that all ADC candidates in the constituency are elected.

Elder Leke while addressing the good people of ward 04 Mopa Amuro encouraged them to support and vote ADC.

Ward 03 Baptist were not also left out in the campaign as they came out to show their support to Elder Leke Abejide.

The spokes person for the ward said they are not voting party rather they are voting Elder Leke Abejide who has been assisting the community in terms of social infrastructures and welfarism.

They all sang and show their happiness to Leke  and his entourages.

The youths of ward 03 also came out to support Leke, they said they are 100% for ADC.

The youth leader of ward 03 said Elder Leke is a youth and he has come to satisfy the needs of the youth, therefore he deserve our 100% support.

The National Association of Okun students Ekiti State (EKSU) chapter presented an award of Excellence to Elder Leke Abejide as their patron.

Our campaign train visited the community of Ilai in Mopa Amuro, where Elder Leke paid courtesy visit to the Royal father and Elders of Ilai community as they humbly received and prayed for him.

Hon. Gadaffi the DG Leke Abejide Foundation solicits their supports for Elder Leke saying that the candidate is their son and he is contesting under the umbrella of our great party ADC. He said he knows the king is a descendant of Ife.

He therefore said we should hold strongly what we have, because Elder Leke is a good man with integrity.
Elder Leke thanked the King for his support and the resilience of the people of Ilai, he said things are about to get better if only they can join hands together in unity, because he believes that the development of a community is a collective responsibility that we all have to work towards, it is not a man's duty but a joint responsibility that calls for all our attention in totality

He thanked everyone for their consequential support that he knows it will bring forth good things to Yagba Land.

While addressing the people of ward 02 elder Leke expressed his profound gratitude to them for coming out to show their unflinching support to him and the party as a whole, he said in no time free medical outreach will kick start, where children under age 5 downwards will benefit from, nevertheless the pregnant women are not left out. He wants people to go into agriculture so that there will be enough food for the people.

He said the youths are not left out in his agenda as he is a youth and knows their worth in the society. He said ADC is a party for all, because they have what it takes to give back to the society.
The people of ward 01 Mopa Amuro came out to show their support to Abejide.

MRS COMFORT PHILIP said she has benefited from the fund Elder Leke gave to them to start business, while speaking she prayed for Elder Leke that she thought they were going to return themoney but to their surprise the money was meant to strengthen their business and help them grow.

The women who benefited from the money came out to thank him.

Elder Leke addressed the crowd at ward 01 Mopa Amuro, he expressed his gratitude to the people for their turn out and support, he said the Liberation of Yagba is his utmost priority and he won't want the people to trade it for anything else.

He asked the people of Mopa Amuro to come out and vote massively for all ADC candidates.

The campaign tour of Mopa-Amuro ends today as Yagba East kick start immediately.

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