Tuesday 29 January 2019

Governor Bello’s Three Years In Office, A Monumental Failure- Kogi ADC.

January 27th is not an auspicious time for Kogi State, bedevil by index of denigrating socio-political conditions. Rather than a fiesta, the Kogi State government of All Progressive Congress(APC) should use the occasion of the anniversary for self-assessment and sober reflection.

It is in the best interest of our collective humanity that we use this period to identify and analyse how we have managed (or mismanaged) the billions of Naira accrued to the state since the Government took over, with the lessons to determine how best to forge a better future by avoiding the pitfalls of the past.

Today, it’s unfortunate that the State government can not till the moment pay all the entitlement owed civil servants in the state with unpaid salaries and pensions running into 24months, it was strange that inspite of the huge amount that came in form of bailout, Paris Club Refund and Ecological funds in the last three years many workers were still being owed several months arrears ranging from 5 to 24 months, while some have been receiving percentages of their salaries.

After three years, the government can not accurately give account of N20 billion PARIS Refund(N11.21bn, N6.02bn and over N6 billion in the first, second and third tranches respectively), what about the N20 billion Bailout funds received and the withdrawer of N450 million Kogi ecological fund without due process.
The Kogi state government in the last three years have also plunged the state into debt to the tune of N16 billion between May 2017 and January 2018.

After three years, our hospitals still suffer from scarcity of funds for operation, obsolete equipment, power failure, incessant doctors' strike and poor working environment. As it were, only the rich can afford better healthcare services in mostly privately owned hospitals.

After Three years, Eighty Eight(88) medical doctors resigned from Kogi civil service over poor condition of service.

After three years, the state of insecurity in Kogi is worrisome. Armed banditry, kidnapping, political thuggery, assassinations and militancy have gradually become the order of the day.

Just the other day, at the ADC campaign rally, members of our party were attacked with dangerous weapons at Anyigba and OFU which led to damaging of our campaign buses, cars and office equipments. Some of our members were also hospitalized.

After three years of APC government, Kogi have no single project to commission.

After three years, Kogi, which receives over N3 billion as federal allocation cannot even properly account for anything. And the political leaders who presided over this plundering of our common wealth still walk the streets freely.

The upcoming 2019 elections must be our collective responsibility and should be a watershed and complete break from the past. We urge Kogites to come out and subsequently vote for all credible candidates of African Democratic Congress(ADC) in the State, irrespective of tribe and religion.

The era of hijacking the political process by all comers and rascals must come to an end.
All well meaning Kogites should give their best to put Kogi back on track by voting ADC into power.

As we reflect and reminisce, the African Democratic Congress enjoins all Kogites to join hands to move the State forward by being politically conscious and aware of the fact that, at the end our action and inaction will determine what future tomorrow holds.

Bashir Ibrahim Ellah
Kogi ADC Publicity Secretary.

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