Monday 25 May 2020


By Musa Asiru Bakare

Becoming a shining light in the midst of darkness, to galvanizing a broad-based support both within and outside ones domain in raising funds,
materials, drugs etc.towards alleviating the impact of whatever pandemic, to drive a Relief Response Strategy in the interest of the most vulnerable, poverty stricken and massively indigent people of any nation, as harculean as the task can be, it  is without doubt one of the noblest thing any man can indulge himself in.

The task of cajoling, talking and preaching towards convincing people into buying into such agenda is most strenaouse indeed requiring every honesty one can possibly muster.

A story was told of an  atheist  that was invited to serve God by his friend, the middle aged man always felt that those that are called to serve were wasting their time. In one of such invitations that the atheist obliged and attended ,the presiding minister asked everyone to ask God for just one thing. The friend prayed for one thing: the atheist's repentance.

The atheist got angry, left the  service  and rushed to a bar where he ordered for a cold beer. On tasting it, it was like poison in his mouth. Going to another bar, it was the same experience. He decided to go back to the church. On getting to the church this second time, he noticed tears dropping down his cheeks. Something had happen to him. From then, he became a zealous servant of God and was later ordained a minister. This could very well be the experience of the initiators in their dream and vision that gave birth to the project that is  possibly the most formidable Relief Response Agenda ever undertaken  in Okunland

For men and women who noticing that the life of the people of their community is in perilous state in the face of a threateninig pandemic and took it upon themselves to call others together to canvass for succour  for the betterment of the people.
Any member of the community who heed such a call should consider himself or herself highly privileged to have been invited to be offered a very rare  opportunity towards bequeathing legacies that will continue to positively sing and shout his or her praises after he or she had long transmutted away from this side of eternity.

When it filtered out that some very noble Okun sons and daughters are calling themselves together to offer to their fatherland the Pan-Okun Covid-19 Relief Response agenda, i remembered the very beautiful Okunland i was born into a little over six decades ago.

Okunland had always relied on themselves in the socio economic growth and development efforts of their land. They were never the type to sit idly and complain to high Heavens that somebody somewhere is marginalising them. Most of the schools,ie Missionary Schools,roads, health facilities and other countless infrastructures occupying the landscape were built through community tasking efforts; little wonder Okun Nation was one of the most advanced in their days in Northern Nigeria,later in Kwara state and
in almost every sphere of human endeavor

With a deeper - reflective look at the very well crafted position paper that heralded the coming of the agenda i remember also Nehemiah the son of Nachallah in the Holy scripture. Nehemiah was recorded to have wore a sad countenance in the presence of Artaxerxes the King, a grave offence capable of attracting death sentence those days.The king asked him why is your contenance sad ! Nehemiah under the very heavy surge of the Holy spirit respectfully asked the king in response;why should not his countenance be sad when his fatherland is in ruin.

Hear also the response of the position paper to the palpable crises in our fatherland ..... " It is common knowledge that over 90% of our people in Okunland were already poverty stricken even before the outbreak of
Covid-19 pandemic"

Hardly had the  position paper made public when the very noble sons and daughters of Okunland began reacting positively.

Nehemiah said his God put into his heart to gather together the nobles.....that they might be reckoned by genealogy'

The visioners of Pan-Okun   Covid-19 pandemic Relief Response agenda like Nehemiah must have remembered the words of  Jeremiah in the book of Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 50 "Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still...and let Jerusalem come into your mind"

The very patriotic Okun sons and daughters though in their relatively comfortable positions in life, like Nehemiah in the palace in Shushan considered it unpardonable sin to forget Okunland, their own Jerusalem this made them develop serious burden which could not be shaken off by whatever circumstances around them .

These patriotic passions, love and concern for Okunland and indeed Okun people clearly brought about the vision and strategies as well as the commitment to think of a deep-seated palliative measure through practical involvement

One thing is however apparent in life; that whenever a great son of the land says let us arise and build our fatherland. There usually will also arise such  like Sanballat and Tobiah and their forces; that will arise in opposition and attempt to outwit them.

Great men and women in the crops of Chief (Dr) Kola,CFR. son of Jamodu,  Prof. Olu son of Obafemi, Gen. David (Rtd) mni, CFR son of Jemibewon , Prof. Eyitayo son of Lambo, Chief Asani son of Sunmonu, Chief Bayo  SAN. son of Ojo, Dr. Stephen son of Olorunfemi,Gen.Julius O (Rtd). son of Oshanupin , H.E Clarence son of Olafemi, Rt.Hon. James Abiodun son of Faleke, Hon Leke son of Abejide, Vice Admiral Joseph  (Rtd),son of Ajayi, Chief Emmanuel O. Son of Otitoju, Amb. Paul Babatunde son of Fadumiyo. Mr Umar Shuaba son of  Adoga, Olori Margaret wife of Orebiyi, Dr. David son of Atte, Chief J. Owojaye
Eng. Emmauel son of Ajibero, Prince Olusola son of Akanmode,
Chief Funsho son of Owoyemi, H.E. Yomi son of Awoniyi, Amb.Sola son of Enikanolaiye, Prof.Mathew son of Ajibero, Dr.Ronke daughter of Bello, Prof.Rotimi son of Ajayi, Mrs Afolashade wife of Joseph, Barrister Babatunde son of Irukera, Prof.Kolawole son of Tunji, Senator Smart son of Adeyemi, Senator Dino son of  Melaye,Hon.Teejay son of Yusuf, David Sola son of Aiyedogbon, Hon. Sunday son of Karimi, Hon.Samuel son of Aro, Hon.T J. son of Faniyi, Hon.Shola son of Ojo, Rt Hon.Mathew son of  Kolawole, Barrister Femi son of Mokikan, Barrister Sam son of Morito, ....

And many more noble and valiant personalities whose names is in the book of records and shall be unveiled in the anal of historical Chronicle of Okun Nation are simply doing the little they can in giving back.
Desiring to serve in this Relief Response Agenda in whatever capacity, even as an external donor is a highly privileged and a noble decision indeed.

It will be unfortunate if any  of Okun son and daughter are not able to discern the real spirit and meaning this project or what it will ultimately bring to bear on our social landscape.
Okun Yoruba people of Kogi State are engaged in the battles of life,what to eat, health challenges etc and can ill afford the coming of  a pandemic of the proportion of Covid-19 or its current economic fallout.

We, as a people however need to remain strong and fervent in prayers for our land.

Okun should realise that  the battle this time, the bane of our limitations is the "enemy within" our archenemy, agents of the devil ever ready to throw up discontents and misunderstanding making it look like we cannot bond and be united.

In the spirit of this new chapter, we should be determined never again to relapse back to the old days of disunity.
Never giving up, believing that victory has been won for us by the advent of the Relief Response Agenda.

A large family in an African village was said to have wanted to build a hall. The family was tired of having their children spend huge sums of money on halls during weddings. It was a good line of action but some of the members of the family gave excuses and stayed away. One day, one of the sons of the men who refused to contribute wanted the hall for his wedding. He was asked to pay like others. But all those who contributed to build the hall used it anytime without paying, as long as it was available. Today, the hall is so important that people use it for conferences, church programmes and meetings. And for every payment for the hall, those who contributed have some financial benefits.

Let us learn from the wisdom,experiences and the danger of remaining on the fence and be ready always to be counted among the few that are willing when many are offered the very rare privilege of been in the called.

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