Thursday 7 May 2020


Finally, after weeks of complete shutdown of government, economic and commercial activities in Lagos, Ogun states, and the FCT, by the Federal Government, residents heaved a sigh of relief; albeit temporarily, as they now "enjoy" days, week, and two weeks of reprieve.

Perhaps, following on the Federal Government's decision to "soften" the pains, complaints, and anger of people, some state governments have equally done the same.

One may not go into the merit and demerit of this decision. Also, it may not be necessary to analyse the wisdom or otherwise of such action by the Federal Government and some states government.

However, though a layman in health matters, but being a bonafide citizen of this great nation; a very concerned one at that, I state with every sense of responsibility that, one is very very worried with this decision.

Going by empirical studies, and developing reports from countries around us that took similar decisions weeks past, one is very worried that there may be serious consequence.

Indeed, with what transpired in the FCT, as well as Lagos and Ogun states on Monday, May 4th (first day of the "relaxed-lockdown), one do not need to be a top-class epidemiologist, physician or scientist to know the likely after-effect of this decision.

As it is, the dangers will be more than what we are currently experiencing. No doubt, the infection rate and positive cases of Covid19 will be on a high.

Somehow, there has been different theories, reasons and analyses given by many Nigerians for the "relaxed-lockdown" decision by the FG and some states government. Some argue that it was in response to the apparent complaints, anger and vilification of Nigerians. Many others see it as a strategic move by government to shy away from her core responsibility of taking care of the citizenry. Pushing this thought further, they submitted that having being overwhelmed, and overstretched by the enormity of the economic, health, social, and fiscal challenges that Covid19 has thrown the country into, the "relaxed-lockdown" was a face-saving measure.

For me, since decisions, rightly or wrongly, has been taken by the government, there is nothing anybody can do, at least now, than to abide by it.

My concern is the welfare of the average Nigerian on the streets of our cities, towns, villages and communities across the length and breath of the nation. True, the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs & Disaster Management, has being distributing food, cash and other relief materials to the poor, needy, and vulnerable Nigerians. Though this  with very good intentions, but it thus appears that the exercise is frought with complaints.

While one commends government for such strategic decision, but the palliative process, as it stands at the moment, requires some rejig and fine-tuning. For the palliative measures to percolate to the real Nigerians who are in dire need of succour, support and help, there has to be an immediate, timely, and necessary re-shaping, re-tooling, and re-positioning of the present approach.

One is convinced that, with proper management, focus and drive, the little resources rolled out by the Federal Government can do a lot. With the right, proper, and appropriate distribution matrix and formular, many Nigerian homes and families will be enthusiastic, and proud beneficiaries of whatever economic stimulus and palliatives that the government gives out, in fulfilling her responsibilities to the citizenry.

Member representing Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency,
House of Representatives,
National Assembly,
Wednesday, May 6th, 2020.

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