Sunday 2 September 2018


As the countdown to the People's Democratic Party primary election draws  nearer, there have been different political intrigues and horsetrading leading to how candidates will emerge among the array of aspirants running for the various available offices in the land. A lot of political watchers and analysts have attempted to analyse what the possible outcome will look like and who really the cap fits without any clearview of who will most likely emerge as the candidate of the party.

So far, there are aspirants from every part of the federal constituency jostling for the ticket of the party and they have all been going round the thirty wards of the federal constituency to seek the support of the delegates. One factor is very important to determine how far the party will go in the general election and it is the ability of the party to throw up a very popular candidate who will posses the popularity and acceptability that is strong enough to guarantee victory in the not too far general election, knowing fully well that PDP is an opposition party at both the state and national level. This factor is more important, given the experience of the party in the state in recent time, particularly with the intolerance and high handedness of the Governor of the state during elections. The last bye election that took place recently at the Lokoja/Kogi federal constituency is a clear testimony of what will likely take place in the 2019 general election. This and many other factors are strong reasons why the party must field a candidate that has the experience, popularity and acceptability that will guarantee victory in the general election.

This very important factor is the reason why the party must carefully choose her candidate. So far there are Mr Yomi Bello from Kabba, Mr Okesuji Obatoyinbo from Iyamoye, Hon Segun Ojo from Ikoyi, Mr S.O Adeleye from Aiyere and Arc Salman Idris from Aiyegunle Gbede contesting for the ticket of PDP and a careful look at the names reveals that they hail from various ends of the federal constituency and if they can all agree to work together for one of them in the general election, their even spread has the capacity to deliver the party to victory in the election.

Looking carefully at the credentials, antecedents and experience of all the aforementioned aspirants, it is easy, safe and almost 100% correct to conclude that only two aspirants have the needed political experience and antecedents that can withstand the political battle that is ahead, most especially against the ruthless and very vociferous government candidates that would be fielded by the All Progressive Congress.

While this analysis is not in anyway an attempt to underrate or reduce the personality of the other three green horns contesting in the election, it is a genuine expression of concerns of a faithful party loyalist who is interested in the success of the party.

Before I go further in this analysis, let me commend the tenacity, rescilience and commitment of Mr Yomi Bello, Mr S.O Adeleye and Mr Okesuji Obatoyinbo for their matured campaigns, various empowerment initiatives and painstaking movements that must have cost them so much in terms of time, energy, intellect and reaources. These exposed, matured and fine gentlemen are nothing short of heroes of democratic development and youth inclusiveness in our federal constituency.

As we count days to the primary elections of our great party, it is very important to state most unambiguously that the officials, delegates and leaders of our party must consider very meticulously the factors that determine winning or losing elections, especially at a time the party is in the opposition without state or federal resources to prosecute elections at a time like this.

The first factor that our great party must consider is the political experience and sound knowledge of our political terrain in the federal constituency. Events of recent past have shown that our great party must change gear and embrace the new realities of the facts on ground, which is that the party is currently in opposition both in the state and at the national level, the kind of opposition that is being hounded, persecuted and at instances incercerated for trumped up charges by the government of the day.

The party therefore must realize that the factors that were being considered in the time past have become obsolate and inapplicable given the current dynamics of political realities. Among the aspirants currently contesting, Arc Salman Idris stands tall and outstanding in terms  of experience and commitment to delivering the party even with his personal resources in the last seven years. He remains the only one among the aspirants who have paid his dues, led campaign of PDP aspirants, he has moved for the party and her aspirants to all the towns and villages that makes up the federal constituency. His commitment thus far is unassailable and invaluable.

Another very important factor that must not be waved away is the finance to prosecute election, the introduction of the "Buy and see" idea to the political system.
The biting economic realities the current government has put the nation into is a factor that has made the electorates more vulnerable to monetizing their electoral franchise, this ugly reality that manifested abundantly in the recently conducted elections in Ekiti, Kogi and others. The results of those elections are topical discussions in the public space that have brought our nation into public opprobrium and international embarrassment of unimaginable dimension.

Our party if indeed is ready to win election must carefully consider the factor of a generous aspirant who is capable of giving the ruling party the needed financial war chest to win the election.

Arc Salman is an individual that is known to have given to the people for very many years without political ambition, he has sank boreholes in 7 communities across the federal constituency seven years ago when he never anticipated he would contest elections, this to me is a perfect way to demonstrate patriotism, service and selflessness. Arc Salman Idris has been paying JAMB registration fees in  the last three years, he has empowered individuals  in their hundreds and has become a household name in our federal constituency that can win elections. It is therefore my passionate appeal that our party leaders and delegates considers the sterling qualities of Arc Salman Idris and give him the ticket to bring home our desired victory.

Abiola Ajisafe writes from Okedayo, Kabba

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