Tuesday 14 April 2020

POHAN Felicitates with Christian faithfuls, task all to emulate the sacrifice and love demonstrated by Jesus on Easter

The organised National body for Former and Serving Public Office Holders Association in Nigeria, POHAN felicitates with Christians on the celebration of this year easter.

The Easter which is an annual sacred anniversary celebration of the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself to die for humanity and later rose on the third day after following 40 days fasting period of intercession and concluded with the Easter celebration.

In a felicitation statement released to the press in Abuja the nation's capital by the Chief press secretary, signed by the National President of the body, Chief Deola Eseyin, the brief which communicates the Associations best wishes to the Christian faithfuls at the eve of this year easter celebration.

He noted that, this year easter is coming at a trying time to the nation and the whole world  which is more reason  why it is the best season to reflect and emulate the teaching and the  sacrifice  of Jesus Christ.

The brief  which futher stated that Jesus love and sacrifice is the reason for the season and therefore urge all and sundry to imbibe and show love to one another as demonstrated by Jesus Christ who gave up himself for the liberation of the world.

He also added that as a nation we must utilised the sufficiency of God's mercy that comes  with the season to make demands for God intervention on the global pandemic ravaging the world and that he may heal our land. He concluded by calling for show of love to one another and upholding the lessons of Jesus demonstrated sacrifice.

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