Tuesday 25 December 2018

Yulitide felicitation to the good people of Kogi West from Distinguished Senator Dino Melaye

I wish to specially celebrate this year's Christmas with the entire constituents of Kogi West Senatorial District, thanking God for His protection over us all despite the pains and hardship presently experienced, with the hope of a better 2019 ahead of us.

Christmas and the lessons of Jesus Christ’s mission on earth have great significance for us as a people and there can be no doubt that we all, irrespective of our religious beliefs, can draw immense strength and inspiration from the Messiah’s enduring personification of selflessness, dedication to duty, and  commitment to the well-being of  others.

The virtues and ideals of peace, tolerance,  faithfulness, honesty, justice, fairness, true wisdom, knowledge and understanding which He taught and exemplified also remain very relevant to us in Kogi State and  Nigeria as we continue to grapple with the challenges of development and nation-building.

I therefore seize the opportunity of the Christmas celebrations to express my sincere appreciation, once again, to the vast majority of patriotic kogi westerners who have kept faith with us this far.

Dear Compatriots, we are also celebrating this Christmas against the background of preparations for next year’s general elections. I therefore want to reassure you all that I shall continue to do only those things that will bring progress and development to kogi west for the mandate you will place on me to continue to represent you at the Red Chamber of the National Assembly come February 2019.

We will continue to count on your support and cooperation, as well as your prayers for peace, stability and progress of our beloved nation and Kogi state in particular.
Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a prosperous 2019.

S. A on Media

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