Thursday 7 March 2019


Your Royal Majesties,

It has become necessary to write this open letter to you all in view of the impending mayhem planned by certain individuals during and after the Assembly election on 9th day of March, 2019.
As custodians of the culture and values of the people in your respective domains, the well being of the people is your responsibility and duty. It is therefore reasonable to expect that actions and pronouncements from Palaces across Okunland will be that which will enhance peace.
The peaceful conduct of the Presidential and National Assembly election should be a thing of joy for Your Majesties because it reaffirmed the noble attributes of Okun people. This impressive and laudable conduct must be strengthened and maintained if you all truly desire development for our people. Okunland is now the envy of our cohabitors in the Kogi enclave and any attempt to negate this positive trend should attract your collective wrath and condemnation.
The silence and nonchalance of Your Majesties about the agony of majority of your people is regrettable. No one is suggesting that you become antagonists of government but giving advice to those in authority based on the true position of things with your people is not asking for too much.
Political appointees have displayed so much disdain and disrespect to Your Royal stools as they no longer regard your persons and the revered thrones you seat on.
The election of 9th March, 2019 is not the first and will certainly not be the last in Okunland and it is left to Your Majesties to decide on which side of history you wish to be judged by your actions or lack of same amidst the planned violence to be unleashed on your people by desperate appointees who value keeping their present political offices more than the peace of Okunland and the lives of the people.
You have been informed of the plans to make the next election a do or die affair and have failed to reprimand those behind it as fathers ought to do when forced to deal with children who attempt to set the house of fire. Your Majesties have become accessories after the fact and if/when the plans are executed, the land and our ancestors will surely ask questions.
It is a known fact, that some of you have openly approved and given tacit approval to those bent on disrupting the peace in Okunland; at the appropriate time, account will be given of roles played by everybody.
I end this letter, Your Majesties with a plea that you call those involved to order and if possible invoke curses on those planning to turn Okunland into a theatre of war in the quest to satisfy their paymaster.
If the Governor is disappointed with the apparent lack of confidence in his leadership by Okun people as expressed with their votes, the reasonable thing to do is for him to identify areas he has failed as a leader and make amends instead of subtly arm twisting his appointees to wage war against their people.
A King whose reign is peaceful and prosperous will never be forgotten and the King who supervised the destruction of his community will also be remembered though negatively.

Yours sincerely,
Posi Botun
A Concerned Okun daughter.

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